Orono Weekly Tiines, Wednlesday. Octberl 1198.5-13, 'LASSIFIED ADS <conDtinued fromn page 15) FOR SALE "PENNY-ROLLER" Tradeniswk. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dines and quarters quickly & easily. One wraps ail. Uses free bank wrap- pers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add .63 tax). Christmag Special - 2 for $16.00. (Pl1ease add $112 tax) Seuil cheque or MO to Penny-Roller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. BUILDINGS Priced below wholesale. Final inventory clearansce. Varions sizes available. Ail Steel. 10 - 20 year warranty. Limited stock available. Act Now and Save - No reserves lseld. Cali 1-800,-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. STEEL BUILDINGS. 3 new Quonset buildings left over from Inter- national Plowing Match. 25 x 38, 42 x 60, 55 x 180, complete with in- dustrial doors. Act now and Save. Miracle Spart Steel Buildings. Tell Free 1-800-387-4910. WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology -climinates ruSty, smelly, badl tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hard- ness,, chemnical contamination and more. Fully automnatic, tested ansd proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No mcssy chemicals, no taste or smdell of chlorine. FREE 6 Monils Trial Offer. Sec the riesults for yourself. If you want Better Waîer for Beller Country Living eall toel frec 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification.Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 4B6 The "Lowest"" Cost System thal "Really" works. PERSONAL DATES GALORE For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of mnembers anxious te mccl you. Prestige Acquaintances call, Toîl Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m.. MISCELLANEOUS HELP recognize Ontario's outstandîng young people; nominale so- menue today wbo qualifies for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Contact this newspaper for details. HELP WANTED TRUCICINO CAREERS. Driver job tralning with placement help is available. Complete detaiîs can be mailcd to yeu. Phone (416) 769-3546 witb postal code. FOR SALE CENTRAL VACUUM. National distributor wilh surplus invcntory is having a clearance sale. Package incîndes unit, floor brush, carpet brusb, crevice tool, upholstcry brush, hose, pipes, fsttings and al nccessary parts te instail. Regularly $799 clearing aI $499 while supplies last. Cail <519) 653-1354. COMING EVENTS NOTE THIS DATE,... .Saturday, October 26lhW7 p.m. Gospel Concert featnring ECHOES 0F PRAISE CHORALE at Grace Church, 221 Carlson Drive, Newmarket. Prebeined by Shantymnen's Christian Association. Refreshments. Ail welcome! Contact (416) 821-1175 or * (416) 895-1119. EMPLOYMIENT OPPORTUNITY One EDITOR and/or- one AD SALES PERSON for established maid- tizcd weckly in Aiberta. Excellent health benefits and gond salary package. Contact Gordon collect (403) 842-4465. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY. Rapidly expandinig new com- pany in Air and Water Sterilization seck aggressive entrepreneur as potenlial dealer for dynamic product fine. Protected territories avaable. Srnall investmient. Please call (613) 283-8621 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. or send resume 10: Zontec Treatment Systems Ltd., 2 Gladstone Avenue, Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 1R3. FOR SALE KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your oId cupboard instead of rcplacing it. Save up to 60 percent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1995 clearing at $995. (519) 653-0176 9 a.m. - 7 p.mu. $ WIIOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS $ Manufacturer of quonset buildings clearing out odd sized buildings. No middleman. Limited quantities. Best value on market today. Serions only call (416) 440-6029. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insolation. Qnality wyork at Western Ontario prices. Certified applicaîoe's. Expericnced in agicultural retrofit silice 1975. Cail Warmth Insulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perths, On- tario K7H 301. AIJCflONS LARGE Clearansce & Consignmcnt Auction, Friday October 2Sth at 10 a.ns. at Wayne Ward Farm Equipmcnt, Wiarton. Approx. 75 trac- tors, 30 cars and trucks plus 2 wrcckcrs. Over 250 pieces of new and ustd faata equipment. Also fealurcd will bc two farmers complete finses of j equipment. For more information cali (519) 534-1638. Don't miss tbis lucion aI Wayne Ward Farm Bquipment, Hwy 6, Wiaton. Stamps by Larry Mclnnis Scouting And Guiding Are Featured, on Many Stamps {Çanadians caîl them jirl Guides. In the U. .,tbey're Girl Scouts. lt's a subtie difference, but Canada honored the 75th anniversary of "Guiding" in Canada with a 34-cent stamp, issued Sept. 12.' The U. S. bas issued two stamps on the subject of Girl Scouts. The first was a three-center issued Oct. 29, 1948 (Scott 974) to honor juliette Low, a U.S. pio- neer in the mnovemnent. The second was a four-center issued July 24, 1961 (Scott 1199) for the "Girl Scout Jubilee." Canada issued a five- center on April 20, 1960 (Scott 389) to mark the 5th annîversary of the movement in this country. For the record, Canada issued a five-center Aug. 20, 1955 (Scott 356) to mark, the Boy Scouts' world Jamboree held in Canada that year. A 32- center was issued July 6, 1983 (Scott 993) to mark the 75th anniversary of "Scouting" in Canada. 