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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1985, p. 9

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s ~ -~ CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from page 1 1) -DEATH NOTICE WATSON, Herbert, John "Jack" at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Monday, September 9, 1985. Jack Watson of Orono, age 50 years. Beloved husband of Edna Goode. Dear father of Michael and Heather. Beloved son of Gordon and Velma Watson. Friends may call at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville from 2 -4 p.m. and 7 -9 p.m. on Wednesday. Service in, the chapel on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Iterment Orono Cemetery. CAREER TRAINING FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn-at-home correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Manage- ment, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Torontoý 1-800-268-1121. AUCTION SCHOOL i41li year, 1,200 graduates, courses Aprîl, August and Decemiber. Write Wxestern Caniada School of Auctioneering. Box 687, Lacombe, AB TOC ISO. Phone (403) 782-6215. BECOMIE AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hiours instruictioni. Next class Novemiber 16 - 23. SouIhwestern Ontario Sehool of Auctioneeinig. Box 145, Innîerkip, Ont. N0J 1IO (519) 4,69-3936, (519) 5372 2115. COMING' EN ENTS OCTOBER CRUISES on the St. Lawrence River. Romiantic cite, thre wýord-famnous 000) Islands, th e rmarkable Inrnartionial Sewyand locks, Upper C-anadai Villaeu spectauilar shiore line and mnore. Four and six days aboard thie elegant cruie vessel Canadian Emrs.Special Oc- tober rates: $528 and $850. Plhoie 1-800-267-0960 for brochiures and reservations. AUICTION SALE GUN AUCTION Saîrday, Septemrber 14 at Jiar. Legioni Hal, Creemlore, Ont. Ovýer 100 rifiles/guns IIýinldn atqe ils,6Finlc pîstols, full fine British MFitary we1apo1ns nldn Brownr Bess,, Boar- ding Pistol, Bluinder Bus,lMuze loader,Sgn, collection of Wýini chesters,, Remiingtons, Coocys., Machosl, Belgiumn Brwing1[1H, MNaynard,. Grenade launiicher, plu, many, more. Mazrcel de \Vries, Auct1ioneer (70s) 445-9367. WAT-CHA CHAROLAIS Seventh PrFoduction Sale, S miles norýth of Mourit Forest on Hwy . 6 SaîurdJay, Septemiber 14, dinner 2 p.mn. Sale 4 p.m. 44 hecad sdIl, show tîingi, 4 buls, bred and open heifers. Phone (5l9) 334-3497. ONTARIO'S Lagsiarmi Machiniery onîomn Sale, Norwich, Ornario. Frîday, Septembher 13, 1985, 10 arni. (Sales conducted second Friday eachi montli). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus aIl types of farm equipmient. Cosgmnswelcome. For more information cail (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9ý093. PorersK.S. Harnulecki & Sons. FOR SALE PRE-FAB BUILDINGS Special to clear. 50 X 810 uip tu $7,000 dis- counit. Savings on other sizes also. Caîl colleet (416) 454-5600. BUILDINGS Priced below, wholesale. "inal inventory clearance. Various sizes available. AIl1 Steel. 10 - 20 yr warranty. Limîted stock available. Act Now and Save - No rceeves held. Caîl 1-800-387-8130 or (416Y 828-6262. FOR SALE New techniology to Canada C.S.A. approvedi - eliminates chemnical contamination, nuisance & coliform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smnell, iron, mranganese, hardness, bad taste and more - nIo miesY chemnicas - no taste or smnelî of chlorine, faly auîomatic. maintenance free, fested and proven i over 10,000O rural itallations -elirninates the need for liquidi chlorinialors and water distillers. Excellent for livestock operations - Free 6-Month trial offer - Iry i Out. See the resulis for youî-self, absoîuitely' no obligation and no cost to you. An immediate reitr on investrnen. Backed by a 20-)Year Wý,arranity - If you wanî BETTER WATER for Bietter Coutjryr _ivinlg Caîl toîl frer 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 624-4344 or Wýrite Aztec Water Purification Systemis, 203-1030 Kamrato Rd. MissagOntar io. L4W 4B6. PERSONAL DATES GALORE For ail ages and tunattachedi. Thousands of mnembers anxious to meiet yýou. Prestige Acquaintances Caîl Toîl Frer 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon iill 8 p.m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EARN up to $2000 everyv week for life. Simple work aI home business. Write: Robdor Sales 1748 Main Street, Suite 103G Buffalo, N.Y. 14208. JOIN Canada's Leading Log Home manufacturer. Prime dealer areas available. Contact Mr. M,,ike Murphy, 1867 Confederation Log Homes. P.O. Box 9, Bobcayg-eoni, Ontario, KOM IAO (705) 738-2301. DISSAT ISFIED? 