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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1985, p. 2

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I ÇtoUloNUP IiUt j Back to Pre-Regional Government Days j the decision of counicil memibers on Monday to mnake *no change in the distribution of garbage costs in the three gar-1 ~bage pick-up areas defies niot oly their own action in the past but defies the very principal and philosophy of the Regional form of governtnent. If this isn't bad enough but taxpayers in the Village of Orono and the Orono Estates are-on the costly end of the deci- sion. There was rnuch in the debate that was disappointing. One would have to question consideration of placing garbage costs on a unit basis whereby each household pays exactly the same amount in dollars and cents for garbage pick-up. It rnay sound reasonable but it negates the very basic principal of tax- ation for municipal purposes and even those for provincial and federal levels of governiment as Weil as boards of education. A unit base policy disregards the ability to pay which is basic in munîcpal taxes as in sale taxes and income tax Levies. If such a form was to be used there would be no purpose for miunicipalities to, seek either commercial or industrial assess- ment which, to quite a degree takes a burden off the residential taxpayer. Ted Woodyard was a strong supporter of the unit system but as Counc. Taylor so rîght ly pointed out there is no such thing as an equal distribution of costs and no doubt he was the only counicil member who appeared to be cognizant of the principal of taxation. If it was just to use the principal of unit costs for gar- bage then it would also be 50 in distributing costs to the varions arenas and in this Orono and Clarke Township would be in a great position. t seerns reasonable that counicil should have supported the principal of arnalgamnating ail three areas into one as they have done in street lighting. It would have been a step in defin- ing a clear direction for the Town when othier areas may want to join in the service of garbage collection and it could Weil be to their benefits. Such a move would have given somne relief to the Orono taxpayers. on average, and it would have eirninated mne- qualities which now are to continue as to the cost of this ser- vice in the three areas. Mayor Rickard andl Coune. Hamnre could see no reason to, make change even though for the saine service Newcastle residents pay, on average, $36.21, Bo-wmanville residents $5 7.56 andi Orono and the Estates residents $6L74. With amalgamation the sane charge, on average, would have been $54.96 resulting in a sýavings to our local residents of $6.80 which is well over a ten percent savings. Counc. Taylor is to be commirended in his approach to the issue certainly displayinig a fairniess, a view to the future and a clear understanding of the principals of' taxation. Stop the Press Bits Just before closeinig out the pages of the Timies this week we recived a caîl firm Madeline l-adley, South Orono, reporting the sighting of a robin on Sunday last. That has to be our first report this year . Don't forget this Saturday the Great Pine Ridge Kiniet- tes go wvith their annual Pub Nîght in the Orono Comminunity Centre. Tickets are nowx available. No redress for Orono taxpayers (Continued fromt page 1) property assessrnent and imiii rate, the charge wouid range from $M1.2 inBowmanvile, $57.44 ni Orono, $56.77 in Newcastle Village as in- diiduai identitis or $56.30 if the QhreeCentres wereý amaîgamated. Coune Wooyardsaid he supfported- the char-ges being on a unit hais rathe rta us- ing assessed value andth!!le Imii rate.He sinusing asseýssnmt-m1iil rate varies the charges cas s ILC 100M, percent. He said the figures pr)esenlted on11theasesn- mniii ratesytm ea nothig "and theefguesare going into thie press. M1ayor Riekard saidJ the figures were very good but he did not find reason enough to make a cangefrmthe pre- sent systemi. He saîdI Oronio and Newcastie collection wvas on a contract basis and',hle WOL.d lite to0 see this conI- tinue so as 1co make corri- parison with the T1 nsst, weeyCollection is mIadec through thepub1lic wýorksý djepairtment. Kýathryn Campbheliinformn- edl coni hat the t!ax decpartment wouîd vmuch ratlier tuse the ssmetm rate systemi than the