1There is a difference between "scouting" and "1guiding" as any dictionary will confirm. A scout is one who goes out ta get information on an enemy, even. if it be a rival sports teana. A, guide is one who leads or directs, who shows the way. Whatever the semantîcs, -the movement was started by Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857- 194 1). He was the son of an Oxford professor. He be- gan a military career in 1876 as adjutant in the I 3th Hussars, quite an impor- tant position for a young man still in his teens. By the time bis age had doubled, he had achieved a command in Asbanti, Bri- tish Africa. One year later, in 1896, he became in- volved in a war that would bring him undying famne, and lead to the foundat ion of the scouting movement. During the Boer War, Baden-Powell's namne and fame were assured by bis 215-day defence of Mafe- king, a siege that lasted from Oct. 12, 1899 to May 17, 1900. It also earned him a> quantum leap in rank f'rom lieutenant-colonel ta nmajor-general. Baden-Powell retired f'rom the army in 1910 as a lieutenant-general. That's military service of 34 years. Before bis retirement, in, 1908, Baden-Powell foun- ded the boy scout move- ment, based on bis admira- tion, it's said, of young people on wbonl bhe de- pended during the Boer War. In 1909, Baden-Powell started guidiug in Britain, wbicb must bave been quite a feat in a cbauvinis- tic world. The following year, bis sister, Agnes, took over, and still later bis wife, Olave, pitched in to get it going at the international lev-L. Scôuting and guiding are tbe subjects of countless. stamp issues around the world and collection of tbem is one of the largest topical themes in the world. Baden-Powell is, of course, shown on hbund reds., if not thousands, of stamps because of bis founding the b oy scout movement. But be was pictured on a tbree- penny stamp issued by tbe Cýape of Good Hope on April 9, 1900, during the actual Mafeking siege ofcrocehsernnalCuom,cstins Casual Entertaining with Trendy Recipe Ideas Smoked Oyster Dip 1 pkg (250 g) creamn cheese 1/2 cup (125 mL) Hellmann's or Best Foods real mayonnaise 1 can (3.67 oz/I104 g) smoked oysters 2 tbsp (25 miL) chopped green onion 2 tbsp (25mnL) cbopped parsley 1 tsp (5 miL) Worcestershire sauce !/8 tsp (0.5 mnL) pepper Combine alingredients in blender or food processor and blend thoroughly. Serve with assorted crackers, bread sticks and vegetable dippers. Makes 1i-Y, cups (450 mL) dip. Spînach In Parmesan Dip 1 pkg (300 g) frozen spinach 1/2 cup (125 mL) Parmesan cheese 1 small onion, finely chopped 2 tbsp (25 mL) lemnonjuice V/2 lsp (2 mL) ground nutmeg 1 cup (250 mL) Hellmann's or Best Foods real mayonnaise collections would include this item. Scott 179 cata- logues at $2,100 unused and $65 used, while Scott 180 catalogues at $7,500 and $ 1,500 respectively. In Canada, guiding caught on immediately, with companies being formed at Moose iaw, St. Catharines, Toronto and Winnipeg. There are some 275,000 members of the movement in Canada. The stamp was designed by Barbara Griffin, a To- ronto artist. lt's a vertical, showing a guide with ber hand placed protectively over the shoulder of a younger member of the Imovement, a brownie. .This is the first time brownies have ben shown on a Canadian stamp. JETTERS Letters are invîted. Please send enquiries to the writer at P.O. Box 40, Beauhar- fois, Que., J6N 3CI. CAV Simms Roosa-Master Cumm.iris Tbaw spinach, squeeze to remnove as mnuch water as possi- ble and chop. In miediumi-sized bowl combine spinach wvith cheese, onion,. lemnon juice and nutmneg. Stir in mayonnaise and blend tboroilghly. Makes 1-14 cup s (450 mL) dip. STE VE'S DIESEL Amercian Bosch -Robert Bosch Éq DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS COM MERCIAL.IN DUSTRIAL-AGRICUI.TURAL-MARINE AIRESEARCH TURBOCI4ARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD STEVE SAWYER BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (416)623-1411, REQUIRES AN ARENA OPERATOR11' (UNION POSITION) The Town of Newcastle requires an Arena Operator Il for the Community Services Depart- ment. RESPONSIBILITIES Building maintenance and janitorlal duties at the arena;_ Care and maintenance of the refrigeration units and equipment at the arena; Care of maintenance of pool filtration system if re- quired; Parks and Cemetery maintenance; Maintain good public relations. QUALIFICATIONS Basic refrigeration certification; Basic general maintenance skills; Class "D" Drivers Licence. As this is a departmental position the successful candidate may be required to work in any area of the Community Services Department. Shift work is required. Salary: As per the Collective Agreement for Out- side Workers $1 1.20 per hour. Applications will be received in confidence until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 30, 1985. Applica- tions will not be acknowledged. Date of Publication: October 23, 1985 David S. Johnston, M.C.l.P,, Chief Administrative Off icer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 File No. P.O. No. A 1169 ORCHARDS LIBERTY ST. N, BOMANVILLE YOUR BEST VALUE IN QUALITY APPLES - OPEN DAILY lOam - 6pm (Season opens -PICK YOUR OWN OR Septl4) DEAflV DICKFfl APPI FS THIS' WEEK FEAILURING Red . Deiclous._Ida Red, Pumpkins, Squash, Indian Corn, Cider ALL CONTAINERS PROVIDED, M 401 . . . . . .. ..... ..... u