21,2 years ago I was broke and dissatisfied. I now earn over $15,000 per rnonth commission. If you have the desire tc0 earn this type of incomne. Act Nowx. Contact between 9ï-5 (416) 863-0109. HELPNWANTED CAREER IN TRUC(KING. 'Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licensu. For pre-screening and job placement iformation contact M1erv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Si. Cahrns(416) 685-4453, Brampton (416)791I-1292. T RUCKING C'AREERS. D)river job training with placement help is avallable. Complete detaîls caoi be miailed to, you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 witl Postal Code. FOR SALE S WýHOLESALEF STEEL1 BUI-lD1NGj'i$ Manufacturer of quonset building, clearing out odd sized buildings. No middleman. Limited quanities. Best value on markeîi todayý. Serlous only caîl (416) 440-6029. CENTRAL, VAC,(UUM'x. Nationral distilbutor with surplus inventory is having a clearance sale. Packagle includes uirsi, tloor brush, carpet brush, crevice tool, uphýlolstery brush, hose, pipes, fittings and ail neeessary parts to instaîl. Regularly $799 clearing at $499.95 while sup- plies last. Call 1-800-2-65-8142. KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cuphoard instead of replacing ht. Save uip to 60 percent. Lead ing Manufacturer is having a , tearalce sale of certain styles. Package-inicludes doors, drawer fronts, Orono WVeekIlt Times, Wednesday, Septembher 11, 1985-9 Chosen as Ho use of Communs Page Hugh Macdonnell of Newcastle, Ontario has been selected as a House of Com- mons Page for the upcoming Parliamentary session. He is seen here with thre Honourable John Bosley', Speaker of the Housýe of Commrons during part of' the Page rinttinprogram prior to the opening of flie House on September 9. Mr. Macdonneil is a graduate student of Lakefield College School. He is the group chief of the Gr ove 1Fire Department, and the Mlanager of a twenty man school ski îeam. He bas par- ticipat cd in a Foruim for Yýoung Céanadians, attended a leadership confeernce and bas participated ini debating. Hugh enjoys such sports as cross country skiing, kayak- Land Owners .(Continued from page 8) siope. No, 1 remind myself, this isn't Walden Pond. It's a beef farm. Itbegan as a rat ber typical rolling pi ece of countryside. But througb the foresight and commitment of 1 individual (wbo 'infected' bis family) it's grown into a litush scene1 for farm) andwiidlife alike.] WhIen Matt boughf the properfy, if wýas attractive, and somewhat varied - good, cleared fields, roliing hilîs, 2 streams and a woodlot, erod- cd slopes and barren areas. But more tban that, Matt couid sec tbrough its status ing, swimming, tennis, and cross-country running. His hobbies incIlude dramia, debating, phiotography, politics, canoe 1tripping, choir singing and travellfing. He bas hcld summner jobs as a painter and with thec parking authori- (yý of' Toronto. This Programme cprovides fo)rty (40) yugCanadians, f'rom ail regions of Canada a unique Lexperiecme ofseingL their Parliamnent inl action. This programme emiploysý first year iversity sdenits to provide a meIssengLer Se- vice to NMemlbers of, parlia- ment in the Chamber wvhile the HouIse is in session. This ycar, almlost 500 young milen anid w\omen appiied to the Programn. Suýccesst'uI Can1didaLtes will then, to recognize what il could be. He kept viable ag-ricultural areas in production, car-efuilly retaining fthe rockpile oases, and fencerow corridors,, And,. he began replanting. In addi- tion to pines- useful in quick- ly recolonizing bare, 'deser t' terrain, but of littie value to wildiife - hie pianted oaks and nul trees. Caref'ul thoughit was given f0 I)antiingu- toward creaiting valley seclu- sion, and the gr eaiesî possible complexity and "edge". Edge - the contact betwcen forest and meadowv or Meadow and waterý - is far mlore productive than anyv m0oIotnou habitat. A numher o( open and semni- open area, were maintained. So ree in the woodlot were girdlcd, allowing iight down fo the forest floor and creating- spirits of new growth AUCTIONS SIMMENTAL Opporîunity Aucîlon, Saturday September 14, 1 p.m. Hobbs Sale Arena, Ashton, Ontario compiete dispersai foc oe Janzen. Herd reduction for Benny Vance. inynt Auction Serviceý (613) 283-4730. BUSINESS OPPOIITUNITIES Full and partîme positions available. Promote crysial, china, cookware, etc. Work from home. Leads supplîrd. Upt1050 pcent com mission. Write Galaxy Crystal & Chtna mnc., il1 Latonia Dr., Rea.dale M9W 2J 1 (416) 741-1758. COMINC EVENTS Sept. 9-14 iclusive Cardinal Mohîile Sawmîll and I Pass Miii, Kemr- isille, only 25 miles front Ottawa.Lqimn Show, Cardinal sawntiiil FqJUip. (613) 258-4283.- L-IL BARN. Pccmanent indoor, outdoor Flea Mariket,Famr Market, antiques, collectibles, etc. Hwy 7B at Fowlers Cornerst out- side Peerborough. Vendor coquinies also wel,,mr (705) 745- 108 1. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulaton. Quaîitywokai Wester[n Ontario prîces. Certitied applicators. Experîenced n riilturmalretrolît snce 1975. Cali Warniîh Insulation. (613) 267-6711, Bo\ 460, Perîh ý, Ont. K7H 317,1 be emiployed for a period of one year, fromn August 15, 1985 uintil Augusit 15, 1986, anid reýceive an honourariumi of' appr oximnateiy $7,200. Pages begin -their ycar of' emiployment by familiarizing thmevswith their nlem surrounidings and the pro- cedures of ftie House of Commons. ThAs isac- complihcdbya seies of brFiefings aodd lectures lprovid- ed by officiais anld off icersý of thre Housýe of Commions. Pages ,are on duty in the Chambr ppoxmael fourteen (14) liours, per ,week and work scheduics are plan- ned f0 accommriodate both the univcrsity and the House timetabies. MIr. Macdonnell is atten- ding the University of Ot- tawa. f0 'break up' the uniformag- ed stand. Newý ponds were dug-, bird boxes erected, and beaver activity accepted. With patience, persistence and hai-d work, onre man hias created a rich a vibrant scene. He's rebuilt a living legacy which will flourish, with con- stant change, as long as future generations, too, treat it wýith .reverance. One person cari have huge impact. Billed as the hottest show on record! This is flot jusf a figure of speech, with temperatures ranging the en- tire four days in 90 degrees and with high humidity hovering around the 100 degree mark, at times. Certairtly the heat kept our crowds down somewhat but we were grateful to escape the heavy rains which were al around us, even here on Sun- day morning, but cleared up by nloon fo see a reaily good atfendance for races and afternoon programis! In speaking with Mr. Ransberry, fair mianager, he termed the overal air an "entire success". He men- tioned the largest record eni- try in the holsfein "Black & White Show", of 138 entries. The poultry exhiib:it, as usuial excellent and "Old MacDonalds" farm always a favourit e with old and youing alike. -.Johnny the one man band- entertained throughout the entire fair and this certainly takes time and talent. The Management wýish to thank ail those people who contîributed Bot onîy their time, but talent in mnaking this fair, another success story. Want Ads Work 983-5301 St We have openings for a Inspection few good sa-les people î <ur Bowmanviile office. Station Whether you are Micnsced AUl Vehicles- or coiisidering taking the Incldui Dum Trcks Real Estate course cal) lcidîng uspTrs Walter Franik for a con- Scrioi Bsesfidential intgrview., PROPANE Propane Conversions .6339 and Service W. Frank MANGAR'S Real Estate GARAGELimited Oroto -983-130234 King St. E. Orono 98-5130 Bomanville. Ontario When its printing, give us a ca/i 983-5301 anal0fl min WEENLV TIMES u li u il u P.O. BOX M9, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1MO PRINTING AND PUBLISHING *Letterheads * Envelopes *Business Cards* Invoices *Labels * Invitations - Brochiures *NCR Forms Continuous and Snap-Out Forms

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