2-~ozono WeeklilTimea, Wednesday, May 8, 1985 -ooTrr.r ]dioI - - The Ontario Provincial election is over with the Pro] &Iessive Conservative~ squeaking out a slimn minority govern- ment. The provincial trend was flot a factor in the Durham East riding where Sam Cureatz was returned wvith a miajority flot unlike that of 1981. Organization in Durham East along with dedicated workers surely made the difference and one miust noi count out the work of Sam Cureatz within the riding over the past four years. The pundits have by now expressed their views to the drop in popularity of the Conservatives in Ontario. This corner feels there were many reasons and these in total effected the drop at the polis for the Tories. The education isue did take on a high profile in the new media especially after domments of the Archbishop but there were other issues which were less evident but just as monumental for the Conservatives. Ertvironmentaiists across the province showed their concern of environmental issues and circuiated questionairres Io ail candidates as to their concerns of weland policy, pollu- tion of land and water, etc. The answers to the questionairres were tabulated and it is understood the Tories did flot fair that well with PC incumbents, aimnost in total, ignoring the ques- tionairre. We would think that extra billing for mnedical billings had toi also be an issue for somne. In these issues it would appear the past goverfiment in Ontario lacked concern- and determination to takec action Io correct what the electorate sees as issues in the affairs of their province. The goverriment has talked of restraint and iri fact did, through operating grants, maintain this stand. Howý,ever on the cali of the election capital projects for beds for the elderly, and a host of others came to the front but left the question of openating costs for the individual municipalities. The overwhelming mrajority in Ottawa for the Conser- vatives could well have been a factor for mnany and Brian Mulroney hias flot, as yet, enhanced conservative policy. In the end it could well be a government gone stale and com~pacent. "$o what does a mother do anyway?" Ùîere were inany reasons by Jennifer Garland are set and met without No other individual negotiation; for informing deserves as much credit for you that by 'behaving, th~er role in society than that yourseîf', you'll be 'fresh as a iindividual fondly referred to daisy' when the right one as Mother. So what does a cornes aîong; for ietting you imother do anyway? know your friends are not the When you are young, she is experts and do flot know the individual 'who ensures everything; and most of aIl, that you receive proper food, for encouraging you to be clothing and shelter. She is yourself at alil tîmes, despite respoflsKbe for making sure the challenges of growing up. you haven't got your clothes When, you are ant adult, she on backwards before going is somneone you turn Io when out to schooi; for making feeling a little blue, when you sure ail foods good! for you, need advice, or when you j ust siuch as squash or liver, make want someone to talk to. She- it directly to your mouth is your friend, your confi- without detour to the dog, dent. She is a source of con- floor, or apron pockets as fidence, someone who en- such food is inciined to fail; courages you to strive for for making sure you don't sit goals once though unat- on the seat in public tainable. Most of aIl, she is washrooms; and most of ail, somneone who always ailows foV encouraging you to be you to be yourself, yourself at al times. As a daughter, I can only When you are a teen-ager hope that 1 can be as good a she is the individual responsi- Mother to my children as my hie for making sure curfews own Mother has been to me. Kendal1 News God thought to give the sweetest thing lu his almighty power, and deeply pondering What it should be - one hour In fondest joy and love of heart Outweighing every other. He moved the gates of heaven apart And gave to earth - amohr Sunday morning was duli ,and threatening a good morni- ing to sleep in which miany did. Our speciai U.C.W. ser- vice was not welI attended. However we were miost thankfui for the ramn which was falling as we madie our homneward way. Mrs. Dora Youngman led the caîl to worship. The choir sang "I've found the answer. I've learned to pray" followed by t h eir new anthemn: "Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me." Then Mrs. Pat Beach of Greenw,,ood had the children on one side spell thle first two letters of church and the children on the other side spell the lasîtw,ýo. What was> the middle? U.R. Then she taught them aL new song. She sang the verses. They sang thec chorus. The scripture reading was Deut. 5: 23-33; Matt. 5: 1-14. The Sermon: The Beatitudes & Womecn. A very inspiring address. She said lier favourite wýas: "Happy are the peacemakers: f'or they shall be called the children of God". Next Sunday is Mother's Day. Honour her by coming to church. On Wednesday, May 8th it is the 4th Anniversary of VEDayV..sadfo Victory in Europe. Countries like Holland were freed of Nazi oppression. One manl told of their disasterous at- tack on Dieppe. When it waS over, of the original 82, only 9 were left. World War Il was certainly a frightful period in our humran history. 