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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1985, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, We'dnesday, March 6,1985 SewndçJass MaR 0egientio1l Nunbe Pomm Unwarranted deficit The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority now shows a deficit of $ 155,748 an amount that must corne from the taxpayers throughout the Ganaraska jurisdiction and an amount that represents well over seventy percent of the annual levy to the involved municipalities'. There is no excuse for sucli to happen and especially since it apparently has been building up over a period of years without any concern being taken to address the problem. Budgets are in fact simple procedures to con- trol expenditures in an organized manner and with such an organization as the Ganaraska which has been in existance for a goodly number-of years there is no excuse for the deficit to suddenly appear. It is interesting to note that interest costs to the Autliority rose to $41,000 in 1984 from $6,862 in 1983 and well over the budgeted amount of $ 15,000. One would ask where was the control, where was the expertise which surely rnust exist in the preparation of the budget. There would appear to exist a lack of control or concern when one considers the Authority niot too long ago setup a Task Force to study and set guidelines for the operation of the Forest Centre. This Task Force spent hours upon hours to put the plan on paper but that appears to be as far as it wei)t. The budget in this area was set at $105,956 but was overspent in what could have been controlled areas to a total amount of $1 12,920. It is also interesting to note that any over ex- penditure was to be justified in writing which was a guideline set out by the Task Force. This point was neyer observed so again one could well ask 'for what purpose the Task Force. A second Task Force lias just completed what bas been termed a full study of the Ganaraska opera- tion and interestingly enougli it resulted, so we have been told, from a demand by the Ministry of Natural Resources which may have connotations itself. The fact that the deficit is not in anyway sup- ported by the Ministry of Natural Resources grants lias to indicate expenditures were untaken without the full authority of the Ministry. Here again local taxpayers must bear the brunt of an inefficient system. No excuse can justify the existance of the deficit at this point and time. Kendal News 'Twas a slieep, not a lamib that went astray, In the parable Jesus told. 'Twas a grown up slieep 'that wandered away From tic ninety-and-nine in tic fold; And out on the hillteps, and out in the cold, 'Twas a slieep tliat the Good Sheplierd souglit, And back to the flock and back to the fold, 'Twas a sheep that thc Good Sheplierd brouglit,. "Now why sliould the sheep be se carefully fed, And cared for still today? Because there is danger, if tliey go wrong, Tlicy will lead the lambs astray; For the larnbs will follow the sheep you know, Wherever tiey go or stray. If the slieep go wrong it will not bc long till the lambs are as wrong as they. So stilIl with the sheep mnust we earnestly plcad, For the sake of the lambs te- day. If the lambs are lost what a terrible cost some sheep will have to pay." Mardi came in like a larnb then Saturday and Sunday followed beautiful spring like days to melt tic ice and lower the higli snow banks along the road. However thc lion arrived on Monday witli the worst storrn of the year. On Feb. 23 we got our first winter rain 50 the wells and cisterns are nowreplenished, sorne basements' were flood- ed. However the Chathamn area is a real disaster area witli 10,000 acres under- water. On Sunday rnorning the choir sang "I've got a man- sion just over the hilltop". Then Mrs. Jean Hoy told the chldren a story based on the expression "She (or lie) lias a heart of gold." The scripture reading Gen. 22: 1-18, Romians 8: 31-39 Mark 8: 31-38. The sermon was entitl- ed "Whoever loses hier Mie wiIl save it". On Friday, March the first, four Kendal ladies attended the World's Day of Prayer service at Newtonville. There were fifteen ladies sat down to lunch. Mrs. B. Jones told us that when she sa.w that the prograrn we had followed was prepared by the Women of India she was rerninded of Miss Varma, a littie Hindo lady frorn India who had corne to Expo 67 in Montreal. Then she thouglit she would like to sece more of Canada. She saw that a prirnary teacher was wanted at Newtonville se she applied. Teachers were in short supply at that time. She had her B.A. but no experience of teaching whatsoever. She didn't know one classes' reader from another and had neyer stood in