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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1985, p. 11

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Geono- Lockharts WeeklyReport (Intended for Iast week) ORONO SCHOOL CAM- PUS Reporters: Michele Ruther- ford and Shellie Nowak Special Events: On Tues- day, October 8, Orono Sehoal had their Open iHouse. Many parents and children came. The parents laoked thraugh their child's work and talked with the teacher. The children showed their parents the computer and told them how it worked. They also played a game on it. We thank the parents for coming and hope they en- joyed their eveni ng. Sports: On Monday, Oc- tober 7, there was a Panther- Dragon game. The score for the boys was Panthers 1, Dragons 3. The score for the girls was Panthers 2, Dragons l. The teams were playing soccer. Trips: Mr. Denike and his class went on. a trip to the Outdoor Education . Centre. They walked along the back route and hielhas 34 pupils in his class. The first thing they did was have a snack, then played a fun game. After that they broke into two graups. One group studied forest life and the other group, a food chain. Later the groups swit- ched. After lunch, they played three fun games whichi were Giants, Wizards and Wives, Broken Spoke, and thre Fox and the Rabbit. Then ,they went through the maze. Mr. Denike and his class had an excellent time. LOCKHART CAMPUS Reporters: Jenniifer Easton, Michael Smnith and Amanda Garrnett. Mrs. Ralfe's Grade 1-2 went to the Outdoor Educa- tion Centre, Thursday, Oc- tober 10, 1985. They studied seeds and leaves there. The grade one and twos wvatched the movie "The Neyer En- dinig Story". The Girade twos are doing a study on the movie. Open. House on Wednes- day October 9th was a great success. Many Grade sevens that graduated (from Lockhart school) were-giveài pins for a fond memory of Lockhart School. Mr. Eamies' class, the grade five and sixes have been divided into two grades to miake the fo;ty student class smraller. The grade fives get taught by Mrs. Eamies who does Math, Reading, Speli- mng, etc. This happens in the morning while the sixýes are getting taught by Mr. Eames in the classroom. In the after- noon the fives go to Mr. Eames and join the sîxes. ,Mr. Witheridge's grade three and.fours went to the Outdoor Education Centre, Tuesday, October 8, 1985. They went on a hike and played gaines including a squirrel gamie and a miap BILL CARMAN A candidate for Public School Trustee in Ward Three of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatian BILL CARMA N *Born in Picton, Ontario *An ROAF Veteran of World War Il *A resident and businessman irn Orono for 37 years *Is married to Barbara, and they have three children who received their education in the local school system. *Is actively inteirested in civic affairs. *Has been a Public School Trustee for 25 years and during that time has served as Chairman and a member of ail Standing-Comm ittees. BILL CA RMA N IS FOR * Quaity education at an affordable cost. * One publically funded sehool system with equal access to ail. * Greater provincial financial support for public educat ion * The introductJon of Juniuor Kindergarten if it can be funded at reasonable cost to the local taxpayer. For Conscîentious, Responsîble, Experienced representation> ON NOVEMBER 12, 1985 VOTE BULL CARMAN' For Trustee NorthumberlanLd and Newcastle,-- Board cf Education gam-e. The grade fouirs used a compass, while the grade threes used mnaps. Mr. Witheridge wýou1d like to thaink ail the parents that helped to miake Open H-ou se a success. Orono Campus Mrs. Allun - Grade One Teacher Mrs. Allun is thé grade one teacher. She has 25 students. Her class has their own book with their drawings in. Six grade 6 students corenein and help themn with stories for- their pictures. The students enjoy Grade 1 and they like their teacher. For House League, the girls and boys Cougar and Cobras Teanis played. For thÏe girls, the Cobra's won11 a 2-0 victory. In boy's soccer the Cougar's won a 4-0 v7ic- tory. 1 wish lots of luck to both teamns during- the year. Reporters: Michele Ruther- fo rd and Shellie Nowak. Lockhart Campus Mr. Witheridge's class is watching a series of filmns ca'I- ed "Read Along"'. They are also writing a booklet and do- ing activities about thre filmns they watch. In math they are learning about solids. Do you know what a Palindrome is? It's a word or a number that can read right to lcft or left to right, eg. dad, 