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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1985, p. 3

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îk-.,joy Orono X-Country Trails GRCA ntersted Town makes- GRCA ntersted appointments Christine Henderson, Mandy and Kelly Stainton tour the X-Counitry Ski trails at thie Orono Tree Nursery enjoying the outdoor activity as well as the scenery they pass through. The trails opened this winter have been provinf Arounid Home A FEELING 0F DISMAY Last week 1 had sat down to write this column Front Around Home only 10 find the words failed mie and finial- ly 1 gave uip. Thiere is no doubt it A had to do with the, subject matter, -The feminiist take-over ini dowAntownr Orono" anid it had lef i me rather stunned. t was flt the mnalter Ihal the feinist movýenenit vas alive, well anid îhriving- but raîher that it hiad total disregard for the maIe ele- mient that does exst. You may recal"thie 68" îhrough a sizeable advertise- mient ini the Oronio Times congratulating "69 and 70" on the officiaI openinig of the Village Bmin ridowýntowýn Oronio. Not only did the feminists operate secr-etly but îhrough a calculated deter- ml0nation lefI the maIe ele- menit of the downîtown area out. This cari be )nolhing, other than an affront on those who0 for the past cen- tury have carried thie burden of commerce ini this Village. We kno'w limes havle changed and well they, should but where is the co-operative spirit that one wou.ld have thoug!ht would exist as we ap- proach the îwenîy-firsî cen- tury. h was somewýhat as- touniding to realize thiere was a gru -o 70" i n downtlown r-01oo who, if ~ y wantedl, could bring, -ý-,mmerce1w a lhall. IThis however, in most cases, would beself destructive. The malter did flot rest just in downtown Orono f'or the issue hit the floor of thle Town of Newcastle concil with Diane Hamre making mention of the "70" and we have no doubt wvas also menl- tioned at the Region of Durham meeting where some discussion is uinderwvay in set- ting forth a program o f affir- mnative action. She is right when she comments that the feminist movement is thriving in Orono and even to suggest that itlihas been accomplished without any cost to the tfax- payer. This wvill flot be the case if affirmative action is undertaken by the Regijon. We are flot about to coni- demn the movemient because that would be like commit- ting suicide which is the fur- therest from my thoughts. It does however move us a little dloser 10 the R.E.A.L. Women of Canada move- ment (Realistie Equal Active for Life). Mrs. Peîrasek, president of R.E.A.L. WVomen, recently put it this wayi, "ihie radical femninist Position is only one thread in the multi-coloured îapestry of wom-eni's opinions lin Canada, and the modemntin- terpretation of femninism is by nlo means Ilhe lmajit viewic". ()ne thing wýe cani say to thle girls in downtlowýn Oronlo, "You did put somec zip inmto the ife of Oronlo butl 1o forget Ilhe men entirely" \leads only lo self destruction." popular and quiet busy on the week-end along with some activity during the weekdays. Killer dogs danger to deer The season's heavy snowfall in several areas of the province has aggravaîed the annual problemr of dogs chas- ing deer, says Ontario's largest provincial conservation organization. The Ontario Fedieration of Anglers and Hunters is remnindinig dog owners that deer can be killed by normally docile domnestic pets that are allowed to run free.ý In inter, deer are often severely weakened by the combinied stfresses of cold weather and. a shortage of food. They are easy prey when deep snow prevents their escape from marauding dogs. Any attempt 10 outrun the dogs is physically exhaus- ing for the deer and frequently futile. When a dog catches a deer, its attack can be savage. In fact, the pet does flot ac- tually need to catch the deer t0 kili it. Often the chase itself weakens the deer enough that i dies later. The 49,000 member On- tario Federation of Anglers and Hunters urges ail dog owners 10, confine their pets 10 minimize the harm t0 area deer. It