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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1985, p. 13

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THE 1NOTICES Il s'e u LIUe tîstons or co:]cerîîs ýabOUI \,)(I municiplits , les tee! irce [o caIl mc ai eie 98ý3 55t5mo1987--5o39, Diane Harnre, Comne.\Ward -3, Io\\ Ilot Nexcl. EAR PIERCING 1/ý2 price! ear piecling peia - Gold Stud $4.99, Bir- Iihstones $75ý0, PersH-eais and Stars $8.50. Hooper's Jewellers -iiîed, 39 King St. W., Bowman- ville - 623-5747. TAX SERVICE Main Street, Orono PETER LAMMERS Phone 983-9787 -I HWY 115. O. CHATTERTON TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTD. To AIl Cars and Trucks TOVI NG 983-9151 or 983-91-52 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cail 983-9547 Fo(r prOmçMi), Lcourteou1s effic:ient servie h buinig or.,elliiig and for the iargesi selct iion of propell rtxsin ihe area. 234 KING ST. EAST Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Job Printing LETTERHEADS ENV ELO PES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cali the Orono Times 983-5301 (c a eLIo1r1bouLe Pleqîve me a'lcali for aup) iirei ýiI Ire )hap "y Il-,1'tho paf irwin Iycet8 bokesl ownerý Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Bowanvlle623-6000 HELP WANTED Ilite(lc os Nip tiseum neeicds une si udei 1lu May, 27 Axg 0. Cali 983-92143 tufdoi ls 8, a.e~ WORI(WANTED Dise J-uckey. Fxperiieniced, reliable, we lailor ihe mie lu y w our special group and Nwe lake requiesîs. Also we v lideo lape wveddIjngs ,anîd parues. George Russel! 987-550(9. 8,15,a. p. COMING EVENTS St. Saviour's Anglican Church Salad Supper May 15 at 6 p.m. Oronio Commuiîy\ Centre. Aduits $6, Children under 12 $3. For tiekeis cal! 983-5654 after 3 P. m. 1,8, a. C. FOR SALLE Stove, coppertone, oven above buirners, storage coin- partmient belowv burniers, good working condition. Cal! 983-9514. 8, a. C. Box plantsý, hanging plants and potîed plants. Maniders Farmn, 983-5179. 8,15,22,29,5, 12,19,a.c. Girls' roller skts sz ,good condition. Cal! 983-5654 after 3. 8,a.c. 1976 Butic:k 1LaSabre $800).00 as is. Phone 983-5107. 8,1,a.p. YARD SALE Sundayýl, \May 12, 10-4. Babyfuirilure, trebuilding mnaieriiabikes, geail bar-gainis! Cornier or Chur-ch 8,a.c. Saurav ay Il 9 4, Maiiin Siîree Northi, Oro »I0 h ouse s owlih)utTauion Road. 8,a.c McCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES THE HOLLOWiVS AIs mbu F,taýtes BIRTU ANNOUNCEMENT ROBINSON - 1Tyler is, very hiappy annunceihe saf'e arrivaI of is,,lifle broîhier, Curlis (ChrisIopher, born April -23, J985 at Oshaa Geeral Huospital w,,eighîng 7 lbs. 5 oz.s. Pod aetsaeChi ndL Rohinson ii(Lice Lowery). Scond( grandchild for Gsrdon & Marjorie Lowery, Orono and third -graiLdchlildi foi Gjeraldi and Dorolhy Robinsn,t Or01ono. Alsu ird gre:a( grandchild lor Perry & IFranucesSanderi-s of' Peter- borougli. and second greal grandchild for Arîhtr & Mildred Wiîec, Bowmiianville. Addiional grecaiLgrand- cidof'Mis. Belîy Robinson, Ohw and Mrs. Cailiierme [Lowlery, Kirby Sp)ec-ial thanks ýo Dr. Spear & Dr. Lindsev, aid tihe trsson [the lrîyfluor. Ç7cvan O 214 Kle-qSt FE. caR ifor ia no obýJltinevlato 0 f YLIhour ome acreage or farm or for information on proper ties i n the areýa. WANTED> TOREINT -FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE- Clifford and BeuLahi Held of Por i Hope car e pleased (o annouince thle forthcoming miarriage ot' iheir duhe Shari Lynn to Frederie Brian, son of Klaas and Dini Schoenmiaker of Oronio. Marriage to take Place JIuly 27th, 1985 ai Orono United Church. -DEATH NOTICE JOLL, Everard H. - AI South Haven Nursing Homne, Newcastle on Monday, May 6, 1985, ni his lOth year, Everard JolI beloved husband of the late Edith Riekard, dear father of Eunice (Mrs. H. Seekins), Vancouver, Margaret Rudmian of Newcastle, Bill of Owen Sound and the late Stuart and Jack, Ioved grandfather of 9 grandchildren and 14 great giandchildren. Friends may cali at the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmnanville front 2-4 and 7-9 Wednesday, May 8th. Funeral service in the chape! on Thursday, May 9th at 1:00 p.m. Intertnent Orono Cemetery. Donations to charity of your choice would be appreciated. 8, a. c. CAIREER TRAINING FREE Career Guides describes 200 learit-at-home correspondence Diploma courses: Accouinting, Ait, Bookkeeping, Business Manage- ment, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journahism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto 1-800-268-1121. n/c COMING EVENTS/NOTICES ADVENTURE AWAITS YOU. Corne ride the whilewater ail summer é long with Wilderness Tours Canada's leading whitewater outfitter. For. information and reservations Calil1-800-267-3124. n/c FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insuilation. Qualitsy work at WItersl' Ontario prices. Cerrified applicators. Experienced in agrlcsthural retrofit inýce 1975. Cal]i Warih Insulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On-, tarlo K7H 3G1. n/c PERSONAL DATES GALORE. For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of mnembers anious to mnees you. Prestige Acquaintuances. Cali toi free 1-800l-263-9163. Hours: Noon tili 8 p.m. n/c FOR SALE STEEIL BUILDtNGS, Manufaclurers clearance. Limited quantiie, BIiy Now whýiile supplies last. Substantial discounfts during sale. Widiths 30' Io 120' Cat bo free 1-800-387.8130. <Ares code 807 cail 14161 828-6262. POOL SALES. Leading manufacturer with a llmited number of 1984 modeis is having a clearance sale. Package includes mosor pump, ffuser, skimmner, Iner, fence and deck. Regular $2,095 reduced 10 $I,29 (alil anyime i-8(X)-265-8142. (Continued, page 13) , We offer to you No. 1 Grade Ontario Mape Srup Juicy No-WIax From C A. Storage Home-made Cider 6 23- 4 445 RALy ............ ...... .... ...........

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