(Oro oWeekly 'limes. Wedtqë , ari , 95. From around6 the Region 90 AWAITING EXTENDED CARE BEDS Doug Jobhns, commis- sioners of thse Region's Social Services Department states there is a desperate need for more extended care tieds in thse Region. He poi nts out there was a waiting list of 90 patients as of the first of February. Johns points out that the region has a total of 818 old age beds with sixty percent being used for extended care patients and the remainder 328 being used for amn- bulatory patients. He further points out that twenty per- cent of thse ambulatory beds are not in use at any given lime but cannot tic used for exendcd care purposes. Fourteen percent of thse population in. Canada in thse year 2000 will tic senior citizens. He said the need for extended care beds is rislng. .<xtcnded'eare beds is rising. TO STEP UP PLANS TO BOYCOTT EATONS Union locals in Oshawa are tieing asked by thse Canadian Labor Council to step up a campaign to boycott Eatons in the Oshawa Centre due 10 thse lack of a contract bel- ween Eatons and their workers. Thse area Utnionis ar~e 10 use buttons and lawn signs in the boycott and as wcll are plann- ing furtiser demonstrations. NDP WILL TRY AGAIN Thse Durham East New Democratts will hold their nomination meeting on Marcis 18 at the Flying Dut- chman Hotel in Bowman- ville. This meeting replaces one which bad 1tic ecancelled due to bad weatiser. Bernice Cameron-Hill of Courtice and Dr. Doug Smiths, an Oshawa psychologist are candidates 10 led the party into the next provincial election. Bob Rae, NDP leader will btihte guest speaker. HOWARD SHEPARD APPOINTE» ASSISTANT Northumnberland MPP Howard Sheppard has ad- vanced in thse political world with bis appoînîrnent last week 10 assistant for the Touirism Minister, Claude Bennett. Thse announicement was madIe by Premier Frank Miller. REGION VOTES TO KEEP FARMLAND A move 10 free up some farm land for development bit on deaf cars at the Region of Durham recently, Counre. Doug Wilson madIe a tid to free up some farmn land stating that farm land was in surplus as well as was "..> food production. He said people f'rom the soutbern portion of tbc Region dIo not have access into the rural Carniiet Rzickard staied Ithe sevet ance ofl!ou, ini soine areas of Ille rural agriculwîîal area could mnake somne 'ni unworkable and thai a, a matter of fact Canada \%as a net importer of food. FINAL SEGMENT 0F GO APPROVEI) The provincial gbvernment bas given ils approval for thse final segment of the Go Transit system now under construction from Pickering to the eastcrn end of Oshawa. Tise clearance was given by tise Ministry of the Environ- ment but work on the eastern section is not expccted 10 start until 1986 wben funds becomne availatile througb the province. U.S. TO LIFT AUTO RESTRICTIONS Presideitt Ronald Reagan, president of the U.S. haý an- nounced that tic intends 10 lift auto import restrictions nr thse United States this year. Canadian Companies tin. cluding Chrysler, Ford and G.M. are opposed to Canada following along the sarne fines as in the United States. Thse president of Ford Canada states thse restraints should tic continued for at lcast anotber year. He fears the Japanese could gain forty percent of the Canadain mnarket compared to the pre- sent eighteen percent. Canadian Importers sup- port the move and make the point that imports unstricted would lower the price of cars in Canada 10 the general public. REGION4 PAYS TO BOLSTER EARNINGS The Social Services of Durham Region will boost earnings of individuals who make less îhrougb a part-lime job and a minimum wage by bringing the total earnPings up to what thse indîvidual would receive if on welfare. Tise program is designed to keep people working rather than having tbem tic unemployed and recciving full welfarc payments. Social Service also assist those wbo find themiselves in financial difficuliy even though they hold down a full- lime job but earnings wilI pot Offset costs of Iooking aftcr a