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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1985, p. 9

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Classified Ads (Conlinued tfrom pag( 1l) HEI.P ',%ANT1EI) CLERK/ýTREASURER/ TAX C'(OI LECTORreite iitttulp ol Hunigerforit iHasîingsCtîiy.Miucpl peeieisaiqte ment. Preferece wu ýNli he giveut tii applucaut fi tf i , îitttîîu t 3 v s. municipal eeriece and ialit A 1 desiguta In ii quisalhetli rec iu ed acc.ouInIing ,or rlated cerntulcue aai c knowtedgc tiIlandtiliseplautut îng ani eonng laws ndlutît inîtuci lultuttII i lxtI ptlrred.Ap poiltted pe ,o I ll bh esoiibefuato ual] îîryd (i esti CIek s tii tIll" rîtunitipal auis.uulha rd led tuisop eai a l ttituti i i wîlu uali m lietoi niepreîc actci eifus Atxîîîsîîî shît.IIh uarked APPICATION" ý-ami tui be tîcaiewnut xît a[nhpo uigrod uis 568, Tweed , tItaIu ,10ol \N ýNi H) tJ) t Il OUSEW ýi I VhSIl ANTE111W irk I roti tîtîîte.)Situ1 tiiî l u niFs . e soni trehouefott. oi dtis, nXitooiM R sAIduc i îu dîîuî part\inîe1,R ltt1 îîîe Cat[ I e Mapte Pn\1 t1, s1 f1 1,6 1, 1t 857 1 Catýi9as ne.(1f66 21 ri p.m.ai t he Cautada k 1Far ni Sho , NF oitix u iuuiiIi,,li i îueu u.onict ia ', Lvuîhurîîr.RR .Caxut ci t.I R t 0 (4 957 3695.LliC ý 1IFl1 14 Seynîour Steet.Vutoier 6B '3N9 604) 82 636 McýLean LEA MARKET. 1Lndsay, Sait rdav aiid Sundas. F ain Il duce, new andd f iea im, 50 ',drswac. 73 24-2781 Get sonie 1PINZOýNA. Do,, u b jo oalab as-aie pi Recive a f ree brochmuai amnple froi a(antiai aaîîac Emblematî ewlry ox7 Rodne, Ot)naaîîoNOI, 2( 1(5 7&362. tdiy Mlike Singleton- Fecderauion of' Ontario Naturalists ( OLD SNAPS SHAPE. OUR WILDLIF1E Aylime nmw, \we211fen dure Canl exîreine cotd sîî'ap onle ofil hose -30 degree C, freezers when ihe siiOw\eimt- chles beneaîh fiool, aîîd iie ait sîabts ai your îhrotý. Hw youtwneeu wlff survive sueh tastes More tiha ma 11ltr i if de> ie ýourires îdwfff jpputatiotîsý. 0 ded xxhieh svifdffosxer we'fsee anîd wtîat îee\xiff omprise our tlorcqt.ts, wtittt arcîî't- adapîcd are qui, kfs wîvped' frontiîlietîCsep Tfîose adapî cd, î fiouuei eiî fer body tir bcfîa tot sîtîxîxe anîd ttIourixfI. To t he bit ds anîd tîatîîîafs oUtlitihet e, bodies at e so)piixtictcced tgilles. Ifies diivc on fiuf- foodi. And, îfîey îîeed etîougt f cef boîhto keep the tmachitne warm and Io keep il -working. Periods of exlreîiîe cold are precisel wteiethey îîeed Illee mosl fuel Pro- tM et (519) i/t ~m3?B F- (46t " -8419 - tut balance irapid heail osx Io Il I tt ol nvrnmn ,ad Ioi kcecp ihe lbody noviti îlirotîgh i Som atîd ice, 10 t ced. W b hout n o ugh fult]ii balatnce [Ihexe tîeeCds, t11w macheline stops and Ilhé anllima) di"s. îîîatke our surv\Ivorsl ces î ar! fscna tg.Sorieý, (il lOih IL, Lo iiI i tc xx ar rtîrtd o) fake o t(Ilsot tiopf ff, de 1tie lir blartkeIli ltîder*i fi , s IoI[ i rtîav bcel a bttlvO \ eeC. wtîiu.tistay boe tc now arte icnosi miii ees>iîg. A ptcfi,, rabeh dcoi (ili iti tugequtii ies o> at oîttd in 'st(m , iîrtptypick], OUI a tavouile ienîtock, tarch or-pine whfich wýitt serve as the enlire winîer's tarder. Up il goesý, 1 spenld the winîer munching ils way Muoiîbidareui'î,ncrlas a ael ive as lhC weren ,batmyi', DCember)C. c ardinals,sar rosLhiekadees and eveju grosbeaks spend much of the l unefufedtpnonfrui l h (2j hetcrd Itocaiions". deiiset searetîîîg foi food. WîîodpecLkers, (lg10CtfitteIils feedet tîexity durit\i[eh îîîairtotîias ttaifi1I sai Lh tnany as 2001L, Cor nliot e dee fias asecî, I equ CI 'a'1 , ipor ilf1îough ic eeo sowo Tisi equalion, oif finding eugh>ul food eîîergy to balance îhaî needed 10 move blnd.A shghi reduclion i tIo(d or) inicase in energy consurnIpIioII - eiîher Io keep wvarmihroug0Lh a fri1gid Inight or for a dleer îeî fiee a dog -catlil)ipIhe balance. Suich frigid wabrptays ain mprairole in defining