Orono Weeldy TUnes. Wednuday. June 26, 195 - 3 Orono-Lockharts Sami spends $79,200 fNews Report for expenses for 1984 Dorothy Waterman, of University at the convocation Kendal, a graduate of ceremanies held June 22, Lakeshore Teachers' College 1985. Dorothy is the daughter '1969 obtarned her Bachelor of Mr. and Mrs. J. of Arts' degree from York Myszkowski of Toronto. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Happy 55th Anniversary July Pct, 1985 Prom the four of us. -A-mmnd ArHome n d Dare 1 comment? Some three weeks aga 1 was presented with a. newspaper clipping by one of the pramninent female en- trepreneurs in Orano with definite liberated leanings. The article was headed, -Watch the Women Making Their Moves". 1 have re-read the article a number of times and pondered a number of passi- ble replies. The last tiine such an en- cauniter took place it carried on for some three issues of the Times but I suspect 1 did not win any overwhelming Brownie poits. Such being the case and even being welI aware that' possibly l'm losing an appor- tunity ta put some zip into this article creating interest as did the last encounter, l'm bowïjng out. i111 hawever pass along soý. of the information con- tained in the clîppîng for it is rather intexresting and certain- ly 1 would not want to be ac- cused of withholding such pertinent reports and fin- dings. "The number of self- employed women is increas- ing five times faster than self- employed men and three times faster than the number of wanien wage and salary workers." "Studies show that wamen are more successful than men and fram 1979 ta 1983 45 per- cent of the women en- trepreneurs are still in business while the percentage for men still hanging on draps ta a lowîy 25 percent." "Women are more suc- cessful entrepreneurs because they prepare better, make greater use of prafessional advisors, take more business courses, read more about business, start with modest expectations and have a more long-range view of things". "The number of small businesses owned by women rose to 36 percent in 1979 ver- sus only 16 percent ten years Thanks... We would like to give our greatest thanks to the Pine Ridge kinettes for donatîng $100.00 to our library to pur- chase new books. THANK YOU!!!!!!! 0. P. S. SOMEONE'S TEASING ME!!!! My eyes are very hot. They have tears in thern: My face feels red like it does when 1 wash it and the water is too hot. 1 arn breathing fast and 1 feel it inside PLEASE DON'T TEASE ME!!!! By Shannon McGregor Grade 4 PLAY DAY AT ORONO LOCKHART SCHOOLS On Friday June 14, 1985 Orono and Lockhart schools participated in many events. The two schools were divided into 20 teams. There were 9 events. There, was a parachute event in which one team was on one side while the other teamn was on the other. In this event you had ta bounce a bail and try to get it over to the other side. If you succeeded you got one point. Another event was the obstacle course. All you had ta do was go around the obstacles. The baIl shoot was another event. The teamn that got the most shots into the net won. Tire roll is an event where you have to roll the tire around the marker. The next ane on the list is the Zig Zag. In the Zig Zag you have to go in and around chairs. Spoon race event involved balancing a basebaîl on a spoon and go- ing around a marker. Now on ta the shoe race. This is where you take your shoes off and put themn in a hoop with al your other teammates shoes. Then in pairs you race up and grab your shoes put themn on and tic themn up. The best event was the sack race. In this race you have ta climb in a sack and bounce around a marker, Last but flot least was the dribbling race, whcre you dribble a bail arounci a marker. We would like to give our deepcst thanks ta the P.T.A. for supplying us with goodies on this play day. By Sean Winning Grade 6 earlier. The figure is close to fifty percent to-day". And many of these businesses are not small. It is estimated there are 300,000 wamen business owners in Canada today. 1 doubt I need to go any further including excerpts from the clipping. The facts seem to be conclusive and leave little raom for argu- ment. Women's cultural of the present is in itself en- treprenurial and we have no hang-ups about this. Prime Minister Mulroney and Finance Wilson should farget about Iookiîig to the Americans and other foreign entrepreneurs to put Canada pack on the track. The answer is right here. Al i1 can say, "We wiIl bc here when you nec'1 -1 . .. we have nothing else to do." TRACK & FIELD Last Monday and Tuesday Lockhart school held a Track and Field meet, to find out who was going to Clarke, and also for House League Points. The children are grouped by their age. On Monday it was the Track Meet. Track events are ail running, on Tuesday it was the Field events such as Bail Throw and Running Long Jump. There were same parent helpers such as Mrs. J. 'Hooper, Mrs. C. Hooper, Miss S. Mifflin, Mrs. N. VanHambeirg and Mrs. Locke. The First Aid Kit was ready and we had ta use it. The meet lasted 1:00 to 3:00. On June 20 the Clarke Track &Field Meet was held. By Tanya Hylon LOOKING FOR KINETIC ENERGY Look for: Large bails flying, TaIl girls leaping, White shoes bouncing, Worried instructor jump- ing, When there is motion at a girls' volîcybaîl game. Look for: Hot pizza flying, Scrarnbled eggs falling, Green lettuce flaating, Red tonmates bounding When there is motion at the restaurant. Look tar: Broken sticks flying, Black pucks soaring, Large boys slipping, Angry coaches fighting, When there is motion in the hockey rink. Durham East M.P.P., Sam Cureatz reported almost $30,000 mnore in expenses than, his counterparts in the ridings of eîther Oshawa or Durham West last year. Cureatz reported $79,200 in official expenses for fiscal 1984-1985, compared to $44,558 for Durham West M.P.P. George Ashe and $74,037 for Oshawa's Mike Breaugh. The average cost of keep- ing an M.P.P. in office last year was $62,258, Il percent more than the year before. Look for: Red baIl bouncing, Big man running, Purpie coat flying, Small child jogging, When there is motion in the park. By Kristen Plummer Grade 6 BACK AT IT AGAIN By Michelle Ross The teachers are back at doing report cards. The children can't wait tili they find out what they'l1 get, but because it's tough work for Cureatz's expenses were greatest in the accomodation and travel department. He spent $25,224 compared ta $1,945 for Ashe and $17,179 for Breaugh. Keeping their offices at Queen's Park cost Cureatz $19,364, Ashe $15,269 and Breaugh paid $18,369. Rent and staff for local constituency offices cost Cureatz, who keeps two of- fices open, $39,312, Ashe $27,344 and Breaugb, $38,489. teachers, maybe we could be extra good. It's a BIG job, but look at it this way teachers somebody has to do it. WANT ADS Wu R K 983-5301, ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL' AiÏO) JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN WE OFFER A MORNING ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME FOR 2- 5 YEAR OLD CHILDREN OPTIONAL READING . PROGRAMME QUALIFIED STAFF - LICENSED PREMISES REGISTER NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 987-4012 *_RED & WHITE HOLIDA Y SA VINGS at Very Competitive Prîces SCHNEIDEIq'S RED HOT ORSKINLESS WIENERS 450g pkg 1.29 SCHiNEIDERS 454 g pkg. Beef Steakettes ea. 1.79 GREAT ON THE GRILL THICK-CUT Pork Buti Ch O kg3.1b.1m79 Crisp No. 1 Ontario CARNIVAL 2L carton LETTUCE ea. 49 ICE CREAM 1.39 HOSTESS each bag AVIMER 1 L btie. Chips or Snacks.99 KETCHUP 1.29 No Name: Deliclous No Name Quality 10 oz. jar BEEF or CHICKEN Instant Coffee 4.991 PIES 4to pkg-.2.19 C RnNIS H S Phone 983-5201