family. À SURE SIGN 0F SPRIING Members of the Central Lake Conservation Autbprity bave already been out collec- îing sap from the bardwood maple tree. It appears mnaple syrup wý,as running two to tbree week.s abead of limie lasi week. Crews bave already tapped 300 trees and wben the opera- tion is in fuilI swing thIey will tic takîng sap fromnatasi 1300 t rees. CONSULTANTS FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Boilb the Northumberland and Newcastle and Durh~am Boat ds ol tdcai ave hired consultants on a half- finie basis Io examine ad- vancemnent OppOrtiiiini'cs oir womien board employ'ýcesý. il has been pointed out that womien bold 12 percent of' the positions of' respon- .ibiitîy while men hold 88 percent. Cathy O'Flynni of' the Durhani Board said a consul- tanit was flot necessary because femnales in other comparies are comning for- ward to fi top positions on their own. She said people miust apply themnselves and she could see no reason for the board 1to c said sicrim- nating if they did flot have a consultant. Wmu. Carmnan of the Nor[huinberland and Newcastlc Board presented suimitar i w en the issue caine up ai the local board mccling ý,recently. VINTAGE BOAT MUSEUM PROGRE~SSES The plan to bouse the Kanawa collection vintage boats in the old Nicholson File building along the banks of the Ganaraska lin Port Hope is advancing. An offer has been mnade lo purchase 1tle bulildiýl N 111,11Cî C l snear the end of Mlarcbi. Negotiations are also underwvay witb a group to have the Canadian Fire Fighîters Museumi located in the same building. The f'iref'igbiters who intend to establishi a miuseuni in Port Hope have yct to establisb a location for their Museumi. SCHOOL BOARD DISAGREE ON EFFECTS The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- lion and that of the Peterboroughi-Victoria- Northurnberland and Newcastle Separate Sehool Board differ in their opinion as to thle effeet ofnew legciisia- lion to give 1fuli funding to the separate sebool boards in Ontario. Thlicpublic sebool board anticipates a loss of' 60 studenits in 1985 due Io a shif'i but tbe separate sehool board estimiates the shif't will afftect no more ibazn 25 to 30 public scbool studenru.. Th'le two boards are holding meetings in conneci ion to ibe change in lfunding. CUSTOMS MUST CLOSE - LAWRENCE Allan Lawrenec M.P. for Dur harn-No rthum b erIan d bas told interested persons in) the Port Hope arca that thic Customl's Offlice in port Hope mlusi close along witb CLOCA Maple Syrup Days Central Lake Ontario C'on- servation Athority will run ils everpopular Maple Syrup Demtonst rat tit atPurpie Woods Conservation Area from March Il to Apr il 12. This will tic the ninth dlemonstration, andI everyone is invited to corne and join in the annual sýugaring off" season. Authority stalff will leatI tours of' the sugar bush, il- lustrating Indian, pioncer and modemrn ehods of pro- ducing maple syrup. Public tours will beclhld during the March sebooi break, March Il to 15, and on the weeksends of March 16-17 andI 23-24. Tours will sît ata the Conservation Area parking lot at 11:00 ta.ni. and 1:00 p.m. Commurity grottps wish ing Io visit the demonst ration are askcd 10 make a reservation with tbc Authority office. Special ar- rangements can bic made for disabled groups or in- dividuals. Fresb mnaple syrup produccd ai the sugar bush wîl bc sold as it is available at $9.00 per litre and $5.50 per 500) mi. NMap)le Sugar and miape biutter wýill al.so bc availatile f'or sale. As part of thleAuort' conservatioii education pro- gramn, over 4,000 elemyentary students \will attend the demostrt io. Ise tours will form an important part of thecir Canadian history program. lTle annual pan- cake weekend will be helid on March 30-31, in co-operalion wîith tire Durham A. M. Kiwanis Club. Tours of' the stigar bush wili start at the parking lot cvery twenty nutues f'romn 9:20 a.mn. t 3:00 p.m. Pony-drawn wagon rides will tic available for children at a cost of S.50 each. Pancakes and