is illegal, under the GAME AND FISH ACT, te permit~ dogs to run at large during the closed season for deer in an area in which deer are usually found. The offense carnies a fine of up to $5.000. In addition, any dog observed harassing deer can be shot on sight by ,Ministry of Natural Resources' conservation of- ficers. Do you know where your dog is? in marsh The Gianarasýka Region, Conservation Authority bas shown interest in the possiblIe purchase of a 42-acre miarsh property known as Carr's Marsh and located- mid-way between Port Hope and Cobourg along the shores of Lake Ontario. The property is currently for sale and is part of a larger acreage of miarsh land, 120 acres. The property is one of the remaining miarsh land pro- perties in the Ganaraska jurisdiction along Lake On- tario. It is forty percent marsh along with a se-gment of gýrasslands and ireed areas. Carr's Marsh hias been recognized by both the Minist ry of Natural Resources and the Interna- tional iological Programn as significant and of imrportane F or Valenitines Day CHANCES SomIetimnes i's only Our eyes thlat meet to share an ins.,tanit intimnacy Somnetitnes it's our mIlinds that play a more protracted Sgame i'sour hea1rts to last forever. Marlowe (C. Dickson R.R. 2 Beeton, Ontario L"'N'A property t0 the ecological systemn. The Willowý Beach Field Nattiralist Club of PQrt Hope and Cobourg also maintains a great interest in saving through purchase the marsh and have offered to assist in the purchase if the Authority is to miake such a move. The Naturalist Club will ask the Fedieration of Ontario Naturalists and the Nature Conservancy of Canada to assist. The Conservancy is already involvedi with the Ganaraska in thec possible purchase of a 140 acre marshland property off Rice Lake north of Bewý,dley. This property is for sale for $140,000. The Carr's Marsh property is listed at $8M0.00 ant acre. Il is flot the first time the Authority has considered the purchase of Carr's Marsh. For Valentines Day LOVE'S WEIGHT Love cannot be mieasurýed easily Not because i's invisible or that il doesn't exist but because there's no container in the wýorldi large enough to hold it about the closest I've corne 10 knowing its weighit hias been in knowing youi. Marlowýe C. Dickson R.R. 2 Beeton, Onîtario L G 'A, *The Town ofNecsl fas made appoiinments for fence viewers being: Arthur Hamilton, R.R. 5 Bowmnan- ville; H. Bruce Tink, R.R. 1 Hampton; Maurice O'Neill, R.R. 1 Newý,toniville and the by-law enforcemnent officer for the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Sidney Worden, Mr. Arnott Wotten and Mr. Henry (Harry) Worrall have been appointed livestock valuers. Love A Little Sîster A full and fun sehedule has been set for big Sisters Week, Feb. 10-16. Using the theme 'Love a Little Sister', Big Sisters NOW (Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby) is prepared to let everyone know how easy it is to be a special friend to a young girl. Big Sisters of Oshawa has been in existance since 1972. This past year, the organiza- tion was renamied big Sisters o f Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby. The change was made to better reflect the area in which the agency serves. It becamne a part of a province- wide organization when a provincial body was recently set up through financial assistance from the Trilliumn Foundation. The basic idea behind the Big Sisters program is to create a warm reassuring rela- tionship between a mature woma n and a young girl in need. Big Sisters are women over the age of 18 who sincerely enjoy children, and are caring understanding and ap- preciative of the art of friend- ship. Carol Rhodeý 728-7525. RED & W HITE o HAS THE BREAD SAVINGS THIS WEEK-END (OVEN PRIDE) Fancy White 4 B read 450 g Loaf nl Reg. 1.22 Loaf High ln Fibre Fibre Goodness Bread (Eclln Toasted)C7 Coming On Stream Next W/eek A Shîpment of Whole Pacific Dark Red Chumi Salmon *Assorted Sizes Pieces *Freshly CuIt Steaks wilý be available at the ight price. âr 1%Phone 983-5201~ CORN SH'SOrono, Ontario

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