4O0rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 11, 1985 Orono Ban tams near Ontario champions Pictured above, the Orono OBA-BANTAMS: Back (1 Martin, Di k Zander. E.O,B.A. Bantams, played in - r) Deniis Mumford, Brent Front (1 - r) Dave Bailey, the final series for the On1- Htton, Richard Maki, Patrick Wood, Eric Jensen, tario championship recentfly WiIlie -McGar-vey, Chris Kevin Mumford, Stuart Ir- only to lose out to Wyomjing. Pearce, Derek Zander, Jeff win, Ken Vanhaverbeke. DeLighted with VIA decision Port Hope VIA commuters who bave lobbied for an afternoon stop at Port Hope are delighted with a decision of VIA to undertake thiýr wxishes. Under the old systemn the afternsoon train stopped onfly at Cobourg and not Port Hope. The new service is to begin October 27th. Re-apply for shopping mal Pythbow Development Ltd. who were denied permis- sion to proceed witb a shopp- ing mall at Waverley Road and Baseline in Bowmanville bave resubmitted their ap- plication to both the Region and tbe Town of Newcastle. Town council has referred the rezoning application back to staff for review and cir- culation. The Region is also being asked for a Officia] Plan arnendment to allow the shopping mail. Previously the Town denied the rezoning applica- tion wbile the Region did ap- prove thre officiaI plan amendmnent. The Ontario Municipal Board ruled in favour of the Town after a hearing was held by the Board. Court sets record impaired convictions Thre Provincial Court in Port Hope recently set a new record for thre court wben 17 individujals were convicted of impared driving charges. It was the first imnpaired drivîng convictions for alI 17. 0f the kventeen ail but three were charged $500.(X). The three are to pay fines of $3(X).00. Had withdrawn funds before collapse Durham Region had wthdrawn $4 million in in- vestments out of the Cana- dian Co mmercial Bank before its collapse recently. The City of Oshawa were- less fortunate with $729,000 in investmients with the Alberta bank at the time of- tbe collapse. Oshawa is confi- dent they will get their money. The federal governmnent has stated the collapse wilI cost the taxpayers $1 billion. Expect housing boom te continue te record Wit by expects to set a new building record this year wth the present state to con- tinue to tbe end of the year. In 1982 Whitby had development 'totalling $61,497,015 for the twelve month period. To tbe end of August 1985 the total was resting at $48,719,288 in per- mit value. Ganaraska channel completed this year The four year channeliza- tion program in Port Hope on the Ganaraska River is ex- pected to be completed this year. The final phase of the pro- ject is on schedule and work in the river itself is expected to be comn1pleted by Septembher lth. Bank work will then be comipleted. 8 te il percent jum p called ludicrous' Gord Burnett, an Oshawa PUC commissioner, calîs an 8 to il percent increase for senior management of the Oshawa PUC, 'ludicrous'. Burnett said they should nQt have gotten more than the workers who received in- creases of 4.5 percenit to 5.75 percent. CPR courses set for this fal Durhamn Save-A-Heart are offering two Car- diopulmonary, Resuscitaion courses begining this sum-- mer. Two basic rescuer courses and a recertificationi course have been scheduled. Further information at 571-1152. To simulate a major disaster Durham Regioni and the province are to simnulate a major disaster at the Picker- ing nuclear generating station sometime on September 18 -l9th. The public is pot to be in- volved. Police, fire depart- inents and regional depart- ments will be involved in the simulated test. $2 million dispute goes te court The developers of a pro- posed major developm'fent in the Village of Brooklin which feil through are suing the , - gion of the value of letters of credit provided the Region in the amiount of $215 million. After the collapse of the proposai the Region cashed the letters of credit which the developers now want back. The developers sued the Town of 'Whitby for the value of letter of credit in the amount of $50,000 which-has now beeni returned by the Town. 3-way race for