maple produets will tic on sale. Purple Woods Conserva- tion Area is locatcd nortb of Oshawa at thse south-east cor- ner of Sirncoe Street at rte 1Oth Concession Road. Ad- mission, parking and guidcd tours are fre. For furtber in- formation, pîcase conitacItitre Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Autbority at (416) 579-0411. $247,227 revenue front Ganaraska Forest fin a repo rt Iotoibe Ganaraska Region Conserva- tion Auîbority aIthleir recenit annual meeting te Ministry of ,Natural Resources subiîted somne 19 other sucb offices across the nation. The federal goveirnment ex- pecis 10 save $1 million on tise twenty closing and wvould save $50,000 aninually fromi the Port Hope closing. He did leave the door open providing use of the service wvarranted keeping tbe facility open. DONNA FAIREY ACCEPTS POSITION WITH DIAMOND TRIANGLE Donna Fairey is leaving ber post witb the Port Hope-Cobourg Indepen- dent and the Canadian Stateman 10 accept a position with thse Diarnond Triangle as of Marcb th. Tbe Diamond Triangle is a co-operative move by thse Towns of Port Hope and Cobourg and thse Townships of Hamilton and Hope Io attract ini- dustriai development 10 their respective areas. Fairey will act as pro- ject manager of the Dia- mond Triangles Local Ernployment Assistance Development program whichiss a federai govern- ment initiative ta create jobs in the area. Thse Diamond Triangle bas received a $30,000 federai grant ta set up the program whicb has tbree options ftrm wbicb couid eatI up ta setting up an in- vestrirent corporation wisich wouid provide boans ta expanding industries wbicb couid be eligibte to annuat grants ot $220,000 for a three year period. an reor n e (anaraska Foe- hiclb tbey manage on] hehali of' the Autbýority. l'fc NIi nist ry noted reve2nue tromi wood products ni the amount of' $27,227.»71I îand total revenriues o0 $28,372.51. On the othersýide of thte ledger the Minister reporteci $48,000.57 ninexpen- ditures as.sociated with management ýosts, pest con- trol, r-egener-ation, forest fire management, r-esour-ce access, and other sundry costs. The Ministry report covers thec period froni April 1, 1983 to Marchi 31, 1984, Over the years the Ministry bas ssumed total costs of $1.316 million for forest managemnent white revenuç has arnounted t ( $216,7:35.78, The ac- cumulated costs for the MIinist.ry has been set at $1.099 million. The major planting project during the period was under- taken by the Mlinistry on land, comrnoly known as the O'Cbonski property where 16 ha were planted with-34,050 red pine. The report aiso, notes thse establishmenst of a white pine seed production area wbere cr-op trees were selected and pruned up a distance of 17 feet. Other- trees in the com- paunment were cul out. The M/inistry hias also developed a one hectare 'SCO[ci ffine seed production area. Tbis ar-ea is to tic used by tlic Ontario Christmas ree Growvers Association as a source of seed for thecir pro- grain. SEALED QUOTATIONS, for thse services isted below addressed 10 tise Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing and Supply Agent, 40 Temoierance St., Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3A6, wil be received on tise forms in thse envelope pro- vided until specified closing time and date. Quotation documents can be obtained from the Purcbasing Office at 152 Cisurcis St., Bowmafrville, 0Ont ar io . Quotation No. Q85-1 - ELECTRICAL SERVICES Quotation NQ. 085-2 - PLIJMBING SERVICES Tise scope of service required includes qualifiecl trademen for emergency and general repairs on an "as requirod" basis by ail departments witbin thse Town of Newcastle for 1985. Ciosing Time & Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Time), Wednesday, Marcis 20, 1985.ý Tise iowest or any quotàtion not necessarily ac- cepted. Date of Publication: Marcis 6, 1985 Mrs Laui Ann Bifkett. Purchastng and SuppIy Agent Telephone: (416)623.3379 Ext. 67 P0No. Ai1185 BOB, NEED HELP PACKING FOR THE SAFARI? PHONE ANN