1It brought ou, the worst and the best in man. When history, is forgotten we are doomed tt, live it al over again. We in Canada have had 40 years of peace, wilI it becomne 80 years of peace? One lady on the over ninety birthday club who is one hundred this week was a Red Cross nurse in both the first and second World Wars. She also nursed in Refugee camps after the Second World War. Premier Frank Miller wound up with twenty fewer seats on May 2nd. He blames this on public* funding f'or Roman Catholic Schools. The Conservati-ve Party decided without any discus- sion in Parliament that every tax payer shahl pay for al Roman Catholic education inciuding the building of a new Catholic high school in September. Once a teacher always a teacher. My heart goes out to those high schuol teachers who have spent years in preparing for their profession whowill at the end of June receive those pink slips saying "Your services are reduni- dant". The High School Boards wiil say with lhaif our rooms closed our staff must be reduced. Will Frank Miller say just before he cails ant election as is predecessor did, "I have decided the time is right for public funding of all Jewxish schools"? Governmients who forget who they represenît will get defeated. 1 wonder how mnany teachers boycottedl the election? 1 ami one teacher who did flot vote on May 2nd. The first time I failed to vote since 1 wvas twenty-one (the voting age at that time). I must have iooked younger for they made me swear on the Bible that 1 was twenity-onie although I had been teaching their schooi for two years. Mrs. P. Bennett and her mother have gone on a visit to lireland. They have relatives there. Our WA. bake sale on Saturday was a success bring- ing in $90.(X). the beautiful Dresden Plate quiît was won by a lady in Our village Mrs. Pearl Clark. There were mnany lovely articles, beautiful home knit sweaters by one of our ladies; lovely bird houses and feeders made by Eddie Couroux and given by his wife to the W.I1. Penny Sale. On May the first, a beautiful spring day, eleven ladies gathered at the home of Miss Cathierine Stewýart f'or (-urt United Church Womnen's m-eeting. The president opened the meceting xith a poem "-It is Ma"and the hymirn "Break Tothe Bread of Lîfe" followed by the Lord's prayer. Devotional St. John !3: 1-10. A living Parable. The minutes of the last meeting were read; the finan- cial report given. A cheque for $55(X) was made out1to seen or heard. girl of 20 heun a formner boy f toid of wife Then the fol was read (a) abandonment. 9-16; Luke 17: Divorce, Mala Marriage, Esi ty. Fa. deterio lived:1 n NOTICE --[, R.D. Jones have NO sewing machine for sale. I SMASHED IT. Don't cail 948-0707 as the telephone bas been out. I have NOT been carrying on with Mrs. Kelly. Until yesterday she was my housekeeper, but she qut." Mr. John Cathcart of Cloyne has had the misfor- tune to hit loose gravel on the wav to his work on highway construction last week. His car turned over. He is suffer- ing fromn broken ribs and possible back injury. His brother Bruce visited him on Sunday, May 4th in Renfrew St. Savîour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Rector 987-4745 ST. SAVIOUR'S CHURCH May 12, 1985 9:45 a.m. Church School Service abanaoming a marriage.. What can the church do about it? We can refer a mother to our mninister. There is a family counseilor at the Orono Medical Centre. There is a Womnan's Sheiter and Support Services in Oshawa. Another in Peter- boroug--h. Our next U.CW. meeting June 4 is on Tuesday at 7:30 p.mn. at the homne of Mrs. Lenora Stapleton. Closing hymin "Oh God our hielp in ages past". Lunch was provided by Mrs. L. Skerratt. My oriole wili be back May the tenth because the leaves on the maple wiil be out enough to hîde his brilliant orange and black plumage. Typographical errors are very easy to make. For exam- ple 'Mayor Rickard may become Major Rickard or Mr. Stan Brown may b-, referred to as Mrs. Stan Brown when ail his pals know he is a bachelor. Sometimes it's unwise to try to correct thé error. Here is an examrple of a typographical error in the ciassified section of a smnali town newspaper and the subsequent disastrous at- tempt to correct it. This is from the California Publishers Assn. (Monday) FOR SALE - R.D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale. Phone 948-0707 after 7 p.m. andi ask for Mrs. Kelly who lives with fimi cheap. (T u esd ay) NOTICE - We regret having erred in R.D. Joues ad yester- day. It should have read "One sewing machine for sale. Cheap. Phone 948-0707 and ask for Mrs. Kelly ,who lives with him after 7 p.m." (Wednesday) NOTICE -R.D. Jones has informned us that he has received several annoying telephone cails because of the erros we muade in his classified ad yesterday. His ad stands correct as foilows: FOR SALE - R.D. Jones has ORONOj PASTORAL CHARGýE SUNDAY, May 12, 1985 Orono United Churchi Mýorniiing WAorship 11:15 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. Bill Tadeja, Duty Chaplain, Oshawa Hospital BIBLE STUDY Wýedniesday 8:00 p.m., Friendship Roomi UPCOMING SERVICES May i9th Mission Sunday and Sacramnent of Baptism. Rev. Bill Hincks will be the guest speaker. May 26th Sunday School Anniversary June 2nd - Conference Sunday Rev. Len Ferber will be guest speaker. June 9th 6th Anniversary of tlie United Church of Canada KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning WýAorship 9:45 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. June I 2th Wednesday Kirby Sunday School Anniversary & Picic Popular Fragrances! Just For Mom Gloria Vanderbilt Lady Wind Song Andron Chimère Enjoli Midnight Aviance Night Whisper Musk Skin Musk Jovan Musk Cachet FREE - Fine China Mug with every purchase of "ENJOLI" CARDS BY CARLTON I I S