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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1985, p. 9

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G,ý.assified Ads (Continued from pagc 11) FOR SALE HERD REDUCTION. Registered polled HEREFORDS 40 cows t to P.R. L425E Klipper 20 cows bred to Justaimere 317G Spitus. Cow calve April May. 10 heifers bred te Forders Justa V Nero will calve IV, 20 open heifers, 10 service age buils. Free-listed Harold Hawth( Fo.4sters Falls, Ontario (613) 646-7693. FARMERS WANTED wbo are paying too muct tax or are flot u aIl the tax breaks avaslable. Phone us today! Appointmnent ti available to pççscess J1984 tax reîurns i your home. FARM BUSIN CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St.E., London N5V 2Z9. Cali toil 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping farmers for ovei years. STEEL BUILDINGS. Manufacturers clearance. Limited quanti Buy now while supplies Iast. Substantial discounts during sale. W, 30' te 120'. Cai toîli free 1-800-46 1-7689 (Area Code 807 cai 335-5972.> WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory direct prices. No h diemats. Quonset and straight wall buildings. Won't be undert, Guaranteed best value on market today. Cali (416) 221-7353. (Clip Save) NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old-faslsioned apples, pear, apri nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed deliv Roasonable prices. Catalog SI Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, tarlo KOK 2L0. A NEW BUILDING in your future. Wood framne, alI si straight/slant, half round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For tien Value and Answers call Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or lect evenings and weekends. STEEL BUILDINGS, Best Prices while steel buildings last -fac direct - 20 year warranty - Unîimited sizes - as low as SI .81/squar For complete building. Phone Brad - Collect (416) 678-1585. GARDENING SPRING GARDENING. Everything to starî. Seeds, nutric beating, lighting. Gersninating kits, greenhouses, solar openers. NI Halides at best prices in Canada. Send $2 for catalogue and price Il Western Water Fais, 1244 Seymour Strect, Vancouver, B6B 3N9 (604) 682.ý BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOUSEWIVES, Students, otIsers, turn your spare time into mon Fuli and part-time agents and distributors wanted throughout Cam Operate from your home. P'rojected profit S50,000 in first year. M Galaxy Crystai and China Inc. Il Latonia Drive, Rexdaîe, Ontario'4 2J1. (416) 741-1758. M.L.M. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. New Canadian prosi Everyone needs - minimum investment. No inventory. Don't miss one - send S.A.S.E. to B.A. N.D. 189 - 1450 Johnston Rd. White Ri B.C. V4B 5E9. Hottest new business opportunity. Small investment gets you roi] 3-Wheel Pedal Powered. Great for your city (tourist ton) 6.speed, and fibreglass construction, disc brakes. Trans-Canada Pedicab, 628 Street, East North Vancouver, B.C. VIL 1M7 (604) 984-9635. FOR SALE WESTEEL BARN ROOFING AND SIDING. 30 gauge galvan and Savalumed $40 square. 30 gauge prepainted $57. Minimum orde square. Customn Farin Material Sales, Laird McKeen (416) 779-3322. CAREER. TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. New is the1 te5 train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and job places information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Lon (519) 432-1726. PEIISONAL UNATITACHE 'Di Meet attractive compatible person who share saine interesta (alI ages). Prestige ACquaintances. Cali toil 1-800-263-9163. Hours 12 Noon to 8 p.m. red Sinclair Stevens at Port Hope (Continued from page 8 Yto development of a permanent Vay. low-Ievel waste disposaI area orfi. in either the Township of n/c Hope or the Town of - Newcastle at Port Granby. using AI though no specific times answers camne forth from the ESS cabinet minister he did free reiterate statements made by r 33 Brian Mulroney last summer before his election to office as ities, Prime Minister of Canada. idtlss "Our feeling is that a per- 705) manent disposaI site should n/c be away from populated areas and main water Mid- resources such as Lake On- old. tario." and This statement was con- tained in a letter to the Hopie .2.. Township Citizens for icot, Responsible Nuclear Waste ery. Disposai from the former On- leader of the opposition, nc Brina Mulroney. nc Eldorado Resources Ltd. teelI of Port Hope have been Ac- ordered by the Atomic col- Energy Control Board to close its low-level waste site at n/c tory e n/c Try mvllng