Ihe bhoundaries of individual lailanld aimal species, and of' Mhote Ioicsîtypes. The 'beit' aongihe norîh shore of, Lake riforiexatePl, ix moderaîed byI, he Greaîd Lakes. l doesn'îgel îheex- reme eod, ad aa res1cuil a wtd vriîyo) eoic' itttip and kenIIucky coffee trce, pîkt :ea actus, red- bellied wopeesand f'fowverîn ýdogwo),J od name bu, a1iey1'U couped ithother fco'., tike sno\wfalt, lhelp define flic edge beîweecn mixed and spruice f'orest, and the nor- îhern edg for a hiost of birds, repflçs ar n ammiials,.fin flic absence Of one -species, another thr ives. E ven ihough her harshesi l'ace, nature keeps our coun- tryside vibrant and varied. USED DIELSSfor 1/2 -I1roît Trucks. LC/W53 pd. () O 1)93 Phn_L60 2-3611 or (604) 980-1765. Write 110 Woolîîdgc, (o- quidlam, B.C. V3k 54. QUONSET ST1EELi BUILD 1)INGS Winter work programi. Bu\ direct frm the faiory. N, isrbuo or Dealer mark-up. Maux szes availablc. Immiiediate or sprtng deivery. Calil tol-free 1-8(-387-4910. Miracle Span Steel Huildlings. f/c SIEEL BUJILDINGiS Manufacturera Clearance. Liimîted quantities. Bu,, Nowý. Imdaeor splihg delivery no interest o0stragJcat ges. Substaniial discouints ding sý ale. C aîl toll free 1-800-461-7689. (Area Code 807 cal) (705) 335-5972.) MPESYRkUP nîaktng sppies, wandti tietieqaiptulcatici t Iainiers, etc. Wýrite for tee pice tsi. At kinsotti Maplle Syrutp Supplies. R.R. 1, Barre, Onîaio L4M1 4Y8, (705> 722-;333). a c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -SLASONS" anadal'slst litante i Coloîte Aitalysts andi (ilaitout. Seasons Consuiltant earttiitg 1110$311)/Dus! Read )ou- i soî\ page 92. Jin. Chielaineu. Acadletny f1atîîing.Supplies, Seasotis( îtîîts kiti Care, Silk Scares, eplca Irtuts.( areis. t 818)-387-l3)99(Ioi tit i c BUSINESS PERSONAI, Ilf Yoa i ke 1FLOWERS andi ARDN I N(iYî'l se hsoppollult Sylo eartt exra mt ot r spare11 M I Iiie I i k etittie a hi aîtolspli t îg. Saîtîple availahie for $0.St I cîjoigurntet t mitri iisba k. For informnationi ples s i:.at.Jk (.M tîse& Ascai 1901 Somterset St. W., Swite 1)2, (taa anada ,3fa(014. PERSONAI, MEET1 YOUR MANI III 1or ail ages atdîti ttittaciieti. Iiitîsani, is mebers anx l iioîs uitîe o.Ptig,e Aciaittiaiie. (ail titI tee \V()U LD(MOLi11ike trespoitd, a 1 it i utitati i utted 1p- 1etipl aiiiiad a and U.S.A. wtt h tîte tîbjet.tbeîthum îtpat-, îist iI utteAsigiît ise2821 E. Art hur St rceet Thundet Bas. Otîtiarîti 1'71 S P1,liIittttaiti CAREEýR TRAîNINC CAREER I1 RC'1.frtsîr rsesiedt.Nusstcttt ontain fori<urCasmm lctse -tipelo t i c andtitub latetîtetî inforiimi o conaý[ct Mrs011rt aîtpii Dis t F'ittg (. attîbrdg 59)623-2430-. Titroît(416)25-17 FOR SAI i. i GUARANTEEI17) lBFS [ PRIlCEL $ MaîîîîfaIkcîîîerif l'Qîttîtîsc buildingLs cleariîîg tilit eiiu iiiigîdd ilC uilditIts U iii40 1t i edîted. Sacrifie ies. Iirst conte ilîrsi scseti.! lexible uItdetiset slate. (a ilt (416) 486-51J49. t c HBUSINESS OIPPOI I UNITIES GAIN BIG PROFITS hf nu i tai itîs es-t îtii II Ie uts ciiiourx idcii ifcation fielti. 1ractie vok wtt1Iciwil andiIîsîaîeI îîs ii a proven syti svhnlîpvides itiiiiiitý ed ritIts. (tîtîtci .1). Vîdeti Serices In., 1251 Nîtîtti Side Rîîud. uriigtii. iiario I -7M 1117. CARLER IRAININC CAREER IN TRUC..KINI. rttpit rscstceidNtw ixlietitîie il, iirin foryour C'lass 'A" icense. I-or pesreîîî tt ihplacetiteti information contactMerv Oirrstraîîspîîrt Drisr 1traiitinglTorotito (416) 251-9073, Otawýa (613) 523-3489. FOR SALE FARMIERS: Spraved iirethite Iîîsuîatioîî. Qlîa1iîîy îorutI, sea! (>aii, pric e Cttfed i applic:attîs.LxprîttcInutagicult uraf ret ofît inlce 1975. (Caîl ~/ttth I tslalit,. f613>267-671 1, Box4611. Perthti.Oit ,ario K711 U-1. G\~ LOSAL TELEVIJOtu The other day a tough, young guy pushed me down a flight of stairs in a warehouse, 1 rolled over and over, my glasses feul off as 1 bumped