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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1985, p. 1

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A big M twith xulptuoed birds Sculpture' s talent cornes naturally by Jennifer Garland As the sayýiin-ggoesý, some people have it, and somne peo- ple don't. Jeff Greer of Orono Estates definîtely has it-talent, that is. Greer is a sculpturer of birds andi animais. In îcis tban tbrrc years, thirty-thre old Greer bas becorne a master of bis craft. At the mercy of his hands, a bloc&, *of pine slabs laminated together is transformed iiito a f inely-featu red creat ure ncstl- cd in a Irealistic setting. "I've always enjoyed mak- ing things out of wood," Greer says, "I've always 1k- cd birds and animais and fouïnd that people like them "li's a challenge to take a picture and produce a piece of work as realistic as possi- ble,". Greer says, adding, "The more realistic it is, the more pleasing to the eye." The sketches and drawings of other faous artists sucb as Bateman, Loates, Landesdown and Audoun provide Greer witb the idea and inspiration to create bis own versions of nature's vcry ovi. l'If I sec a picture 1 like, l'Il do it," lie says. His work is popular i the area. Ini the lait two years, hie has created fiftecn pieces and sold ail of them. Cu rrently, be bas seven pieces on order. He bas also received orders for bis work front Brenda's (Contînucd page 5) Board to consider abuses education oekip gtrneg The 4-T Club of Or-ono reaches out to senlior citizens in the area needing a friend, a hlping hand, or perhaps just a sympathetic car frorn so- meone who cares. Organized six years ago, the aim of the club is to pro- mote, cultivate, and maintain sociability, recreation and good fellowship among senior citizens. Located in the Durham County Seniors Lodge of uhlished FSery'We4neday __ Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, lune 26, 1985 Orono, the club is open to ail senior ctizens in the Town of Newcastle. For a monthly fee of oem dollar, local seniors mnay join the org-anizationl to par- ticipat e in social evenits and to have use of the facllities available at tîhe community hall located ini the Durham Couinty Seniors Lodge. This included use of a wor-kshop open 10 a.m1. t0 4 p.m., a sewing -machinie, musicalin- struments, and sports equip- mient such as a shuffle board. A numnber of events are organizeùd for the benefit of the mnembers. These include the followiing: a $3-M0 mon- thly dinner held on the last Thursday of every m-onth, crafts every Monday atter- noon at 2 p.m. (supplies are provided by the Club), cards and euchre tournamnents every Tuesday at 2 p.,m., and a sports day will be organized at a future date. Special events are also planned throughout the year. A free Christmas dinner is organized for members, as is a Birthday Barbecque held during the summer. Since ils establishment, the group has organized trips to the Trent Canal, Niagara Falls, Cullen Gardens, 1000 Islands and a faîl bus trip to sec the leaves in th e Region. The cost of these trips is subsidized through mnembership funds. Both George and Doris Day, residents of the Durham County Seniors Lodge, serve oin the ex:ecutive ot thl-e 4-T Club. George as the Treasure-r and Doris as the President. "lt's a xeally good deal as you know," George said oôf (Continued Page 5) ART SHOW AND SALE Clarke Township Museum. presents its lst Annual Art Show and Sale. Free Admission to both indoor and out- door exhibits. The show features local artists duringl the Canada Day Weekend. Bring the kids along to enjoy our Hi;story Hunt - a cross between April Po-ols and ain Easter Egg Hunt. Smaill prizes and free admission. Saturday, Sunday and Monday il a.m. tw 5 p.m. BEACH BOP Teen Dance at the Orono Community Centre on Friday June 28, 1985 from 8:00 p.m. tilI 12 m-idnight. Corne dressed for the beach. STUDENTS' POEMS PUBLJSHIED Congratulations to Kristen Plu-mmer, a Grade 6 student at Orono-Lockhart Public School, and Greg Hooper, a Grade 3 student at Lockhart Public School, for their recent publicat ,ion of two poems in "lcy Water and Silky Sand", a poetry an- thology produced by elemientary students and published by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. THIRD HOLE-IN-ONE Art Tuson of Newcastle aced his 3rd Hole-In-One, on No. 17 using a 6 iron. His 18-hole score was 79. He was golfing with John Shetli of Orono on June 18, 1985. MEN ATTACKED BY RED-WING If yon are wondering what the island of green is in a ditch ,alcong ',he 115/35 highway where construction to widen thie :hiohway is currently underway,, read on. John Carr of con- ý1rs Gas reports t-hat workmnen were attacked by a Red- -ngBlackbird atter stumblhing upon ats nest of young. Rather than upset dhe bir-d and its young, workmnen chose to leave the nest alone. The Northumberland and, Newcastle Board of Educa- tion is to consider the inclu- sion of drug and alcohol education in some comn- pulsory classes at Clarke High School and at the Pines Senior Public School. The Education committee is to recomimend to the board that some $3500) be approved to develop curricula over the sumrmer for the one-year pilot project which would start in the fall. The curricula would be included in english and science classes. If the_ project proves suc- cessfufl it is hoped it would be extended to other schools throughout the board's jur isdiçýtion. Sucli progranis arc already in existence in other boards including thic Halton Board and the Markhani District Board. The Clarke-Pines Lifestyle coimittee has proposcd to integrate drug and alcobol education into grades 7 and 9 science courses and grades 8 and .10 englisb courses in the two scbools. This committec formed in October of 1983 consists of scbool staff, a parent, a police officer, a truistee and an Addiction Reýsearcli Foundation officer. Bob Willsher, trustee and who is a memiber of the corm- mittee said studenits thirougl1 the program could study the (Continucd page 5) The 4-T Cluab of the Durharn open to ail senior citizens in the 'Three Maidens fromi the County Senior Citizen's, the Town of Newcastle. Pic- Virgin Islands". If you're a Lýodge of Orono exists to Pro- tured above: left to) right, senior in the area wth a bit mote, cultivatel and maintain Teddy Coombhs, George Day, too xnUChI time on11your hands soiaiitrecreation and the club's treasurer, and and wýishing to meet niew good fellowship among Tony Haylock dress up f'or friends, the 4-T Club exists senior citizens. The club s -sorne îiveîy entertainmtent as f'or you. Pu 4-T Club reaching out to seniors by Jennifer Garland m a

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