front of a class. Think of the courage she had. 1 arn sure Mrs. B. Jones who was teaching primary children at the time gave her sorne guidance. Miss Varma stayed a year. She spoke to several U.C. W. groups round about. She carne to Kendal U.'C.W. to tell us of India. Then she tauglit in Toronto a year and now has lier own business in New York. Another Hindu couple from India that ived in Oroino for a time were Shopse and Nermal (I forget their surname). Shopse, aise with a B.A. degree, volunteered to teach or help in the Orono kindergarten. One day one little lad came home to din- ner. He said, "Shepse carne to school to-day but she forgot to bring her bow and arrow." He thought an In- dian lady should have a bow. and arrow. They are now liv- ing in Orleans near Ottawa. Mrs. Elînore Fester lias returned from Virginia where she visited witli ler two sisters. Farmers are tapping the maple trees. One farmer has 400 trees tapped. Now is the tirne to enjoy maple syrup on your porridge, on your pumn- pkin pie and of course use it and apple sauce on your pan- cakes. My grandrnother said when she was a g-irl they neyer had any other kinid of sugar but maple sugar. They had several large crocks filled with maple sugar. In tbe cen- tre of the crock would be a well filled with maple syrup. Tlie sugar was near mne out- side of the crock. The children who have been taking skiing lessons al season had their tests on Saturday and received their badges at the Kirby Ski slopes. Miss Catherine Stewart had a fine birtliday celebra- tion on Sunday wlien she was joined by ten family members in lier home. Mrs. Edna Dobson liad Sunday dinner with Mrs. A. Cathcart. Pin-Up Girl for the Hungry and Homeless From Batter My Heart by Roddan Jeannie McDuff is a clieery, gray-liaired lady wlio lias probably fed more liungry and liomeless men than any other person in Canada. ln the dark days of the Depression, Jeannie had lier lieadquarters in the, kit- chen of the First Churcli in the East End of Vancouver. It was here, a stone's throw frorn the city jail and skid road tliat Jeannie prepared the ho-t meals and soups and stews for sorne of the longest bread lines in Canada. Wlien tlie freiglit trains pulled into Vancouver after their long haul over the meuntains, hundreds of rnen crawled out of the box cars and headed up town for food. First Churcli was one of their stops and Jeannie and her band of helpers wat- ched thern coming up Hastings Street.* The liungry men shuffled along like a straggling bank of refugees. Few carried bcd relIs or blankets. No one played rnoutli organs or strurnred on guitars. Al were cold with a duil achinig pain in their guts. On a Mon- day morning in November 1930, 1,252 men ined - in the lane behind First c<hl for one of Jeannîe's meàls. "Sornietirnes we had to ma-ke do with odds and ends if the donations of food didn't corne in. And we Iearned te make a stew tasty and nourishing but it always hurts to see a hungry man try- ing to filI up on bread and tea". Jeannie likes te talk of lier (continued pg. 9) St. Saviour's, Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Rector ST. SAVIOUR'S ANGLICAN CHtJRCH March 10, 1985 9:45 a.rn. Holy Communion Church School ORONO UNITED ~c~1 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY MARCH 10, 1985 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 11:15 a.rn. Churcli Scliool 1l: 15 a.rn. Guest Speaker Mr. Jeffrey Dejonge BIBLE STUDY Thursday, Mardi 7th 8-9:30 p.rn. Please note change of date. Friendship Roorn FOCUS ON FAMILY Preparing for Adelesence The Origin of Self-Doubt Wednesday, March 6th 7:00 p.rn. Pines Senior Public School KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.rn. Churcli School 9:45 a.rn. Ganaraska faces sizeable deticit (Continued frorn page 1) this year when changes in ac- counting policy was establish- ed at the Autiority whicli re- quire unfinanced capital outinys te be rcported as part of tie Authority's surplus or deficit. The Authority is now faced with the problemn of reducing thc deficit whicli no doubt will ta-ke a nurnber of years. In former years the deficit was actuaily covered by de- mand boans and net con- sidered in the final surplus or defloit. The Autheirty did not pre- sent a 1985 budget at the an- nual rneeting 'due, it was statecl, to the fact the Ministry cf Natural Resources lias net, to this point, established their an- nual grants which will be distributed te the 38 Authorities threugiout tice province . the New 10-0-6 Skin Care System from I3OflfE BELL S ïAN7- ]E Z moud'Olo On Alil Winter Shades of SAVE50%Bonne EB"ell EYESHADOWS LIPSTICKS NAIL POLISHES MAIN ST., O~NO. I k...

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