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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1985, p. 4

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4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 14, 1985 SPO",R& lTSAM Camsport Atoms take f irst round in playdown series The first round of playoffs had Orono Camsport Atomns pitted against Lit tle Britain in the best of 3 series. The first game was played Friday Feb. 8 in Orono. The final score was 6-0 for Orono. Scott Hall started in net for Orono for the first period and a balf, then John But- tigieg took bis turn between the pipes. Our scoring was started off by a quick goal at 5:55 of the first period by Stephen Shetler and Chris Simipson. At 2:55 J.P. Tousignant popped one in with assîsts from Brandon Ovenden and Chris Yeo. In the second period, Tim Hallowell and Jay Hansen started us off again at 1:05. During the third period, we came out fighting hard but flot playing our positions. Stephen Shetler scored at 8:08 and an assist going to Adam Wallace. At 5:07 Bran- don Ovenden, assisted by J.P. Tousignant then at 0:47 Steve Shetler went in unassisted for this third goal of the night. The scores seemn to make you think that they have redeemned thernselves from their Newcastle disaster but their playing ability hasn't sold mie - yet! On Saturday night Orono had to travel to Little Britain for the second game of the playoffs. The score was 4-3 for Orono. These guys still haven't figured out what positions they play. Little .Britain scored first against Scott Hall at 4:49. At 3:51 Brandon Ovenden scored unassisted for us. At 1:26 Cam Tomkins went- in on a breakaway and scored a beautiful goal. Brandon and Steve Shetler, passing beautifully, scored aloviel,, goal at 9:39. At 8:36 of the final period, Little Britaîn came back to make the score 3-2 for Orono. At 3:04 Adam Wallace scored the wînning goal with help from Jay Hansen. At 0:31 Little Bni- tain scored the final goal. John Buttigieg played the last period and a haîf with bis brand new goalie skates and' he did a great job. Keep fighting bard for the second series. Tennant Fuel Atoms stili out front in the playdown series Tuesday, February 5, Orono travelled to Omemee for their th playoff gamne in the Round Robin Series. Orono had 3 wins and I loss heading into this gamne. Scott McAllister put Orono-into the lead with a goal at the 3:30 mark of the first period. Jim Partner assisted on the play. Omemee struck back'to Lie the gam-e a minute later. In the second period Orono pumped in two more goals to mnake it 3-I. Scoring for Orono were Stephen Stadelmnann, unassisted and Scott McAllister assisted on a._goal by Brent Gates. Omiemee got a goal early in the third period but Orono sîormned back with 3 of their- own to make it 6-2. With 3:51 to play Dustin Reid scored assisted by Tyler Adey, and at 2:47 Paul Flînitoff scored assisted by Trevor Lomiax and Stephen Stadelnmin. Orono's sixthi goal was scored, twenty-eighit seconds later by Scott McAllister assisted by Brent Gates and Scott Williams. Robin Leth ai-d. Caineron Esler shared the goal tending duties f'or Oronio and did a mighty fine job with hlelp from their defensemren Iraa MNinnis, Chad Van Dam, GregP Ilooper, Shane Jonesý and Jim Partner. In their next game on Saturday, February 9 Oronoi hosted Bobcaygeon. The local boys jumped into an early ead on a goal by Scott McAHýister 1:30 into the first period. Cameron Esler and Scott Williams assisted on the play. Orono took a 2-0 lead at the 3:07 mark wljen Dustin Reid fired a nice shot, assisted by Tyler Adéy and Greg Hooper. Orono seemed to faîl asleep in the second period as Bobcaygeoiq struck for two quick goals earlyv in the period. Orono floundered a'bit more but Chad Van Dam and Robini Leth sharing the Orono goal keeping duties barred the door. It was Dustin Reid again with a goal at 6:40 to giv e Orono the lead again. Assisting on the goal were Tyler Adey and Bradley Minnis. Just over a minute later Dustin scored Orono's fourth goal, assisted by Tyler and Bradley again. There was no scoring in the third periodi as Orono just couildn;t buy a goal despite controlling most of the play. Final Score Orono 4 - Bobcaygeon 2. Orono headed' into Millbrook on Sunday with a 4 win I loss playoff record, determined to 'the jinx that sa% them drop 3 games to IP.C. speaker warns of deep budget cuts Barbara McDougall, %which miay bce unpopular to Minister of State for Finance, mnan y. She said the main and M.P. for the riding of St. obhst acl1e. to cec)IOnmic Paul's, Toronto, sinice r-ecov\ery is the federal deficit Septemnber 4th was the guesi and govern-ment ovecrspien- speaker at the annual mneeting ding. of the Durhamn- She said thre governiments Nori humbei-land P .C. tirst priority is to prune spen- Association on February 4th. ding so that Canladla is spen- The meeting was held in the dinig wit hinits means and its Tyrone CommuiLnity Centre resources. She said the finan- withi close to twvo hundred lit cial cutbacks would be manyý attendance. but tha!thtey would bc ap- McDougall warned of up- plied fair-ly. coming governmiienit cuts h1l'ie spoaker said the land- Millbrook during the season. Dustin Reid picked up where he left off the last game scor- ing Orono 's first -two goals, one at 1:56 the second one at 2:29. Ryan Rock assisted on the first goal a nd Tyler Adey assisted on the second goal. With 53 seconds left into the first period Ryan Rock tippe in a shot from Dustin Reid and Brad Minnis to make il 3-0. Millbrook got on lhe score board withi 13 seconds to play in the first period. Millbrook added another goal 52 seconds into the se- codperîod and tied ithe game with, 12 seconds left in the period. This set thre stage for the thiird period, but Millbrook struck early again 52 seconds into the period aad despite a fIlne effort front ail the Orono boys they could