unit systemr as information is availabie to the department using assessmnent-mnill rate. However she said it was possible to use the unit systemr but wNould require more work for the depart- mlent. Coune. Cowmilan spoke of the Courtice area. situation mhere it was costing reidents $78.00 a year trogha privae coliecr. )Aar Rickard said he had supportd the amalgamation of the thiree cenltresfor street ighinig but that garfbage ,vws noi qulite the samne. Coune. Cowman sstld by Couric. Hamre if she desired pmunicipal garbhage nik-ut in the Courtice area she shouid tal<e the mnatter to the people.Mayor Rickardi commented that if Counc. Coman thoughtreassess- mentwasa materot concerf for lhe peope in Coumiceh wouîd finti that garbage col- lection woufld raise even a greater couner. Counic Hubbard and Mlayor Rickard mioved that the TownacotnueWh ithte preentsystem of charge for garag cllectioin i thie threafecedareas. Counic. Taylor said the Town.i wouid neye:r finda syste that was enirely equal blut that they shouid sr i\e for ain eqitable systemn. He said he was cerneed with (our- tice and furthier than the most Live this day as if' it were the last you'd be alive. Be thankful for each blessing and pocket aIl your pride. Let every word you utter be truthful, dlean and kînd, And any deed performed this day be nothing less than fine. Give a hand to those in need and help to aIl that ask Not as a grudging duty, but as a happy task. January 2th was the col- dest ever recorded in Chicago. On Sunday morning Jan. 2th my thermorneter registered 12 degrees below zero ah. Kendal Church was having service, lunch and the annual meeting s0 I got reacly and went. Then I thought when it's so very cold in three hours tirne my car mîght not start again so I dîd not stay. They tell me they had a f uil choir, in ittendance. They sang "Since Jesus -came into rny heart". The congregation was srnall. Following the ser- vice they had lunch. Mr. Ron Frank efficiently chaired the Congregational Meeting. Ten members stayed for it. He extended z( vote of thanks to Mrs. Lynda King for her fine help and leadership. Then she hiad to leave for the afternoon ser- vice at Shiloh. Several irn- provements have been added during the year including the chiurch fans to distribute the heat and the steps repaired and carpeted ouitside church and school. We have had a good year in spite of the fact that we had to çarry on for a year and haîf without an ordained minister in the manse but we are hoping that situation will change in the near future'. The big event of the year was the Home Coming Sun- day, June 24th. The choir was made up of former choir mnembers comning f'rom far and near. Over 175 people came and the U.C.W. served refreshmiients. The Sunday Schooi report \vas read. They have a fine Senior Class. The United Chur ch Womnen hiad four- special speakers. They hlosted the Worid Day of Prayer Service. Their bake sale netted $1i32. 50, thei r bazaar W60,00. 1They gave $240.00 to MNisions and $50000 to thre Churchi Board. They held tenim(eetings \with aaviierage attenidance of nine. îThe choir heid a pot luck supper and with(! the tickets purichased thecy boughit choir equitabie sysýtein \was the uise of 'a inIgle iii rate for- ail bagecolectin.le said cuclcouid go that routeC thisyearor nxt ear. Coune. Ham"re said she had to greewith Mayor Rickard in that there wvas not reason enough to make a chneand that she was sup- portingi no change frorn the present ýssem. A!i memi-bers ,of counicil with exetO f Cones. Taylor and %Woodyvard, voted in support of no change leav- ing thre Village of Orono, tax- payer paying a hig-her cost for garbage collection thani those in the other centres. Tie ucaufflul, the uautitl Riveor that flows by thre throne of God" and "There were ninety and nine that safely lay, [n the shelter of the fold". On January 13 they sang them. So send in your favourites and next year we'll ail enijoy them. When the January thaw cornes remember to burn out those stove Piples with old newspaper out on the driveway. An ounce of prevention Dîd you ever sell vacuum cleaners? She asked, "No", he said. "Weil you'd better learn how mighty fast, there's my husband coming up the wal k."