4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesd.u, NMay 8, 1985 F or Richer For Poorer Column by Viki Bates A Very Squirrely Tale Okay, so what's happening to the simple word gratitude. V've heard an animal neyer bites the hand tha(tfeeds it. Aha, not sol Another defunct revelation to >be covercd in inciduous spider webs. Earl the squirrel passed in and out of Our lives Mn just two short weeks. Being a nior- mal bumnan bing of con- siderate compassion, 1l' tookl symnpatby on this smaillro- tuind rodent, with bis prolaps- cd eye and paralysis ( the latest victim of the mad driver and his racing machine.) And besicles, the kids knew their mnother for a sucker. Weil, Earl progressed from side flops to wobbly sit- ting positions. He eye return- ed to normal and an appetite was established. In no tume at ail a menu card was called for three times daily. That in- satiable palatte soon craved pecans, red delicious applies, topped by cashews and a side order o f pistachios. Desperatie, 1 scrounged around the old chestnût, scraping away feet of snow to find some good old original squirrel food. Earl sniffed, then thumbed his nose at al * my hard work. And my grocery bill escalated once More.1 Rt didn't sceen too hard to become acquainted with this mnighty midget. He ate out of my hand and I could pet him considerably. His heath im- proved rapidly; the paralyis giving way to normal Ieg movements.. For exercise, Earl meandered around the house, getting the feel of his new surroundings. Proud of myself, 1_ gloated over mny ability to tame a totallIy wild animal. (Dear Lor, hoýw I gloated.) I steadfast tmain- tained my ideas refusing al advice on the behaviour of wild animais. The rest, unbelievers that they were, stood back a-nd waited. Eari became inmy persona, achieve- ment.L There came a _day, however, xiien Larl tested miy ability as to who the master really was. The job of cleaning his cardboard p)en- thouse pad fell as usual, to me. Reaching down in my usual self-assured way, 1 was totally unprepared for the lashing attack of a long set of claws. Vicious red streaks snaked across my hand. Slightly shocked, though not yet stopped, 1 armed mysef with a set of my kids vinyl gloves. This time there were no claws only a pair of upper and downer teeth connecting with my finger. It was sharp, wuick and straight to the point. Mighty EarI bounded out of his box and tore around the living. rooni. Under the couch, over the couch, on the couch, into the den, (no sign now. of Orono - Lockhart 'News Reports ORONO CAMPUS NEWS April 23, 1985 Dear Dad, You have been a big help by caffing me for sunner and teaching me hovw hit. A Dear Mrs. Clark< Thank you foi bandage and let your phone. Open House at On Wed. Apt Public School h bouse. One of1 tractions was thi The girls perf< Nicole Yaworsi Cowling, Vicy P Beier, Andrea Wcnda DenHo Kelly Hentig. TI been working weeks. They stai basics and work more difficult n of the mnoves Wei front straddles, back traddles, hand tanids,a walkoverS, froil anld for somne( Lirs back banc Famnes deserves credit for ahl the into gymnnasticý spent the las.t working on noi gratulations to the girls for their hard work. by Kelly Hentig Gr. 6 to catch and ORONO CAMPUS NEWS Education Wcek Your son, From April 22nd to April Chad 26th Orono Public School pril 23, 1985 had its education weelc. One Ç' day during the week, dii'- ýr giving me a ferent people came ini to talk tn meus to us about different things. ting e use One of the people was Mrs. Your friend, Layng from the museum. She Charlene L. sbowed us some objccts donated to the mnuseuni. If Orono P'.S. you would like to see the nir 24 Orono niuseum and you don't know eld an open where it is, it's right beside the main at- Kirby Burgers. It is open e gymnastics. throughout the year at a orming were variety of tmes for your con- ;ki, Michelle venience. Insîde the museum ower, Eileen there are exhibits on area a Trafford, istory up to the 1920's, )lender and prebistory, pioncer stories, "he girls have artîfacts, phot quizs and a for twelve hands-on area is available for rted with the children. You can buy local :ed up to the hîstory books, notepaper and moves. Some buttons. It does not cost ýre front nols, anything to get in, but there is back rolis, a donation box to express head stands, support for the Museumn or arches, back Archives. nt walkovers by Allison Cochrane or the hetter Gr. 6 spings. M. Salot of the cwonk he put s. The girls 1fcw wccks )utines. Con- Apnil 27. 1985 Dear Mn. Maigar, Thanik yoi lor askim!ig m dad if he wotnd x l, t us one of the cajs ru rAk c i,) his, carlier injury). On the T.