flot corne back. Although flot involved in the scoring these boys real- ly played wýell, Paul Flintoff, Scotti Williams, CGreg H4ooper, Trevor Lomnax, Shanie Jones, Seani McKen- zie, Stephen iStadelmnann, Brent Giates, Jimi Partnier, Scott McAllister and go-,al keepter Chad Van Dami and Robin L-eth and shiould be congratuÛlated for thecir fine effort. Nexi game for, Orono is Wednesday, February 13 in Oronio against-Bwly slide ,ictory by the conser- vatives mni the last election was. "1nothing short of a political revolution". She stated Canadians had been offered a clear choice bet ween itle ways o f the past and the ways of the future. "Righit across this country people voted for real change and for optimism," she said. McDougaîl said the elec- tion of the conservatives marks' a return to "old- fashioned patriotism and to old-fashioned 1free enterprise". We want to mnake Canada a land of achiievemnent", she said. The speaker said the government must take Orono Tri-Co unty Mi*dgets battie with Lin dsay in playoIffs On February 4th, Bowmianville travelled to Orono for ant exhibition gaine. Bowmnanville dominated the play in the first haif of the gamre scoring the first goal at 4:08, then came back at 1:57 to make the score 2-0. Athough Orono tried hard the rest of the period was scoreless. Bowmanville opened the scoring in the second period ai 8:46. Orono finally got on the scoreboard at 3:18 with a goal by Darren Lewis assisted by Brian Souch. Orono came out strong in the 3rd period as Rob Jerome got past the Bowmanville ogalie off the first face-off, assisted by Darren Lewis. John Cowan. tied the score at 8:38 assisted by Todd Mercer,- but Bowmanville was quick to pull ahead once more. Although both teams tried hard, there was no further scoring and the game ended in a 4-3 win for Bowmnanville. On February 9th, Orono travelled to Lindsay for the first gaine of the playoffs. Il was an exciting gamne as both responisibility for tturning the~ economy around and we have made a commîitment to economnic renewýal. "But each of us as individuals must also accept responsibility", she said. McDougall said the government's econo<mic revitalization plan is already in motion. "We have iden- tified specific obstacles to private sector growth,"1 she claimed. She said flhe governiment is talking tu the private sector and these talks will lead to an economic conference in April which in turn will lead to the budget in thec spring. McDoiigall said the conser- vatives intend to involve Canadians in thie renewal tea.ims fought hiard to win. The first period was scorele.ss tili the f'ive minute mark whien Blaine Bruton scored on an excellent pass from Rod Storsbergen and Brian Souch. Lindsay's Gord Drinkwater tied thie score 6 minutes into the second period. period on) a pass from Rod MIcEwen. Orono pulled ahead once more near the end of the period as Rob Jerome scored on a pass from Blaine Bruton and Rod Storsbergen. The third period saw miuch end to end play withi some ex- cellent saves by both Ken Cameron of Orono and Rod McEwen of Lindsay. Mark Sarg-ent scored unassisted with less than 2 minutes to play making the score 3-1 for Orono. On February 11lth, Lindsay travelled to Orono for the se- cond game of the playoffs. Tim Mercer opened the scor- ing at 9:08 of the first period, assisted by Darren Lewis and Mîke Lane. This was to be the only goal of the period as both teams fought bard to process and she saîd t hey would not make the mistake of the liberals who lost con- tact with their caucus and then the people of Canada. She said the conservatives have repflaced "government by conflict with governmrrent by co-operation". She pointed to Brian Mulroney's meetings with labour and business as an example of the spirit of co-operation. "lWe are committed to the genius of the private sector," she said. Economnic indicators already show a measure of growth, she said with a decline in the unemployment rate for youth and a low in- flation rate wvhich has drop- ped below four percent. score. Lindsay's Jeff Flet tied the score early in the se- cond period assisted by Shawn Duxbury and Ray- mnond Nesbitt, but John Cowan pulled Orono ahead, seconds later, on a pass from Mark Sargent. Orono was unable to score again in this period but Gord Drinkwater scored 3 more goals for Lind- say, two of them assisted by Brad Kish and one by John Piggett to pull Lindsay ahead by 2 goals. Mark Sargent got by the Lindsay goalie early in the third period, assisted by Scott lrwin and Mike Lane. Jeff- Flett scored again for Lind- say assisted by Brad Kish and Jason Odeil. Orono was unable to score again and Gord Drinkwater put a final goal in the empty net in the last few seconds of play assisted by Jason OdelI and Raymond Nesbitt to make the final score 6-3 for Lind- say. lits back to Lindsay on Saturday, February l6th for the final game of a 2 out of 3 series. Allan Lawrence in in- troducing the speaker pointed to her extensive career as a finanical analyst and as a finanical reporter for Chatelaine magazine and the CBC program, Take 30. Lawrence also spoke of the economic problems, the government is facing and stated some problems would not be solved for years. He said Brian Mulroney bas already warned how drastic the budget is going to be. Lawrence then referred to the closing of the Port Hope Custom office as an example of cutbacks. He said this was not made without con- siderable thought. "Thiere is still an awful lot of fat to be cut away,"' he said. *KEM PAINT SALE* 1000 NEW COLOURS' TO CHOOSE FRO.M in 5 DIFFERENT FINISHES LATEX FLAT - LATEX LOW LUSTRE LATEX SEMI GLOSS ALKYD LOWV LUSTRE - ALKYD SEMI GLOSS PLUS COUNTRY WHITES in FLAT - LOW LUSTRE - SEMI GLOSS 25 %D/ OFF WALLPAPER Book Orders In Room Lots ROLPH we made our name in hardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 Y 1

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