686, radar, 70807, .Michael Smith, Mlichelle Ross, Jeremny Herdman made somne of the longest palin- dromes in the grade 5 math Cla rke Museum Corner This year we have a new logo, ta express the locationt of the Clarke Township Museum & Archives. Our logo shows a simlplified schoolhouse design, ta depict the 1878 school at Kîrby, comnbined with a tree ta symbolize the Kirby grounds, still ringed with many of the original maples planted about 100 years ago. The schoolhouse design began with a quilt pattern for a basis, but altered ta specifically relate -ta aur building. Combined with the tree, we hope this will convey the message of the Mýuseumn building and property, ex- hibits and -activities. inside and out, and the wonderful shady picnic area aroundthe Museum. 1t's getting tao cold ta ap- Preciate aur outdoors, but "aOur great indoars" con- tinues ta be open until the end of November, sa drap in and pay us a visit. The Durhami Police exhîbit will continue until October 27th; after the November 3rd pla- que dedication, we will be set- ting, up an exhibit of agricultural implements. Until the end of October, Museum hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays Il1 - 5, and Sundays 2 - 5. Dyana Laynig class. If you wýant to make one read next week. Gyminastics at Lockhart School lias started Mr. Eamnes is the teacher. Mrs. Ralfe's gr ade one and tw'o class had fun at the Out- door Center. They found a giant piece of grass and wrote this poemi about it ... We went to the Outdoor Cen- It is bigger than Susan It is bigger than Mrs. Ralfe, It is bîgger than Mr. Taylor It is bigger than Mr. Witheridge It is bigger than Mrs. Clifford It is bigger than-a the Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6's It is bigger thani us It is bigger than you. Pursuant to Section 67 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1980 as amended, provision is made for a per- son to vote by Proxy whose name is entered in the polling list for a palling subdivision or who has ob- tained a certificate under Section 33 of the said Act entitling hîm to vote and who (a) is certified by a legally qualified medical practitioner, by certificate f iled with the Clerk to, be physically incapable of attend.irg a polI- ing place. (b) is absent f rom his regular residence by reason of attending an educationial institute and who is entered 'in the list for the pollýing subdivision in which he normally resides and who expects by reason of such absence to be unable to vote at the Advance Poil or on Polling day; or (c) expects ta be absent from his 'polling subdivi- sion during the election period including the Advance Polil and Polling Day by reason of his being engaged for hire or reward in the business of transportation, by railway, air, water or motor vehicle. Any person who is entitled fa vote by proxy may appoint in writing in the prescribed form available at the office of the undersigned as his voting pro- xy any other person who is elligible as an elector in the Municipal ity. Section 67 of the said Act provides in part, that: "A voting proxy may not acf as a voting proxy for more than one person voting by proxy except where the persan voting by proxy is a parent, grandiparent, child, grandcliild, brother, sister, husband, or wife of the votirtg praxy, in which case a voting proxy may act for more than one such person vating by pro- An appointment of a persan as a vating proxy is no, validi unless if is made after Nomination Day and does nat remain in force after Palling Day. A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN APPOINTED A VOTING PROXY MUST APPLY TO THE CLERK NOT LATER THAN 5:00 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON 0F POLLING DAY TO RE- CEIVE A CERTIFICATE TO VOTE BY PROXY FOR THE POLLING SUBDIVISION IN WHICH THE PERSON APPOINTING THE VOTING PROXY IS ENTITLED TO VOTE. A ballot shaîl not be delivered ta a persan who dlaims ta vote as a vating proxy unless he pro- duces his appointmenf as a voting proxy ta the Depuf y Returning Officer with the certificate of the Clerk therean and takes the prescribed oafh. A persan who has been appointed as a vating pro- xy is enfitled ta vote in his own right in the municipality notwithstanding that he has voted as a vol ing proxy." Date of Publication: October 23, 1985 David W.L Oakes, A.M.Ç.T. Clerk and Returning Off icer Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. 1-1C 3A6 Our File: 10.50.8 SP.O. -No. A 1387

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