ýV., up the bookshelf, a leap into the flower pot. Earl and pot suspended in miid air, then crashing to thre ground. Not to be discouraged- though, this stupid squirrel shimmied up mry curtain chat- tering at me from t.he curtain rod. This must have been an exercise in reflex reaction. Mine were not his. Between ducking, neck swivelling and head protecting on my part, Earl enjoyed hisý freedom more and more. The sheer curtain became his front bicep extender, leaving holes in his wake. Throughout the next hour the quiet home became a scene of attempted bash and run, Earl reigning supreme. The final insult bit home when Earl decided the window sili could use some fertilizer. My compassion drained awa. In no timne at al the fîsh net and 1 cuiled a friendship. With practiced matador swings and twirls around the room, it wasn't long before Earl hund among the twisted threads, bis eye making contact with mine. Egads, there was a sneer on bis face! Unknown to Earl he had just sealed his own fate. With jet speed, 1 propelled Earl through the front door, a ground squirrel transfortn- cd for a few minutes into a flying squirrel. Compassionate as I ami, there was a gleamn in my eye. the hospital. I am alright now. by Stephen Shetler April 23, 1985 Dear Mr. Deremo, I thank you very much for strengthening my hockeyý abilities. Will you also carry this think you note to Mr. Cunnin'ghamn-? Your friend, Aaron April 23, 1985 Dear Paper Boy Thank you for delivering the paper. The paper has a lot of news in it. 1 realiy ap- preciate it. Thank you. Your friend, Mike Dreslinski April 23, 1985 Dear, Mom > Thank you for helping nme dlean my clothes amd making dinner and making my bed, Your son, Peter LOCKHART CAMPUS NEWS by Coralie Tennant, Georgina Sorîciadis and Nikke VanHamburg Mr. Eames in math both grades are doing geometry. Mr. Withcnidge in E.S. thcy are learniing about space'. I math they are learning about division. iMrs. Ralfe Grade 2-3's are writing letters to their Pinles Seior Public Report On Tuesday, May 2lst, the grade sevens fïrni The Pines wýill be taking a four day thp to beautiful Quebec C-ity. The students will be stopping- in Montreal to tour the Olymi- pic Site and thent on to Qucbecý City. The students will be touring the Citadelle, historic Qucbec City, Mure du F-ort, the National Assemnbly and m-iany more places. It should be an ex- citing trip for the tudents and the parents who accom- panî1y themi. On, May l4th the Gauss Math Contlesi wil tlake place. Grade,- seven and eighnt students acr-oss the boarud will be in this conteSt. I1t is spon- sored by "The University of Waterloo" and "Tlhe Grand Valley Mathemnatics Associa.- tion", The top student in the favourite community helpers. Melanie Johnson got the let- ter back from the Mayor. Everybody's excited about Constable Braxnma coming to talk about bike safety. Spring Time O)u, y window 1 saw a Down the rond there's so- meone jogging. In the garden there's flowers blooming, Over there is a fat lady brooming. Ail tiny buds are growing, Ail gardeners are happily hoeing. by Jeff Coleman, Gr. 6 Mr. Eames' Class mnath contest fr The Pines, gets a plaque anid the top stu- dent acss the board gets a iroiphy. The followinlg people wil be reprcsenting lThe Pines at this comipetition. Karen Garrison Janet Crowther Jeff9Walters Ken Fetherstonhaughi Todd Gray Greg Donald Barb Byers Anidy Bamnscy Cindy Tamiblyn Jackie Young Ken Verwoert M,,ike Tait Mi-ke Dinsdale uin VanderSchee Julie Troost Kim Lycett Derek Zander Tammy Hansen Cathy MCulougýh Gwen Lafont MTbnTrave1 BOWMAN VILLE MALL' Scienceta at the Pies JIwuing LEducation Week, at The iniles. we held a scýien'ce fais. AIl exhibits wredii'- feren t andU'ail! er in- teresting. Mr. Moore, MIrs. GJibson and Mr. Smitlh selected thec top five grade seven and the top five grade eîgh-texit. Grade 7 - Barb Cherry on -Acid Rain; Pamn Hole, Moni- que Sluymners on Electricity, Mike Tomlinson on The Water Cycle; Light and its Effects on Plants by Cindy T-amblyn and Dams by Diana Stephenson. Grade 8 - K en Fetherstonhaugh on Precipitation; Darryl Burke on' Breathinv Organs, Kim Lycett and Christy Flintoft on Sounds and Ears; Brent Osm-ond on How Hot Air Riscs and Tina Bryant and Jeninifer Devolin' on Con- iferous Trees. COMPLEE WORLO TRAVEL SERVICE 623-1511 INew Deal Caribbean Cruises M- liWinterl1985/86 Now Even Better... ýy roI- à tefrouuiToronto Second pret year of Regetts 'qffordable' winter Caribbew s es - saine low prices, but now wih the magi4flcei 15,00<)ton ms Azur. Dec. 14 each Saturday until March 15 Cati Today 623-1511