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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1985, p. 1

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ronsider linking Rowe and Station Streets in Village Rowe Street. t also notes that travel using Rowe Street at fair time would also ex- perience more inconvenience. The change would also allow some drainage pro- blemns in the area to be cor- rected and that the connec- lion of the two streets it may be possible to extend the area of construction 10 include more substantial lengths of both roads. Ron Dupuis, director of public wvorks for the Town pointed out that the closing of these streets to Highway 115 and their lin king would require road closing pro- cedures and at this ime the general public would have their input and council could then object or support the proposai. Council membhers did on 'The Ministry of Transpor- talion and Communication has proposed the closing off of enîrance onto Highway 115 and 35 from the eastern ends of both Rowe Avenue and Station Street and that these two roads be linked at the eastern point. Entrance to and from Highway 115-35 would be made at Cobbledick Street. The Mîn'istry makes note of confusion of three streets comning into or close to the ramps off and onto the highway and that the closing of entrance to and from the hig-hway to Rowe Street and Station Street would provide an operationally safer condi- tion at the interchange.- It is noted that the change would create some out-of-tite way travel for reisdents of Lack of funds May put plans on hold Although the Orono Orono D.B.I.A. presented Doitown Btssiness~ Associa- plans which woul see addi- tion lias given ils approval to tional stone-cement flower carry out further beautifica- boxes and matching waste tion in Downtown Oro.no, receptacles placed in the the lack of funds until 1986 business section along with a has put a hold on the project plan for beautification in which was contemplated for front of the Orono Town 1985. Hall. The meeting gave their On Tuesday evening of last approval to the plan artd as f week, the executive of the well authorized eiong osmiut m u~ . Jgjjj1- KENDAt FIRE CAUSES ffl,O00 DAMAGE A fire early Monday morning at the rear of the fParkside Coffee Shop in Kendal caused some $20,000 damage to the building along with destroying $20,000 in supplies and Video mnovies owned by PVR Video Centre. The Orono Fire Department arrived on the scene short- ly afler 6:00a.m.following a eall by a neighbour seeing smoke coming from the building. The Orono department was assisted by a tanker truck from the Village of Newcastle, The fire was extingusihed in short order. The fire started in an apartment at the rear of the Cof- fee Shop where renovations were underway. The fire burned through the floor of the apartment and reached the basement storage area. According to the Newcastle Fire Chief the fire possibly hast been smouldering for hours and :was caused when a baseboard heater turned face down on the floor began operating during the night starting the floor on fire. Because the apartmnent was sealed off the fire only smouldered. THINKJNG FRENCH IMMERSION? The Parent's Association for French Immersion are sponsoring a parent meeting at the Ontario Street Public School on Monday, March 25th at 7:30 p.m. when Dr. Gary Tushingham, Director of Education, will be present. Students from kindergarten to Grade 6 wiil denonsîrate their facility with the language. Everyone WINNER 0F S6.000 fromr 649 Sanidy Adams of R.R. N. Orono was a recent ;,inner of $,Min the 649 lottery. As wýe understand the action, Sandy whio works at Nom-'s Kitche.n, made a 649 lottery puaheputting down her chosen niumbers and then forget about the purchase only to makec anoîher purchase ulSing the samle nlubersý with the r-esuit Aas a $ , )wn e \,cN wýith,,tb oniec Monday support the move to linking Rowe and Station Street and entrance being with Highway 115 off and onto Cobbeldick Street. Counc. Hamre was given assurances that public meetings would be held as t0 the requesl from the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munication. 1Agreemenit has been reach- ed with the owners of Curvp- ly 10 move their entrance t0 the plant, located on Cob- bledick Street farther w,%esî than presently exisîs. It hias been pointed out that the pre- sent entrance would interfere with the flow of traffic com- ing onto the interchange. ,The change over is 10 be funded totally by the pro- vince. - the province of Ontario for a grant under downtown im- provemnent legislation for an amiount n01 to exceed It was pointed out at the meeting that àh oppared more economiîcal to complete the work in a single year rather than with bits and pieces over a period of a number of years and thai under this plan it would be necessary Io ask for the pro- vincial lban. The following day it was found that provincial funding could not be obtained until Orono promoting July 2Oth sale event The Orono Downtown Business Association along with co-operation from the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club have targeted Saturday, July 2th for a mamm-oth downtown Sidewalk sale along with a community garage sale and with evenîng events including a street dance and the serving of steak on a bun. The Orono D.B.I.A. wiilI undertake the sales in the downtown business area and look after promotion for the total events, The Kinsmen are looking after the evening street dance and the serving of steak on a bun during the course of the evening. The local Assocat ion looks to the success last year of the twin event of a sidewalk sale and community garage sale à.s a boost to a much larger event thîs coming July 2th, Ail citizens of the Orono community are invited to take part in the event and space wîll be allocated in the downtown area for tables and the selling of articles and pro- ducts. Commiltees have been setup to deai with the promo- tions. Mr. Dave Armstrong of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen aîtended the recent meeting of the Orono D.B.I.A. to consider various aspects of the promotion. Mr. Dave Johnston, chief admînistrator for the Town of Newcastle spoke b thbe meeting offerîng assistance from the Town and its staff wherever to the local D.B.l.A. He said the Town could assist in dealing