Matt Snelder honoured with Main Street painting I On Saturday over 150 at- tended a retirement party held i the Orano Cosumuni- ty Centre at which residents of the cammunity honaure d Matt Sacîders who has been in business in the Village for the past twenty-six years. Mr. Snelders was presented with a Don Staples water cal- aur painting depiciting a scene of the Main Street Puhlîshed Evé business area including Mom's Kitchen which he has aperated for a number, of years. The presentatian was made by Roy Forrester, (left) on behalf of those present, ta Mr. Snelders (right). The evening was spent in dancing' with lunch being served. ery1We4nesdav Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 21, 1985 iorticuit The Orona Harticultural Society held their annual Fal Flower show on Thursday eening of last week along with their regular manthly meeting. A good showîng of flawers were on display by members as well as the showing of outstanding slides by Edgar and Nan James of R.R. 4 Bowmanvile featuring a re- cent tour of Switzerland, nar- then Italy and other nieighbouring cauntries associated with the moun- tains. The James travelled with seven others in a van with a guide and through this ar- rangement were able ta visit out-af-the-way places and change the itinerary as ta their desire. The slides featured beautiful country and moun- tain scene as well as wild flowers of the area. Special Conipetitions: The following were win- ners in the Special campeti- tian section: Class No. 1: Outside Win- daw Box or Planter, front view anly: (Winners listed in order of placing) Everett Brown, Dini Schoenmaker, Minnie Zegers and Gardon Atkins. No. 2: Best autside planter (ail around). _ Dini Schoenmaker, Edith Leudtke,.Gladys Moffat. Class No. 3: Outstanding Hanging Basket: irai show Everett Brown, Gordon Atkins and Lamna Atkins (tied for second place), Miary Tamblyn and Mlinniie Zegers (tied for third place.) Prize winners fromn Annual Show, August 15, in, Orono United Church Hall. Section 1 : Cut Flowers. Asters 1 Colaur & Variety. (Winners listed in order of placings) 1. Mrs. Edna Mercer, 2. Yvonne Trafford, 3. Doreen Lowery. Class 2: Asters (Mixed Col- ours). (Winners listed in order of placings) 1. Isabele Challice, 2. Eleanor Terril, 3 . Yvonne, Trafford. Class 3: Cosmas, (Any Col- aur). (Winners listed in arder af placings) 1. Yvonne Trafford, 2. Doreen Lowery. Class 4: Marigolds (Large). (Winners listed in arder of placings). 1. Doreen Lowery. Class 5: Marigalds (Snal). (Winners llsted in order of placings). 1. Doreen Lowery, 2. Yvonne Trafford. Class 6: Marigolds (2 - 5 cm.). (Winners listed in order of placings). .Eleanor Terrill, 2. Yvonne Trafford. Class 7: Pansies or Vialas. (Winners llsted in arder of placings). Il. Minnie Zegers, 2. Isabelle Challice. (contmnued an Page 2) ORONO HOCKEY REGISTRATIONS With the Orono Amateur Athletic Association and the Orono Figure Skating Club now taking registra- tions for hockey and figure skating winter mnust be on its way with its array of winter sports. The first sessions for registrations were held on Monday with other sates set aside for additianal registrations. ORONO FISH AND HUNT BARBECUE The Orono Fish and Hunt Club held their annual wild gamne barbecue at their Club Hlouse north of Orono on Sunday evening. The menu included bear stew and currie, antelope, venison and smoked fish. A good turnout was present for the auting. SELECT COMMIITEE TO MEET AT DARLINGTON îTle Ontario Select Committee on energy will be meeting at the Darlington Nuclear Station Information Centre on Tuesday, August 27th commencing at 9:30 a.m. TO ATTEND OTTAWA CONFERENCE Mayor Garnet Rickard of the Town of Newcastle hs attending the Aossiciation of Mur.icipalities of On- tario conference being held in Ottawa frons August 24th to 2th. Mayor Riekard is a mnember of the AMO Resolu- tion Committee and as sucb wiII bc in attendance a day earlier lu preparation for the confereace. DEef Barbeque A Success The Arena Improvemnent & Project Fund Cuîmmittee would like ta thank al who attended the Annual Beef Barbeque on Wednesday night. There were 385 people in attendance ta en- joy the barbequed meal provided by the Comnmittee - Mr. Bill Carman of Rolph Hardware donated two beautiful lawn chairs, which were won by Phil Gilmer and Sharon McGarvey of Newcastle, Dale Gemnlitt won an attractive plant, donated by Jensen Nurseries. DASHWOOD BOWS OUT The Orona E.O.B.A. Midgets were to have started their Ontario playdowns last Saturday at the Orono Park with a single gamne with Dashwaod and then travel to Dashwaod an Sunday for a possible double-header if needed. Unfortunately Dashwood phaned the Orono Club stating they had no intention in m aking the trip to Orono and thus forfeited the series with Orano. Orono now awaits word of their fir st opposition for the Ontario playdowns and as we understand Dashwood will be eliminated from O.B.A. play for the next twa years. Pro test new waste site Residents from bath Hope Township and the Town of Newcastle pro-. tested ta Robe rt Layton, Minister of State for Mines, any plans that would locate a law level radio-active waste site in either municipality. Layton visîted Part Hape last Tuesday at, the request of 'Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Durham Nor- thumberland. Eldorado has been' ordered ta dlean up two existing dumps in the area, W elcame -and Part Gran- by, with the Part Granby dump to be closed in 1986. The crown corporation has commissioned studies and reports as ta the possibility af lacating one dump at ane af three loca-, tions. near, ta the lakeshare. Area residents and local paliticians have registered objections tao these pro- pasals and continued with their objections during the visit and meeting with the Minister of Mines. Layton refused ta guarantee Ottawa wil force Eldorado ta look elsewhere for a dumpi), e promised only that he understands the situation and will urge cabinet ta quickly work ta find an answer. The Port Granby dump located in the Town of Newcastle was opened in 1952. Has top gladiolus in Orono show Mrs. Edna Mercer was the top winner in the aster and the gladili sections of the re- cent Orano Horticultural in ber garden on Main Street Saciety faîl Flawer show. with a few gladioli selections. Above t he winner is shown