- A minister's wife writes a love letter to a prairie town. Cold Feet and Warm Hearts by Janet Saunders Published in the Observer seventeen years ago. The mercy of memory is that it tends to obliterate the harsh, the sad and the ugly from our record of the years. We rememnber most clearly the good times, the kind -deeds, and the great hearts we have known. 1 suppose there must have been mnany disagreeable hap- penings and circunstances in those years we spent in a srnall prairie towon but i rememrber only two - that we were cold ini winter and poor ail the tirne. But we were poor only in money - which is not being poor at ail - and we were cold only physically, which is not a coldness of the heart. Our first view of the town was miemorabie. We turned a bend in thre road and there il was built on a hili si1hiouetted against the setting suni. The church were my husband was to preach was on the crest of the hill, its tall steeple poin- ting to the sky. We stopped for a moment, to look at our new town, and wondered what lay ahead for us there. Ilt proved to be a conser- vative towýn, a sensible decent town - and it took tirne to find your place in it. But once you knewv and were known -it wýas a good life. it was a bUSY life - first I had to learn to cook and wve nearly died of steauiast ucvotion. There was Red Cross, children's groups, Sunday School, Young People's plays, fowl suppers, quilting bees, curling, I even joined a bridge club and won the booby prize more often than anyone within memory. I did typing for rny ius- band, and was the guinea pig for his sermons. He has always tried his sermons out on me first. He reasons that if 1 can understand thern, anyone can. Sometirnes I sug- gested wholesale changes much to hîs annoyance. But 1 always noticed that, corne Sunday the changes had been made. Shortly after our arriving, a church member phoned to ask if she and a friend might cati that afternoon. 1 was panic stricken. How was one supposed to act during a for- mal caîl. Would I be expected to serve tea? Making tea was a great problern, because I couldn't boil water. I couldi't boil water because 1 couldn't get a fire going. The great black wood stove -Iotered at me every time I entered the kit- chen, defying n'y attemipts to nake it heat Up. ht had neyer been known to smoke in the past but it smoked at me. To rny relief the two parishioners proved to be delight fui people. We talked for awhile, then I 1made my way to the kitchen with litle hope to make fea. For once, the fire burned quite quite willingiy, and it took me onily half an hour to get the kettle to boil. The dear souls prais- ed my sandwiches and were discreetly sulent about the cookies with the lumps. The conversation became quite animated. We talked about food and diets and reducing exercises, and 1 told themr about a new exercise for reducing the hips. Just why 1 was conicerned about myv hips ait that time i don't know, because 1Iweighed only 112 pounids. The womien wýere in- ntried by the exercise, and wýe A got dowýn on thie floor to try it out. Soundis of -1-2-3 Roll, 1-2-3 Roll!" Now Avaiabe. .. -AZIZÀA- Ail Day Performing Blush and Eye Colours Mascara with Sealer and Extra Length Mascara wvith Sealer PRO TECT VOUR LIPS WVITH BONNrE BELL TRIAL SIZE lie beflela lme spectacl1e wife and tw;o of his most respected parishioners kick- ing up their heels on the liv- ingroom rug. After the ladies had gone, he kindly and tactfully ex- piained that that w,ýasn't ex- actly the orthodox manner of entertaining callers at the manse. It may not have been accepted procedure, but it was a dandy ice breaker. (continued next week) St. Saviour-qs Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY .Rector ORONO UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1985 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Orono United Church ChuIrch Sehool 11:15 a.m. Morning Worshîp 11:15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Church Sehool 9:45 a.rn. Mlorning Worship 9:45 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m. Upper C.E. Auditorium Orono United Church Annual Meeting Jan. 27 Orono after Church Pot Luck Lunch Meeting foliows. Orono Horticultural Society Annual Meeting Thursday, Jan. 24 6:30 p.m. FOCUS ON FAMILY Film series by Dr. James Dobson Feb. 1lto Mlarch 31 Further information [0 follow. SUPER GLOSS and PEARL GLACE BOTH 'C'O.NTAIN A SUNSCRELEN MAIN St. OIRON4OONT . gI

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