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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1985, p. 9

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~C1assified Ads (C01iljliltusi 11 osit a I t) CARD 0F THANKS- To W.H.C. of Rolph's l-ardware. Thanks l'or t donated botle of Lenion Oil. WiIl not need a replac mient till 1990! Where wý,ere thie instruictionis on use?, Sincert Debbie Bour CAREER TRAINING~ FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn-at-homne corresponde Diptoma courses: Accouining, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Mana ment, Cterk Typist, Secretary, Journalismn, Tetevision Servicing. Tra Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. It's nos too late! Learni Income Tax Preparation, Basic or Advan courses, Write U & R Tax Sehools. 1345 Pemnbina Hwy., Winni Manitoba R3T 2B6. No obligation. HELP WANTED BUILDING & FIRE INSPECTOR/BY-LAW ENFORCEMIENT FICER. Municipal exprience required. Other duties as prescribed council. Salary $30,000 maximnum, based on experience,' plus altowance. Excellent benefits. Reply in confidence by March 15, 198: Kenneth D.N. Boa, Clif Administrative Officer. Town ofP Liskced, Box 58,INew -iskeard, Ont. POJ 1 PO Tel 1-705 -647-43 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES: Experience in newspaper mnut for iis position withi a large media organrization. Ability t cý municate effectively and to organize one's lime productively woud to qualify tIhe candidate for tinis position. Package offered includesb salary, commissions, car allowance, limited travel. Reply stat qualifications to E.C. Lydan Ontario Communfity Newspapers Assoi tion P.O. Box 451, Oakvitte, Ont. L6J 5A8. FOR SALE/FARM EQUIPMENT M#APLE SUGARING EQUIPMENT. New and used evaporat oo@Ïîinmr. Price our PLASTOFLEX Tuding system -Stays piabl coldweatiser." Jakemnan's Maple Prodsscts. R.R. 1, Beachville, On:e (519>S39-1366 or 537-8863. BABY CHICKS: 12 Varieies; 3-week old capons,, and heay rit types. Deivery: parcet post, rail. Send for price lit: Bonni's C hick H chery, Box 154, Elmira. N3B 2Z6. (519) 669-2561. FARM SERVICES FARMERS WANTED who are paying too rnuch tax or are nos us al the tax breaks available. Phonse us today! Appoinstment ti availabte to process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINE CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E. London. N5V 2Z9. CatI toIt 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping farmiers for over years. FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Ol-fashioned apples, pear, apri nus trees, shrubs, evcrreerns, seedlings. Guarasssced ei Reasonable prices. Catalog $t. Golden Bough Tree Farmn. Marlba Ont. KOK 2L0. FOR SALIE Attention SEAMSTRESSES! Fotkwear is for you. Over 50 pateri! authienticaill recreate, ethnic and hssorical clothing lintraditional consemporary styles. Fu]] size paper patsernis are mulii-sized reusable. Send $150 for illusrated brochure to Folkcrafi, Dept. Box 86072, North Vancouver, B.C. V7L- 4J5. $75,000 STOCK. Retail for a Fiv e to a Dollar variety to)re. Comp store invensory inclsding fixsures $30,») (705) 457-2592 or 457-298 STEEL BUILDINGS, Best Prices while steel buildings last - tac direct -20year warransy - Unlimiited sizes- as low as $1.81/square fi. complete building. Phone Brad- Collect (416) 678-118U WHOLESALE STEL BUILDINGS Factor\ direct prices. No]N dleman. Quonses and sraighr wall buildfings. Wýon't be unders Guaranteed best value on market today. Cal(416) 221-7353. (Clipi Save) STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers Clearance. Limiîed cuantities. buy NOW whîle supplies lasi. SubstLantial discounts during sal. Widîhs 30 to 120'. Cal toit ifree 1-800461-7689. (Area code 807 cati (705) 335-5972. n/c A NEW BUILDING IN YOlUR FUTURE. Wood frame, al steel, straigt/slant, haf round. ciadding. Free brochures on requesi. For Ac- tion Value and Answers cafl Wally (416) 626-1794, Leave message or col- lees eveninigs and weekends. n/c VACATIONS MOUNTAIN PARK COTTAGES on Mountain Lake, Halibuion HiFhiands. 1-4 bedroom hiousekeeping cottages, safe sandy beach, playground, boat rentai. Write R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0 (705)286-2857. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TORONTO COMPANY seeks comimunity sales representative for fund rasing product No invsmei required. Write/teiephone in- nediasely. Nature SnackIs ncorporated. 