with the Province and would be glad to do so. He asked for a team effort between the D.B.l.A,'s and the Town. Johnston outlined new legislation as it would affect the D.B.l.A.'s. He said a lot of information is avail able through the Town offices. that would be considered for downtown Orono. The proposai for beautification in front of the Orono Town Hall has yeî 10 be considered by the T owni Hall Board. Il was pointed out at the mneeting that the Orono Hor- icultural Society had offered 10 supply îwo benches for Town Hall iînprovements and the Orono Cubs had ask- ed to, help with flowers. The Orono Downîown Board will miake application th r ouglh the Town of Newcastle for the provincial lYM to any apprOveu pla i unding. B aselineCommunity fin aliy to get centre Having lost their Com- mnunity Centre Hall in 1980 through a purchase by On- tario Hydro, the Baseline Commiunity and the Town of Newcastle have been working towards a new centre for the co"mmunity. On Monday of this week, the General Purpose Commit- tee of the Town gave their ap- prýoval for saff Io prepare aIl necessary îendering documents and 10 caîl for tenders for the construction of a new Centre Hall 10 be placed on Town properly on îhe cor- ner of Baseline and Martin Road. The property was obtained by the Town in 1984 and in agreement with a developer il now appears the land transf'er will be wthout cost 10 the Town. Both the Baseline Com- mnuniîy Centre Hall Boardnd the Newcastle C'omimun-ilyt Services Planning Board are in agreement wilh the building plans and arrangements for the building on the site. The esimated cosi of the construction of the building including engineering fees has been set at $262,000 wilh an additional $20,0W for land- scaping, $5,O00 for service connections. There is rio pro- vision at this limie for paving the 50 car parking lot or drainage but it may be a mal- ter that the lot could be paved.ý The Town does have a reserve accounit for the new building in an amount of $235,0,WO and will receive an addiîional grant from Win- tario in an amount of $68,667. In total the Town has a total of $303,00 for the projecl. In future years il is propos- ed 10 develop a playing field antd as well continue wiîh fur- ther landscaping. The building will contain a smnall meeting roomn, large auditorium, storage area and a kitchen area. Washroomi facilities are being located t0 allow f'or access 10Iothe future playing field. Easter bunnies plan Orono Easter visit Easîer bunnies will invade Orono Downtown on Satur- day, April 6th to, greet- children and shoppers allike and to pass oui easler candies 10 tb0 yolinsur's. The, appearance of the Easîer bunnies on April 6th is part of downtown promotion which will also include col- ouring contesîs for various age groups fromn the very youngest to at least tw.,elve years of age. Colouring sheets will be available in ail Orono downtown stores tIbis weekend and through until April 4th xhen the contesl Closes with judging 10 be completed on April 6th when the winners in the various classes will be announced. You are encouraged 10 îake home colourîng- sheets when in town and then 10 return the sheets 10 any store in downtown Orono where they will be picked up by the judging committee. It is understood at Ibis lim e that the Easter bunnies who will make their appearance in dowjntown Orono on April 6th will be visiling the stores to greet customers as well as extendfing their greetings on the street fromn the hours of 10:3010o 11:30 and from 1-30 10 2:30. Eastér baskets are being prepared for the winners of the colouring contesl. Waîch for the cluster- of balloons in the local stores for it will note the location of the colouring sheets. Djoug Smithwn NDP nomination Monday-, evening at the Durham East nominatioâ meeting a large gathering elected Dr. Doug Smith 10 contest the riding for the NDP in the next provincial election. Smith, a 38 year old psychologisî practicing in both Oshawa and Toronto, won the nomination in an eleetion with Bernice Cameron-HilI, a Courtice Business woman. Smith has held public of- fice being a member of the a Public School Board in Wind- sor before xnoving 10 Oshawa. He is president of the riding association for Ed. Broadhenî, and is married with a family of' two boys. Smith in addressing the mneeting said the attendance at the meeting proved that the Durhamn East NDPs wýere a force to be considered. In his aittack on the provin- cial Torys lhe said Miller was onie 10 increase taxes .and cut expenditures as Io social ser- vices, He said unemployment was the worst ever throughout Ontario and in Durham East but aIl the Torys do is talk. Smith said unemploymnent creates terrible problems asociated in violence, child abuse, even suicides and thal it is a tremendous cost 10 everyone in society. He said Durham East needs more than complacen- cy and said the sitting member in the legisiature is almost mute. Smith con- tinued that the Tory party is oui of touch with-reality. "Whiat is needed is a per- soi,, honest wiîh straighî lalk", said Smnith. Il is limre for a change, a lime for new idecas, new people, he stated. Smnith said if nomninaîed and elected hie \wýould be a strong voice in the legislature and speak tairly and sîrong-ly. Published Every Wedniesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Mtarch 20, 1985J I I 1 Ca nvassers push for campaign completion With respect to the Memorial Hospital Campaign in the Orono community a few canvassers have aiready completed their calis. However, the majority of lhem are still out working and according t0 present figures il would appear that we mnay be able t ook forward 10 attain- ing a very successful goal. At present, the fund for this Comniiiiity as already ex- ceeded the allocation prvosyset by your Cam- paign Committee. When the figure of $30,0(Y) was deter- mined il was felt that this would be a minimum. However, with the Hôspital Expansion Fund still in need of another haîf million dollars *il is the sincere hope thalt those who have not yet contributed will respect this need by comn- ing forth wîlh their donation either in cash or wiîh a pledge. Let us once agamn consider -WHEN YOU CARE, MEMORIAL VHOSITAL CAN CARE BETTER!"Our future health Care rests with the success of Memorial Hospital.

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