for If you have had the op- eta portunity to ita foreign st to country, one difference 6636i. strikes you almost imme- n1/c diately. People walk, people bicycle, people participate nrey. ini sports activities -- especi- iada. ally children and teenagers. Wrte Our high standard of q9W living and our automated n/c age seem to have made - Canada's population a uct. riding and viewing one, *tis, rather than a participating one. n/c Most health experts re- iig cognize the problemn we steel face in a luxury society that ý8 5tIs gives înoentive to sitting n/c and watching, rather than actively participating. For ized our health's sake, we must er30 establish a way of life in which moderate exercise is- n a part, thereby allowing ime sient sdon your free n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER.IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is tIse time to train for your Class "A" licence. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transýport Driver Training. Cambridge (519) 623-2430, Toronto (416) 251-9073. n/c FOR SALE DORAL AND THUNDERCRAFT BOATS. Ail models& in stock. Cotanetitive prices. Delivery anywhere in Ontario. Largeselection preswised boats. Ail sizes. King's Marina, Fenelon Falls, (705) 887-3321.- n/c. CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is thse time to train for your Class "A" licence. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Toronto (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523-3489. n/c HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY TOP EARNINGS with WATKINS Quality Products Programn. Smiall investment. Own your business part or ful timte. Cal or write M. Carrier Watkinis Inc., 2200) Marie Anne Est., Montreal, Que. H2H INI, Tel (514) 598-8630. n/c - FOR SALE WINTER CLEARANCE on Ail Steel Buildings. Different sizes somne 20 to 100 wide. First Corne First Served. Miracle Span Steel Buildings. Toit free 1-800-3874910. n/c FARM'vERS: Sprayed Urethene insýulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Cal Warmnth Insulation. (613) 267-6711. Box 460. Perth. On- tario K7H 3G1. n/c iA NOS WANTED. Give nasne. heîght, number found under top lid. eytur piano refsnished, restored. New low rate! Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519) 669-2280 or 669-2311. Port Granby by 1986 inthec Town of Newcastle as welI as decommissioning a waste site at Welcome. The company has been studying proposais to store the waste ini perma- nent sites in both Hope Township and the Town of Newcastle. John Veldhuis head of the Town of Newcastle group told Stevens he was pleased to hear what the minister had said but would like to hear somne specifics and asked the -minister when the govern- ment would corne out with a firm policy on the safe disposai of radioactive waste. Stevens said it would be sooner than later. Thesale of the Crown cor- poration was a major thrust of the Minister's prepared statemnent at the beginning of the meeting. He said the government is determined to seli the company to a buyer who can assure that the com- pany can' become bigger, more viable, and more pro- sperou S. Stevens called Eldorado Resources the 'jewel in the crown' and being one of the most, il'flot the most modern refinery in the world. your healh organs of our body tý tien properly. ReView vour fi living habits. If your eats too much, si xnuch, rides too mu< exercises too litt1e might be a good t: encourage some some family activitieý Your doctor of chii tic reminds you thai have been great ad made in the health s to help you live a and more satisfyin but real progress cm lie made if you ha desire to maintaiu health. It is often an wisdom to seek qi professional couns early as possible1 doctor of chiropracti( AGRICULTURAL, FOR SALE ALL STEEL BALE RACKS, order preferred; light and hcavy gia blades; trailer bunk feeders. Ower Martin Manufacturing, R.R. Wallenstein, Ont. NOB 2S0 (519) 6994144, HELP WANTED ADVERTISING SALES weekly newspaper circulation 33,5 Automotive Accouints. Knowiedge of photography, layout, fet writing. Salary negotiable. Resume only. Kingston This Week, 677C diners Rd. Kingston K7M 3Y4. Att: Paul Burton NEED EXTRA MONEY Top Earnings with Watkins QualityP ducts Program. Smiall investmenti. Own your business. Part or full ti Cal or write. M. Carrier Watkins lnc. 2200 Marie Anne Est, Montre Que. H2H INI Tel. (514) 598-8630. COMING EVEFNTS LINDSAY FLEA MIARKET on Little Britain Road, Saturdaya Sunday. Pine furniture, crafts, clothing, new used flea nies, farmi duce. Vendors wanted. (705) 324-2783. AUCTIONS CONSIGNMENTS wanted for our monthly