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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1985, p. 5

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(>rim. Weekly 1 ime's. Wedne'duy, Mardi 6, l91t5-5 SOL WA Y by Larry Solway Years and years ago when myv hard-gotten gains went toward il-gotten gains (see footnote) 1 was gîven some very good advice by one of the then and stili today best money mnanipulators on Bay Street. The advice was: Jon'ý get emotional about your in- vestrnent! Meaning: it doesn't matter where you put your -money, you must not develop anything but detach- ed financial attitude. Il doesn't matter whether you deal in bananas, widgets or subdivisions. lt's ail the same. Free Enterprise is dedicated to the unemnotional process of doing business in order to make mnoney. Some revisionist financial philosphers will dlaim that is not altogether true; that the real joy is not in the mnaking of money but that the money made is.just a way of keeping score -- keeping score of how "successful" you are, that is. Understand. Trying toturn your passion into profit is a trap. Very simply you faîl in love with love, and like the suitor rebu ffedyou continue to pine for your love after al hope is gone.- Not good business. And after aIl -- business is the engine that makes the economny go. Neyer mind pride or passion or obliga- tion. If it sels, make it. If it doesn't seli - forget it. 1 was very good at not be- ing emotional. I could put my money into ail kinds of schemes and deight myseif with the way capital could generate activity and produce money. I invested in everything front sheli casings- to sulphur deposits. Neither of them has ever caused me to tnist over with emotion. So I understand. I unders- tand why we have right now, right here and now in this country, a whoie new gang of what we lovingiy call "en- trepreneurs." That's the new word for Robber Baron, like the classie Robber Barons of history: the Mellons (steel) Carnegies (shipping and steel) H-arrimans (raiiroads)ý and Morgans (banking) they simiply deait themselves into the best garne going. They had no special attachmient. They went where the action was. They couid divest themselves of non-profitable elements with the flickor ý stock market wrist and move into something else. Nothîng personal. No emotion., Our own guys don't qualify as Robber Barons in the worst sense - riding roughshod over the economy, governments and labour - with bribery, chicanery, subterfuge and even violence. Ours are dif- ferent. What links them to the historie ones is that advice don't get emotionai about your money. That's why Conrad Black has no trouble- divesting himself of Dominion Stores, because he has no interest in the food business -- the grocery chain was just a miich cow for him to use while he went on juggling the Argus port folio. He cares not at ail about food, which, in financial terms, is what is needed. Profits are everything. Ken Thompson who took his father's dough, spent a lit- tde enshrining his name in the country's finest concert hall (where l'Il bet Roy would not have been caught dead during his lifetime of moneymnaking) has likewise branched out in- to other fields. Does anyone believe for a minute Thomp- son fils cares a hoot about department stores. So what if his portfolio includes Simp- sons, The Bay, and Zellers. Department stores art bing badiy hurt. Most of their customers are older people with fixed habits. Al the new business is going to specialty shops and boutiques. So Ken Thomnpson will perhaps unIoad themn, unless he developes a passion for a great departmnent store and turnis Simipson's into Bloomn- ingdaie's North. Corne to think of it--don't be surprised to sec a For Sale sign go up on these department dinosaurs. Look, 1 think Kend and Conrad are great fellows. Maybet they'd Ilke to buy a Dinner Playhouse. Great quaiity. Good location. Ex- cept wait a mninute-. Tbc.y'd kc iii here right away trying to maxiînize profits. They'd have Pub Nights with beer flowing in rivers. They'd br- ing in nude "plays" like "Let My People Went". They'd do anything to seil tickets. And if 1 or Nuala complained they'd say: don't get emio- tional. What's the point if you can't make a buck? Sounds like a bank manager. But in a world striuggling both for material survival and a sense of self- respect there have to be peo- pie who set themselves aside and make a buck; and there have to be people who go on doing what they do. Trying !o chn , 1e 'hein wouid oe like telling Judy in Whitby to stop seling cute gift ideas and flowers <which she loves doing) or have Roy Forrester stop printing his weekly Orono Times. Most "successfui" people do what they do for money -- and the passion (if there is any) is portable. Most passionate people fight with their banks who don't understand. l'd rather bc me Conrad. Foot note: I m ade a good pile of mot<ey in broadcasting and commerical writing, and parlayed it into lots morec on the market. Town's March Break Bonauza Through thie Fitness Centre of the Town of Newcastle a March Break Bonanza has been organized with activities beginning on Monday, March 111hi and continuing on threugh Thursday, March 14 th. The event is planned for children while they are on their March IOreak from school. The package cost for the planned activities on the four days has been set at $10-00. There are individual costs if ofly certain events are selected by the children. Monday, March 11 A bus leaves the Fitness Centre in Bowmanville to travel to the Purpie Woods for a maple syrup demonstra- tion. The event will also in- clude a trip to the Enniskillen Conservation area for skating and tobogganing. Children are ta bring their own lunch and hot chocolate wilI be served., Cost