Port Hope Mayor Bill Wyatt who will seek bis fourth term as Mayor of Port Clarke Museum Corner Orono fair music program deafenini 'm glad to be back in the cool, serenie north (Kirby), away from the muggy heat anid noise and the lights which turn everyone in the Orono Arena as sallow as a Cabbage Patch doîl. Ail the outside shows at the Durham Centrai Fair were great as usual, but the Arena on Saturday afternoon! As 1 pôlished apples at the Museum booth, 1 got an idea on how to combat the noise of the Saturday afternoon show: if everyone saved their over-ripe tomnatoes and peaches, and took themn to the Fair - n Saturday, we could threaten to ,ihow, the current ginging group how to make chili sauce if tbey didn't tuj-n their amplifiers down. Or threaten to pelt them with a Garfield balloon, or a Frank Real Estate bag full of ail the goodies collected from aIl over the Fair. This year's group didni't seem as bad as last year's - they seemed to be trying to deafen everyone in the enitire arena at one go. Perhapis they thought their mission was to deliver mnusic to the whole of Orono. Are these groups substiýtutinýg quanitiiy of noise of quahlity of voice? It is a fact that somne people w,-,on't go ini- to the drenia on Saturday afternoon at al], purely because of the noise level. In that case, this year the noise was *a real act of cruelty, as one of the few ice-cream sellers was inside the arena, and wve aIl needed ice cream to stay alîve in the mugginess. Seriously, though, if anyone released an over- powering perfume, or clouds of coloured smoke as liart of their act, filling thie arena, you would notice the pollu- tion as being a danger; noise can) be very damnaging and Hope is to face two fellow counicillors for the position which the winner wil hold for the next three years. Wyatt, has. been on Town counicil for 13 years. Cole Locke, who bas been a member of counicil for thir- teen years will be a candfidate foy the poistion as will Gloria Spence, 30, who has been a member of couincil for five years.. Expect Sept. start new police station According to a statement by Marie Hubbard, Newcas- tle counicillor a start is' ex- pected through1 the ensuing of a building, permit this month for a newý police sta- tion on the west side of Bowmanville. The estimated cost of the new Durham Police Statiyis some $574,000. The announicemient was made -at the recent Ontaric Hydro-Newcastle Liasoni Commrittee rmeeting 'whichi has agreed to prov ide a sumr of $193,000 fromi the Dan- ington Impact fund. Hydro funding wvas re- quired to get the project ofi the ground as tire Region hiad flot budg-etedl sufficient funds in order that the project coul proceed this year. dangerous too. Do you want your children 4to have poor grades in scbool because they can't hear the teacher, or to get bit by a car if they cross a road *without looking, and they can't hear it comîng? If you thought that amount of amplification was just fine, then you have already lost some of your hearinig. Stop, think & listen before you lose any more. Want Ads Wo0%rk 983L5301 ¶~. I~J.- iii L1 Il 1~W.-u1-I E I il I I I ~ * 4LFL A Aise on sale: Latex Gloss and Alkyd Gloss From Around the Region and area We're Moving! 6 DOORS NORTH .SOUTH OF THE ORONO VI LLAG E BAKESHOP' DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM ROLPH HARDWARE SEPTEMBER 20, 1985 HAMILTONS INSU RANCE SERVICE Main SI., Box 309, ORONO, Ontario LOB iMO 983-5115 Dear Mr. [III], Just wanted tce thanký you for aIl your help. That color you mixed was just perfect for our exterior walls, You and KýEM made ail the difference. EXTERIOR PAIINT SA ÀàLE FromEIM.m %à 41~ we made our naine in hardware Roîph (Dominion) Hardwar( Main Stieet, Oiono - Phone 983-5207 Poetry WHO KNOWS Sometimes the really great moments end wvith the inivasion of the world oni my quiet space Sometimes the clatter covers up thougbts best left sleeping. HELPING HANDS I wvatch life's struggle i the anthill at mly feet. I also watch caring. one old fella unable to mlove a chunk of styrofoam alone is joined by a younig buck. igthands are better than four. Marlowe C. Dîckson R.R. 2 Beeton, Ontarijo