-)eclares Novem ber A lzheimer's mon th CLOCA meeting concerning acid ramn Corne one, corne A to a presentatia n on Acid Rain on Wednesday, Decemnber 4, 1985' at the Oshawa Valleylands Conservation receive their competitioni awards, as well as, several honour awards. Ouest speaker will bc Mar- janie McDonald, a former 4-H me mbecr, PR.OCiS. Specialist and 4-H- Provincial Supervisor, who is nowý very invalved in supplying Agriculture Educatýion) Resource Material tao scho-ols Marjorie McDoniald w i b talking about 4-H-1appo- tunities beyond the- local club. Anyone intecsted inm any aspect of 4-H is invited tao attend. Area. Anyone with concerns about the environment should find this a very in- teresting talk. This free pro-' gram will start at 7:30 p.m. in the Conservation Centre. Several controversial aspects of this topic will be covered this evening, in- cluding identification of the main causes of acid rain and Cantada'.s contributions, to the problem. The programn will also explore what remedial measures are required ta im- prove the situation. ïMany pe,ýople have the false impression that Acid Ramn is a well exhausted topic. In truthl, the effects are sedl incrasig. Crneand find out just how mucli i acituallv affects yvou! The Conservation Centre is Iocated beside the Authority office at 100 Whiting Avenue in Oshawa. From Simcoe Street at Bloor, go two blocks south and turn right. Refreshmenits will be provid- ed. For further information contact the Authority at 579-0411. Inspection Station Ail Vehicies lncýudir)g Dumnp -truc1ks Sohool Buses PROPAN E Propanle Conversions and service M G A Recenitly Mayor Garnet Rickard signed a proclama- tion declaring November Alzheimer's month while Roxy Barnes of Community Care watches. The Alzheimer's So ciety of Durham Region bas mounted a full fledged education pro- grarn for the month relatîng to the disease believed to be the fourth leading caus-e of death in Canada. DU--rham East Agriculture News. ALTERNATE CROP PRO- long-term debt (amorize( GRAM ANNOUNCED over two years or longer) an( The Ontario Crap. In- .is not a participant in th, troduction and Expansion Beginning Farmer Assistanci Programn wilI provide partial Program (BFAP). The farr funding ta a maximum of family should alsoi be per $100,000 a year for up ta sonally aperating the enter three years ta farm business prise and expect to earn thei and farm organizatians to living from farming. enable them ta work with the An Information Meetinj research community. The for local producers ta expiair program will 'help in the the program requirement! development of processing will ,be held at thg and marketing techniques ta Agricultural Office encourage the commercial Bowmanville on Tuesday, production of increased December 17, 1995. variety of crops in Ontario. Applicants must prove the R.O.S. SPECIALIST' need for assistance and be FOOTNOTES willing ta commit their own By Barbara Weese resources ta the praject. CHILD CARE !N RURAI AREAS OFFIRR PROGRAM Country living - wide ope DEADLINE NEARS spaces - fresh air - lots- The Ontario Family'Farm- roam for children ta play lnterest Rate Reduction Pro- away from traffic of car gramn will be accepting ap- These, advantages mayi al& plications from Ontario cause problems ta fanr farmers postmarked no later faiiies with young childrer than Jamiary 15, 1986. especially during the timeo OFFIRR is a $50 million planting and harvestinig. 1 programn launched August 8, many cases, if motheri 1985, aimed at easing the needed in the field or at th financial burden of Ontario barn, she bas no choice, bu farmers with high debt loads ta take the children along but - viable aperations. The thereby, exposing them ta th program provides grants ta hazards of the workplace. reduce ta 8 percent (by a Recently bath the federE maximum of seven percen- and provincial governmeni tage points) interest casts up have indicated that they ai ta $200,000 of long-term aware that the availability o debt. child care in the rural arc ( ibility criteria include M'ay be a problem. Severz t~.iefarm family bas not studies are currently bein more than 75 percent equity conducted ta assess curreil in the aperation, bias a net and future'needs for chul warth of less than $500,000, a care with emphasis on th d d he ce n >r g in is ie Further information may be obtained through the Newcstle Community Care 1office in- Bowmanville or by phoning the Durham society at 683-8811. rural area. Has your voice been heard? The October OMAF News had a questionnaire on this topic. Additional copies of the questionnaire are also available at the Agricultural Office. BASIC BAKING AWARDS NIGHT This faîl approximately 130 4-H members in Durham East have. been studying the secrets of making prize- winning -pies and cakes. iudg- ing by the samples that 1 was able to taste, they certainly have done well. On November 28th, al clubs wilI be gathering at the Bowmanville High School ta s. '1, of is )ut ral 'ts of 'a ig ,nt PUBLICNOTIC MUNICIPAL GRANTS Alil organizations seeking a grant from the Corporation of the Town of Newcasle for their activities during 1986 must submit a completed'appl icat ion form to the office of the Treasurer on or before December 1,1,985. Application forms and copies of municipal grant policy are available at the Municipal Office of the Corporation of, the Town of Newcastle at 40 Temperance Street, Bowman- ville. And further take notice that the Newcastle Community Service Planning Board will hear delegates, concerning their grant application at it's regular meeting on December 4, 1985 in Court Room No. 1 Police and Fire Build;ing, Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario at 7:00 P.m. MUlt Dakin chai rman N.C.S.P.B. Date of Publication: October 23rd, P.O. No. A 1485, STANDING COMMI1TEE ON PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS AND AGENCIESI, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS LEGISLATIVE SCRUTINY 0F APPOINTMENMTS Ontario The Standing Committee on -Procedural Affairs and Agencies, Boards and Commissions wil commence hearings in December, 1985, on the methods by which it believes that appointments should be made to agencies, boards and commissions of the Government of Ontario ta wvhich the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes some or ail of the appointments and ail corporations in which the Crown in right of Ontario is a major;ty sharehold.er. The Committee invités written submissions from individuals, groups or organizations wishing to comment on the above-noted subject. Ai1l briefs should be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee not later than Friday, 6 December 1985. MICHAEL J. BREAUGH, M.PP - A. SMIRLE FORS YTH Chairman Clerk of the Committee Room 104, Legisiative Building Q.ueen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2 416/963-1462 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 27, 1985-9