Hot, rainy, huinid but show went on SWitt temperatures well in-~ to the 90s and humidty reacbing the 100 percent mark the Orono Fair held its own in its presentation although attendance did drop in comparison to that of 1984 but held its own with the 1983 edition. The largest attendance wvas registered on Saturday wvith Friday's events attracting the second Iargest number. Gate receipts dropped from $29,606.00 in 1984 to $26,312.00 for the 1985 edi- tion of the fair which represents some 1700 to 1800 paid admissions. There were a number of highlights and records established this year as to the fair itself. The Holstein show on Thursday evening attracted a record numnber of 138 entries and the poultry show shot up to 800 entries fromn the usual 550. .The heavy horse show was larger than in recent years and the Sheep show held on Sunday also met with Published Every'WeHesday Orono Weekly Times, edeaySeptember , 1985 G-eorge C-.ameron to Li*brary ]propljosai George Camneron of Golf Course Road has announced he will seek the regional seat in Ward 3 in the Town of Newcastle at the comning muniicipal election to be held November l2th. The position is currently held by Couac. Diane Harrie. Ia making bis bid for regional council Camneron bas stated that taxes are too hjigb for~ service received and that the elected must take an analytical look at taxation at both the municipal level and- and bas beeni an employee of General Motors. ln commuaity affairs he was a foundiag member of the Brownsdaie Community Centre. He is a member of tbe Newcastle Lions Club, a member of the Royal Cana- dian Legion,, Bowmanville Branch and a charter member of the Korean Veterans Association of Osbawa. He bas served two years on the Durbam ladustrial Train- ing Committee and was elected to' tbe Nom- thum berland and Newcastle Board- of Education for a period of six years. Witb bis coacera for the rate of taxation' and in- dustrial development Canieron stated be is seeking the-regional position in Ward 3. -His main concemas be said were to bold down taxation and to promote industrial development in order that tbe areas young peole could have jobs iii their own locality. He states he pledges to represent the residents of Ward 3 wvell at both levels of government for the thrceeyear terra. deferred by council The Tow,ýn of Newcastle council on Moniday referred a proposai fromn the Newcastle Library back to staff in ordier that the proposed works and renovations could be separated and then to be con- sidered by the general pur- pose cotumittee. Counc. Hamre recom- mended approval of the Library Board proposai which would include a new Chief Librarian office in the south-east corner of the Bowmanville Branch along with, baffles for the heating systemn and the construction of a utility room. The Town badi budgeted an amount of $17,000 for the undertaking of the works. Mayor Rickard who sits on the Library Board previously questioned the location of the new office and as a result the matter hiad been sent back to the Library Board for further consideration. The Board after considera- tion made no alterations to tpeir request and proposai. Counc. Hobbs was critical (Continued -page 2) a record nurmber of entries. Altbough the Nitebreakers providing entertainent for the Saturday afternoon show were disappointing the new feature of the Gospel Sing at noon on Sunday was a class event with talented local ehtertainment ninsong. ThIe new exhibit barn did bring with it other new ex- hibits of interest to the agricultural community along with educational features for the general public. The Queen of the Fair con- test was another class event wîth talented young ladies from the district competing and the Saturday parade had well over 30 entries, ail of a good calibre. The fair was officially opened on TRhursday even- ing by Howard Bradley, president of the Fiar Board. He was assisted by Mayor Rickard, Sam Cureatz and Miss Dominion of Canada whbo was sponsored to be at the fair by Onttario Motor Sales of Canada. Hierrema confident Darlington proceeds Gary Herrema, chairman of the Region of Durham along with Mayor Rickard, and Couns. Diane Hamire and Marie Hubbard met with Premier David Peterson regarding the future of the Darlin ptou Nuclear7 Gienerating Station near Bowmanville. The station is presently under review,ý by the Ontario Select Committee on Energy which has started public hear- ings this month and earlier visited the station to view the complex. There has been concern ex- pressed of a possible closing of the construction of the plant but* Herrema following the Peterson meeting said he is now confident the plant will not be scrapped. He' said he believes the Liberal government will con- tinue with the multi-rnillion dollar plant. Hfe did Ïhowever maise the option that the plant cou!d be scaledclodwn wben it opens in 1990. There seems to be a general opinion that the generating station could rest at two units rather than building four as was included in the original plans. Herrema did say the Premier stated that vince would consuit with them on any long-term deci- sions. KRITA McHOLM DAIRY PRINCESS Krista McHolm of Welcome was choosen Daimy Princess for Durbam County at tbe Omono Faim Satur- day afteraooa. Cbrista was also the winnem in 1984 at tbe Orono Fair and entered tbe finals at the recent C. N. E. Sbe gave an excellent speech on bier recent trip to Austmalia. Miss Anne Marie Bedford of Bowmanville was the otber eatry in the contest. Cochrane horse a, Winner RALLY AT QUEEN'S PARK There will be a Pro-Life Raily and Walk at Queen's Park, Toronto on Saturday, Sýpetember 21, 2 - 4 Everyone wfý' -ne. BOKDRAW WINNER Cheryl Richards of Nestieton is the winner- of -the draw for the- book "Cbester's Ban," The dra-w made by Norma Ransberry was a feature of the Babes in Bookland booth at the Orono Fair. Always an interesting part feature both on the track and Thtis was tbe case again wvith las of the showà is thle ight horse in the ring in centre field this winner shioWing form and seek regional seat . ............. . ....... 1 . ..... . . . ....... 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