Antique and Qua] Farmn Auction at MecLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Phone (7 324-2783. SPRING FARM MACHINERY sale at Orval McLean AuctionC tre, Lindsay, in April. Wanted, cars, trucks, botas, construction Io equipment. campers, traiders, motorcycles, recreasion vehicles, cons in March. Caîl (705) 324-2783 Lindsay. to func- .amily's rfamily Lis toc ch, and , this ime to whole- iroprac- ti theme ivances ervices lftncer Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. March 20, 1985-.9 ECHOES FROM", TH 1E N OR THll by Heather Rutherford Liscomb TO A FRIEND We had many, many years 1 just had to reminisce It aIl began when we were Young And remembered with such fondness. We began our years with Bertha Cain Vieîng for top honor Even then you outshone us But we grew even fonder We walked to school Laughing, arm in arm Like only two girls can The feelings were so warm Those sunny autumn days We would sit behind the shed Smoking rolled leaves in newspaper Until it was time for bed Your mother calling from the door Her R's rolling on her tongue We would snicker and tease Until finally we would corne As time passed by, we laughed As we practiced a juggling feat We thought we we re so clever Thmowing oranges (o com- pete With Ethel Carleton and- Kate Foster We struggled for first place To you it aIl came easy Was it your -country and western taste? it neyer, ceased to amaze me How you could learn youm ABC Sprawled on your living room floor In front of your T.V. The. gang went off to grade thirteen Riding on the sehool bus but Until you got your licence And could drive the both of us. Your notes came in handy When 1 laggeddreadfully. behind You were still competing for the top But I was, by this tîme, in a bind We went our separate ways And then we lost touch Now you are gone I miss you se much! 65,000 summer jobs offered for students g lif More than o,500 career- ony lated iobs for students will an only e ffemed under the Summer ive the Experience '85 program, n your Gordon Dean, Provincial act of Secretary for Social Develop- [ualified ment and Phîl Gillies, se sMinister for Youth, announc- frel as ed today. from a"The summer Experience l. pmogmam has provided almost 120,000 jobs for our students sînce the pogram stated," rader said Mr. Dean. "The jobs t. 3, with goverfiment minîstries n/c and community agencies pro- vide young people with 5()0. valuable womk experience and ture the opportunity to develop Gar- career-melated skills." n/c - "Participants also have the -- chance to pemfomm wor- Pro- thwhile community services, me. and this year, to contribute real, their energy and enthusiasm n/c to many pmojeýcts especially, designed for International and Youth Year," said Mm. pro- Gillies. The Expeience program îs funded by the Board of In- ality dustrial Leadership and 705) Developinent (BILD) and n/c opemated by the Secretariat - for Social Developmlent's Ce- Youth Secretariat. bols, isign SEVENTH ANNUAL OTTmAWA VALLEY SIMMENTAL CLUB Spring Consignment Auction. qTqesday, March 26, I p.mn. as thie Farmn Show, Landsdowne Park, Ottawa. Selling full blond and purebred herd sires, cows witls calves, bred and open heifers and 4H calves. loynt Auc- lion Service, (613) 283-4730. FOR SALE SATELLITE DISH Price breakthroughi! igalseri-DBS star seeking receiving system $998.00 complete. 24-hour programnming absolutely, free - non stop entertainiment. Light and portable. C:ait Trenton (613) 394-5683. n/c WESTEEL BARN ROOFING AND SIDING.. 30 gauge galvanized and gav alumed $40 square. 30 gauge prepainted $57. Minimum order 30 square. Custom Farmi Material Sales. Lalrd McKeen. (416) 779-3322. n/c Opportunities exist for students between the ages of 15 and 24 who are eligible to work in Canada. Positions through Expemience '85 are additional to regular summer employment for yourig peo- pie available with mnost On- tario ministries and associated community agen- cies. Guidebooks and applica- tion fomms cmxi be obtained at univemsity and college placements centres, secon- damy school guidance offices, Canada Employment Cen- tres, or by calling the Ontario Youth Hotline at 1-800-263-7777. Inspection Station AlilVehicles lnciuding Dump Trucks Sohool Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 TENDER Tenders wilt be received until April 6th by the Durham Central Agricutlural Society for the erection of an exhibit building, forty feet by seventy-two feet. Details available by telephoning 983-9597. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. i MUR m 7-7,71 M.-M

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