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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1985, p. 13

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F Orono Weekly Times, Wednesd To update storm sewer for Town council on Monçlay reversed a previaus decision as ta the responsibility of storm sewer upgrading ta ac- commodate the extension and reconstruction being undertaken ai Memnorial Hospital in Bowmanville. In June of 1985 council lad passed a motion that the cost and responsibility of upgrading storm sewers on Prince Street betWeen Liberty and Simcoe avenue would be that of the liospitals. 'On Monday council following a plea fram the Hnos pital Board and a djgitién council accepted the responsibility at an estimated cost of $85,000 with the manies ta be taken from the Workîng Capial Reserve Fund. It was pointed aut ta count- cil members in a repart from the liaspitai board that this matter must lie resalved in order tlat the hospital could proceed witli their site plan leading_ ta tlie calling of tenders. It was furtler stated tlat the province would flot assist the hospitai in financing with any aff-site facilities. The province lias given approvaI for tlie reconstruction pro- gram however. hospU i tal Through engineering studies it lias been reported that the Prince Street starmn sewer was not adequate ta carry the extra runoff fram the new development at the liospital. A public works report stated that if tlie storm sewer was not replaced ta be able ta carry additional runoff sur- charging could exist an private property. .On motion of Mayor Rickard and Counc. Hub- bard tlie motion ta accept responsibility at a cost of $85,000 was supported by al members of council. Mayor Rickard stated there were present deficiencies on area streets and even at tlie liospital and'that the work would rectify these problems. Counjc. Hubbard noted tlithtle Town lias support ed tthe hospitai ta an amount of almost tliree-quarters of a million dollars. Wlien Counc. Cowman asked if any homes would benefit from the reconstruc- tion of the starm sewer on Prince Street, Ran Dupuis, director of public works said lie was flot aware of any pro- blemn at the present time for houses in the area. Candidates-' ministrafion was out of hn cting mileage payments and m eeting pension withdrawals. He said agin at election (Continued from page 1) time we are hearing about in- Hooper also said he would dustry locating in Newcastle red circle ail staff salaries but such was the case at the over $40,000.00. last election and lie was still Hooper also stated that ad- waiting for it to locate. He Hamilton Township "FARMERS MUTUAL" Insurance Co. P-1OLPH BEV s Pow represenited by Wakefeld Insurance Cali 0983-0438 or Toîl Free 't -800-2 63-3766 said as ta the recent an- nouincement of servicing- ad-_ ditional industrial land in Bomniîleleie found that such had not comie before Reggional council. Darryl Somierscale of Courtice spolke of develop- mnent whiclilhe said, .was painfully low in the Town of Newcastle. "Look ta the west", he saiud, "we are years behind". He spoke of the problem withi kids loitering and said the only answer council had hiad was for more police patrol. This, he said, only creates friction. Somerscales said he sup- ported the Waverley Mal which he claimed would have created a tax revenue of some $250,000. He said it was a cancern that people had ta go ta Oshawa ta sliop. Somerscales was also critical of planning, "the bureaucracy is caming out of our ear", he said. "Let's get things happening". Garnet Rickard said the position of Mayor required experience and that he hiad the experience and was ready ta serve again. He said lie was free of any conflicts and was able ta get a consensus fram council and to arxa the facts an a knowledgeable basis. Rickard said Newcastle needed a mayor ta address tlie needs of the town and that lie was praud of the record of the tawn. He said the tawn would ac- cept development that is good and that he was not ready ta selI aur life ta any Tom, Dick or Harry. He said it liad just been an- nounce the servicing of in- dustrial land in Bowmiauville which he 'stated was the largest industrial holding of land in al of the Region., "I can work witli council and staff at bath the Town and Regional level of govern- ment", lie said. "I'm tlie an- ly candidate that can fi this role", he stated. John Winters in opening lis address said, "let's ex- amine the facts". He said lie admitted that a nuffber of new industries had moved into the town but wliat of the number that have moved out. I-jere he named Ceramic Tile, Honeywell and others. He painted ta popula- tion gawth that, lie said, has remained at a constant level aver tlie past ten years. He questioned what lad been calied sound planning stating that millions of dolla rs having been spent on ao new sewage plant and a sewage line up Mearns Avenue which served empty fields. Tiis, lie- said, hiad beIen undertaken while the Core area of Bowmranille hias sewage problemrs. He wýas also critical of' the stand of' council lin opposing the pro- posed rcnew ail for \Waverley- Baseline area. H-e said counicil had voted against the wislies of the people. He said such a developý- ment woufld have assisted thec downtrown core of the towýn. He said council had been taken more and more land out of agriculture while ser- viced land for residential pur- poses was flot being used. Winters spoke of Co- tamninated Water supplies and a contaminated beach, an un- safe arena and a serious cul- back in services. He said the towý,n would be in a deficit position with the loss of reserves if facilities were brought up to standard. "What is experience if it's bad experience?", he asked. My profession is business and as Mayor he said lie would encourage public par- ticipation and provide strong leadership on a team plant. Following the apening ad-, dresses a question and answer period was held with written questions from the floor. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 a.m., Thursday, November 14, 1985 for dust collection systems at the following sohools. Bowmanville Senior Public School, 105 Queen Street, Bowmanville. M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School, Hampton. For further information please contact G.M. Holmes, Manager of Plant Operations. Specifications may be obtained from the office of: R.C. Sudds, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer The Northumberland, and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, 834 D'Arcy Street, North, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. Inspectio n Station AIl Vehicles lncluding Dump Truc.ks Sohool Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono -9835130 E L We have openings for a few good sales people ini our Bowmanville office. Whether you are licenced or consider- ing taking the Real Estate course cail Walter Frank for a confidenial interview. 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estate Limited Bowmanville, Ontario c L A R K E LOCAL COUNCIL - WARD 111 Newcastle is living in-a madern day paradax ... on the one hand it is trying to maintain its rural character whle on the ather hand it is undergaing development pressures. There is raam for bath. 1 believe that aur hamiets and villages should maintain their character and should flot be allawed ta expand to the point that they lase their lang-standing identity. 1 promise my rural f riends and in particular aur fAriflInQ cammunity that ail industrial investment applications wlll be- examinedyvery carefully to prevent the mîsuse of farm land. 1 promise to consult the tarmlng comnmunlty on the' Issues.. My main objective is ta make sure we maintain ou;r abillty_ to decide our awn future, LET'S KEEP OUR IDENTITYI "Let FRANK Speak For-You, ELECT S TAPLETONX LOCAL COU NCIL - WARD 3 L NOVEM BER 12TH For continued good management of your utilityY4 Irwin A. Hamilton HYDRO-COMMISSIONER IRWIN Au HAMILTONX

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