68 Broadview Av. Toioio, Ontario M4M 2E6 (416) 465-9193. n/c DISTRIBUTORS WANTED acroýss Canada. Operase fromt your home. Projected Profit $50.000 n firsi year. Write Galaxy Crytal & Chinla., Il Latonia Dr. Rexdale, M9W 2J (416) 741-1758. MUSICAL TRAININGi LEARNPIANrO/ORCAN. Nçv Esy (Chord Mes:hod! InstructjIn Book, 3 Cassette TaMes each you Keyboard styles including -By Ear" and sinsplified music reading. Al famnily memibers cati learn. Progress own pace. Lowv cost! Start chording immediaîeiy. Details free. Write: KEN'S KEYBOARD KO-URSE, (as advertised on Televîsion) Box 3021, Station A, Moncton, N.B. EIC 9C21 EMIPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AUCTION SCHOOL - Western Canada School of Auctiîneritîg. Over 1,000 graduatsa Courses commence Ist Munday csf Aprit. August. December. For pariculars write Bios 687,.1lamccumBe. IStK Sf)n Kendal Newvs (Coiistîcdliroiuipage 2> helpers its those days itn tllc -Thirties. Mo.si o!f îhem arc the gone now -- MrFs. Watson - ]ce- Mrs. Hardy - Mrs. Norrie - Mrs. Hunmer --Mrs. Wes... e-' I cani stiti see those good mre church ladies stirring the .c. great . cauldronrs fuit of patotoes and turnips. Their arms ached and their feet ene were tired and we took turns age- having as wee rcst, but 1 neyer ael. heard a complaint. The stove n/c was hot and the- sweat poured - from our faces but it: was as inced though we were ail one big ipeg, famil>." n/c - i hs ay hr a 0OF- every bowl of soup we hand- .d by ed f0 a hungry man, We tried 1car to make each man feel hie was 185 o New somebody pretty important. 367. We got to know their names n/c and where they came from. - Some of us received letters ers a from these men later when :om-L hielp they finally found their way base bacl home." sing If things were goin.g badly ýoi- and we were running out of n1/c stew, Mrs. Watson would sing and play the piano. tors, She'd have everyone in tears le in of laughter. Then like a tario miracle some of the men of n/c the churchi - Roy Stobie or - Harry Morrow, - wouid sud- neat denly arrive with more food I-at- and we'd have the cauldrons n/c bubbling and everyone was happy. sing "Our mninister was a great imes ;ESS scrouniger of food for the free hungry men. If hie got sheep's >r 33 heads, he got the. (ails f00, (o 'miake ends mieet' he said. On Ilc one occasion lie picked up Lo 15,000 baves of bread from a 'ery. local bakery just before it an, went on s;trike." nc "If a man was downi and out we always tried to give 11s to him i-something more (han a il or full stomnach," Jeannie says. 1and "In a paper bag he got a pair -, of socks and some soap and n/c ofteni a razor. Our minister - alwýays wvanted 'o imake sure pee that each man got a pencil nc and a piece of paper and an envelope. They didn't have fo toy sing hymins or listers to a ser- mu non after their meal but out n/c mninister said the best thing - everyone could do now was Mid- to write a letter homne." ,old.(continued) PERSONAL UNATTACHEiMeet attractive comipatible person who share your saine interesis (al aes). Prestige A\cquaintance, caîl tol ree I-800261-9163. Hours: 12 - 8 p.m. CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. ransport drivers needed. Nowý is the lime to trahin for your Class -"A" licenise. For pre-screeniing and job placement information contact Merv Or's Transport Drier Training. Cambridge (519) 623-2430, Toronto (416) 251-9073. n/c FOR SALE "I3ORAL AND THUJNDERC RAFT BOATS". Ail models nin sock. Competitive prices. Deýieryanywhere n Onario. Large seleciion pre- owned boats. Ail szesý. King,'s Marina, Fenielon Falls, (705) 887-332L. CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport divers needed. Now is the timte Io trahin for your Class "A" licence. For pre-screcning and job placement information contact Merv Orr's ransport Driver Training. Toronto (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523-3489. n1/c HELIP WANTED Need Extra Money Top earnings; with WATKINS QUALITY PRO- DUCTS Program. Smnall invesîment. Own your business part or tful timte. Cali or Write MI. Carrier Watkins Ine. 2200 Marie Anne Est. Mon- treal, Que. H2H IN] Tel. (514) 598-8630. COMING EVENTS Coming soon OTTAWA VALLEY FARM SHOW March 26.27, 28th Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Open daily 10 arn. to 10 p.m. Waîch for details. n1/e FOR SALE S ROCK BOTTOM PRICES $ Manufacturer of Quonses buildings selling off lasI of 1984 iniventory. Spring delivery available. Up to 40 per- cent reduced. Sacrifice prices. Caîl (416) 663-5322. FARMERS: Sprayed Uretîsene iîsulaîioîî Qualîty work as Westernî Ouîtarlîs prices. Certified applîcaisîrs. Expecrîeîîced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Cati Warmthil Inmulaii(it. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perths, Ont- tarsio K7H 3G. I Inu, ~,, it 1,5 Iîîîs s Vs i i 0, s V sîI , 198(5-9 Insuffiicient enrohuent for French Immersion Memorial Hospital Fund (Continued fromn page 1) îlot ont>' have been met but surpassed . Lasi Thursday somie 130X) tetters were mailed Io ait households in the Orono communit>'. By now you wilt have received yours and had time to fuity consider your concern toward this vital need. Your canvasser wili be catling at your home an>' day now. Please receive them in an hospitabte imanner, remnembering that they are giving of fheir time s0 that you ma>' have a better oppor- unity to give also.. Let us show that we care so that Memnorial Hospital mnay be able to take better care of our heal(h in thle future. The following is a lisf of the can- vassers, one of which yout wiit be able f0 identify in relation f0 your partîcular area: Sid Rutherford Judy Reid Gail McKenzie Margaret Henderson Isabelle Hammi Cheryl Reid Mary Henderson Phyllis Lowery Pauline Boyd Peggy Sawyer Lori West Marion Adams Dahlia Campbell Winnie Stender Ralph Stender Clare Martin Raymond McDonald Charlie Hester Frances Lunn Kay Gustar Mary Bunting Marlene Kennedy Mary Hegarf y Madeline Yaworski Ann Evans Don Evans L'ois Cox Hilda Bokee Ruth Andrews Kathleen Clarke Derek Barnetf Janet Pollitf Denise Kent Sandra Anderson Marlene Ross Linda Stadelimann Darlene Rainey Joan Blackburn Bey Williais Len Pears AThe Board of Educaliots has laken no action 10 insl;fiue french imnmersion classes in l'oit Hope and Campbet)llf)rd Joan Sutctiffe Eîteen Stephiens Peg Dent Valerie Withieriçtge Adele McGl Joyce Rosseau Dini Schoenmaker Etaine Elson Joyce Cowan June Heard Rosie Grahami Dorothy Robinson Dora Plain Giory Adamns Donna Forrester Cheryle Klawitter Marilee Hentig Marjorie Beýst Paf Storsbergen Marcia Wýinintgs Joyce Major Lawrence Staples Minnie Kaldeway Suisan Bumstead Donna Scott Clare Gunter Margaret Gunter Olive Milîson Ed Milison ACTIVELY COMMITTED TO CONSERVATION The Junior Conservation award presented through the Ontario Fedieratîon of Angllers and Hunters was presented this year to memrbers of the Peterborough and District Junior Coni- servation Club for their work i cleaning up a section of the idian River, participating in the Report-A-Poacher caum- paign, building wood duck nests and as well writing Io mnembers of parliament expressing thecir concernis on resource issues. HAVE CALLED A STRIKE VOTE The Ontario Secondary Schiool Teachers Federation, Branch 49, Northumberland and Newcastle hield a strike ma- dlate in an Eduication Relations Commission supervised vote on Monday,, March 4, 1985. The Federation is hopin-g ithat negotiations -will continue affer the vote. There is no'c plans to immediately impteenin a sanctiton, IN REGIONAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET In the Region of IJurhamn 1985 capital budget thiere hias been approved ant amounit of $770,(»0 for- the completion of a new Oronio welI and a feedermnain to the present wvater systemr in the Village. Late lasî year the Region hiad completed test drilling on both thie north and south side of the fifth fine road i the former Township of Clarke wvest of the Village an.d juLst east of the Wilmot Creek. In speaking a couple of wieeks ago wthCounic. Diane Hamire she said she had been told that the new% supply of water miay allow f'or additionat residential development in thre the imi- miediate area of the Village of Orono. COBOURG MAN APPOINTED) ADJUDICATOR The appointmnent of John W. Beaver of Cobourg as the Adjudicator of the Ontario Waste Management Corporation's $75,000 funding programn was announced last week by the chairman anîd president of the Corporation. The funding program was created to provide groups and individurals with financial assistance to hire their own con- sultants Io review the Corporation's recently-issued technical reports as to liquid wastemanagement in the Province of On- tario. SPECIAL GARBAGE PICK-UP IN ORONO M-AY 81h The Public Works Departiment of the Town of Newcas- tde has made arrangements for a special spring pick-up of gar- bage to be held during the week of May' 6th in Orono, Newcas- tle and Bowmianville. The Orono pick-up wilI be undertaken by the Town's contractor on the regular pick-up day, Wednies- day, May 8th. Residenits are Io place addîtional itemns lobe di.slwsed of along with their regular garbage. WANTS MINISTRY TO MAINTAIN INTERCHANGES The Town of Newcastle and ihle Region of 'Durhamn are of one mind as 10ihie nmainiairnance responsibili>' of inter- change componenîs retaiing to Highiway 115 and 35. T-his is ef- fective up Io the ninth lune of Clarke. Il is po)oinled ou( by the Towýn ihatihilose seclion of in- terchanges were and wilt be consIrucîied bo accomn iodat e the desired îraffic moveniel associaîed wiîh the highway. s and this coming school tcin. Fnirolment did nol meet ihe requiremenîs of thle board m) tihal il could reasonabty jinanice such a educationat program in the two centres. -A commnittee report show- ed that 13 ,,iudents had enirolled for french immer- sion in Port Hope while 10 enrolled for classes in Camip- belif'ord. An effort had been made to combine separate school students ,with the public sysqtemi in Camipbellford but the numnbers, 19, stili fe11 short of the board's criteria. If you have any news items please feel firee to phone the Orono 'Weekty Times we would be only to happy to receive them 983-5301

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