dowvn the steps. Final- Iy, 1 was lying in a heap at the bottom of the staircase. Obviously, it was curtains for poor old Bramah. But, surprisingly, 1 got to my feet, shook my head, clutched my back for a moment then walked away unscathed. Global cameraman Terry Culbert: caught it ail on video. A little later, in the wvarehouse parking lot, we wat- ched the same hoodlum deliberately race a car into an unsuspecting citizen, throwing him up on the hood of the car. The victim rolled off, hit the payment, but then calmly got up and wvalked awvay - apparently none the worse for wear. The rascal doing ail this damage was Bob Parr, and when you see him in his offices at'Toronto's Eaton Cen- tre,. he appears to be a very pleasant young businessman. And he is. He heads Stunt Productions - a school for stuntmen. They're those intrepid types you see in movies and on TV who' faîl from cliffs, get -beat up in alleys, dive from balconies, run speeding cars off bridges and ail sorts of death-defying deeds. Or so it seems. Currently, there are about 30 students taking Bob's course and they ail say they love the work. It seems there's plenty of work for them too. Colin Steadman, one of the, students, has already been in a TV movie and has had parts in commercials. He was telling me he likes the excitement of the job, and the challenge it presents. -We're neyer actually riskirïg o ur lives," he said. -We're wvell-padded and know every move we're go- ing to make." Parr has always been in theatrical work, saw the need for a stunt school in Canada, and opened it last year. The course takes four rnonths, and a trained stunt per- son earns $350 a day for basic work. By the way, when Bob pushed me down the stairs, a stuntman took my place for the "roll," as they cai it. He simply changed into my outer clothing. Smooth camera work by Terry and tight editing at Global did the rest. That's why l'rn stili alive and well, and able to, tell you the story at ail. CAREER TRAINING F-REE Career (Guide descrihes 200) learn-aî-home c orrespondîceý Dîpîtîma courses: Actnin.Art, Bookkeepitig, BusîcM aîtag tint. Clerk TypFisî,Secretary, Jolirnisi , Te1uleiitSeciîîg i sel. Grattion <0A) 263 Adelaidc West lîtrîtîttî. I 81)0 268-1121. it's Nol ToointFae!Learui INOMIE 'TAX PREPARA 1ION Nîîw. Write: U & R Tax Scîtîtls, 217-1345 P'etîhitta IHwy. Winîtipeg, Mati. B3T 2B6. REWARDS Last nighl, I raiaed nmoney door-to- door f ,or the Kidney Fouindialfon of Canada. Yeah. me. Don't look so sur- prfsed. ltI ook an hieur, (bats att. MY squaah gamne? Ah, I cari ptay squash next week. No bfig dea). Any- way, 1t hought Id give my tegs a diff 1,erenit kind of workou t, t saw Ihis ad and I tihouiglE.Sorr, no limne.' Thien t1 houighl, What's one hour a night for a week?' t could sw ing thial. Ai-d if t coutd lhetp, why n o t? Welt. ýi t t ook me ( five trFiecs 1u get mny neve p ruknock on tfli i doo)r. Idc watk uip, turn around. then Waf k up again, Then t1 said. 'Hey, rno onie's going to shui lihe door in Ibis býeaut(futfae. And you know sometinig, il wýas fu1n. Il's Ifun makinmoey ýwhen you knwisgoing lo be used by people who realy ned il. %IV mothler tsed Ici say. 'Kinidness tooks good 0on yout.' lIlte lltou, il feets good tour. Retia(rds? Yo'tl seeC. BE A KIDNEYm"A VOLUNVTEER. JUST ONE HOUR A7NIGH "T FO0RÊA41WIEE K. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-361-7494 Ik THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION 0F CANADA 1 want to improve thse odds on life this Marcis. Name- -- Address- ICity-.- -Prov. _____ Postal Code __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone( jThse Kidiney Foundation of Canada Box 2670, Station -D" 340 Laurier Street West, Ottawa, Ontario KI P 5W7 LCharitable Tax Registration #0224980 13 oS

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