of the event $4.00. Bus leaves at 10:30 a. m. POE M WINTER'S NITE The nite sleeps fretfuily with sighs through naked maple branches A moon-white blanket pulled up warmly covers ail Only the neighbor's dog breaks the stillness with an off key serenade Not a single lite Sshines in vacant portais i walk gingerly through this scene caught up in the wonder of a winiter's tnte. Marlowe C. Dickson R.R. 2, Beetoni, Ont Tuesday, March 121h Movies will be shown at the Newcastle Fitness Centre in flhe upper roomn from 10:30 to 1:30 p.m. Colouring contests will be held as well as swimm- ing gamnes fromn 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.mn. Cost for the day $2.00. Wednesday, March l3th A dress up skating event is being held at the Darlington arena from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. There will be teamn games and a haif hour of free skating. Cost for the day $1.25. Thursday, March I4th A 'gym-time' is beîng held at the Bowmanville Senior Public Sehool which will include dodge-balI, floor hockey, etc. to go from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. There will bc a swimnming g ame in i.he afternoon at the Fitness Cen- tre. As well there is to be a magician preforming at the Bowmanville High school from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Gym games $1.25; Pool games $1 .25 and magician $2.00. The Pignes Report Fund raising time has roll, cd arounid at The Pines again. Studeiit's in your area will be, selling chocolate bars for, $1 .00 eachi. Our fund raising money will help us buy such items as a new computer and a new printer. Please support our students this week by buying a chocolate bar. Our boys and girls basket- baIl teams have been busy. Last Wednesday, the boys played M.J. Hobbs at Hamp- ton P.S. M. J. Hobbs won 21 to 15. Friday, March lst, the boys are played a tournament at Courtice Secondary School. Our girls aren't doing quite as well, but they are imi- proving wîth each tourna- ment. We were fortunate this week to have a young femnale rotary exchange student from Japan visit our school. She presented somne slides from Japan to an assembly. Her presentation was interesting as she wore a traditional Japanese costume. Kim Gylytiuk Sam Cure atz PC. choice (Contînued fromi page 1) Town of Newcastle as other development bringing jobs and progress to the riding. Cureatz said other ministnies at Queen's Park had assisted in the progress of the area noting the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munication had been invoiv- ed in reconstruction within the downtown cores of Bowmanvilie and Newcastle Village. He further noted provincial assistance to the sane downtown areas for revitalization schemes. He said the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation hiad contributed to new arenas, community centres and parks in Tyrone, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Orono. He said he was pleased to have worked by the province and the Oshawa General Hospital staff to obtain fun- ding for increases in out- patient service in Oshawa. Cureatz then pointed out the development in Oshawa of the new Revenue Building and the new Court House. He said lie had a good working relationship with Durham College and spoke of the extensive provincial capital fUnding provided of millions of dollars shich has allowed the expansion at Durham College to provide practical training for the area youth. The candidate spoke of his commitment to balance off the programs in the area and the enhancemnent to the en- vironment where both the Ganaraska and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have been sup- ported financially for their projects by the Ministry of Natural Resources. lie spoke of the Ganaraska Forest Cen- tre support and the recent purchase of the Oshawa Creek Valley. He said the Oshawa Creek Valley park will, when completed, to bc second Io none in the pro- vince. Cureatz said as conser- vatives we Must always be mindful of our progressive tradition. He said, "those who are familiar with our labor law wil know the history of the Ontario labour relations legislation which had protected basic rights of labour". In speaking of agriculture, hie said he was aware there was need for somne change andi looked for- ward to working with Frank Miller for some change. He said after the next elec- ion the conservatives will continue to provide Ontario with good government. We must be gracious to our op- ponrents and loyal to Our friends and we must attract into our party the best minds in the province, he said. He aiso said the private sector in partnership with governmient must create jobs for youth. "With your help in getting me re-elected 1 cao play my part in ensuring that not Only somne of the specific comn- mioments in our riding wili corne to pass but also that residents in Ontario will have the opportunity to fulfil the needs and desires of their [ives in the mnanner that they s0 willingly choose. Now At Keirstead Prints R E F L E c Accessories to Compliment T that Lemon-FreshI Shine in your HomeO N s Main St, Crystat, China, Glassware, Orono Picture Frames, Stained Glass 983-97t57 Pottery Kirby Butcher Shop and Deli IIIGHWAY 115 AT KIRBY (1 CONC. NORTH 0F TAUNTON RD.) FREE - FREE - FREE With any purchase $50,00 or over write your name on the back of Sales Receipt and have a chance to win: WVeekly Draws:. " Food Hampers fromn (1) Anco Cheese (2) Canada Packers * Dinner for 2 at Fing Dutchman Motel * Dinner & Show tickets, Marigold Dinner Theatre * Burgers & Fries for faunlly at Kirby Burger Your money back: A chance to wln your mQney back on your Beef or Pork order of $ 150.00 or over. A draw wiII be held at the end of April

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