CLASSIFIED ADS (cniudfront Page 15) Birth Announcement Bill and Mary Buntinig and Fred and Hazel Lowery' are happy to announce the ar-rivai of their first grand- son, Patrick Thomas, 7 lbs., 13 ozs., at -Peterborough Civic Hospital on November 21ls. A brother for Katie. Proud parents are Ricahrd and Gina Buntiniz. DEATH NOTICE KEAT, Leland E., at Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville on Saturday, November 23, 1985. Leland Keat formerly of Toronto in his 88th year. Beloved hus- band of Mary Davey. Dear father of the late Eleanor Keat, brother of Raymond Keat. Funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral. Chapel, Bowmanville on Monday morning. Interment Orono Cemetery. 27,ac DEATH NOTICE COYLE, James C. (Jim), at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday, November 22, 1985. Jim Coyle in his 75th yeaY beloved husband of Margaret Lefroy. Dear father of Jean (NMrs. Jack Parker), June (Mrs. Jack Siebarth), Darla (Mrs. Lloyd Losvery), Jim and his wife Shirley (Pickell). Pre-deceased by his brother William Coyle of Calgary . Loved grand father of 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Funieral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Monday afternoon. Interment Bowmraniville Cemetery. 27,ac DEATH NOTICE FARROW, Howard Ross, at Strahaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville on Saturday' , November 23, 1985. Howard Farrow formerly of Starkville in-his 85th year. Beloved husband of firene Tebble. Dear father of Eileen (Mrs. George Knox) R.R. 1I Enniskillen, Audrey (Mrs. Keith Rowe) and Grant both of Bow,ýmanville, Lorraine (Mrs. Dave Lapham) of 1-anpton and Ross Farrow of Orono. Loved grandfather of 12 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday after- nooin. Interment Orono Cemretery. 27,ac CAREER TANN FREE Cancer Guide descibes 200 learnataihome correspondence. Diploma courses: Accounîîing, At, Bookkeepîng, Business Maniage- mient, Cierk Typist, Secretar y, Journiaim, Telev ision Servîcîng, Travel. Granton <5A) 263 Adelaide WVesî, Toronto. 1-800268-1121. PERSONAL, DATES GALORE. For al uges and uîîaîîached. Thousands of' members anxious to meut youi. Prestige Acquaintances Cali, toi free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon i flI 8 p.m. QR iLE GARRETT METAL DETEC>RS. Contact us for nearesi dealer. Ask about Christinas specials, ea-gé(y lookîng for new dealers in On- tario. Contact Canadian M4etai Louaors R.R. , Watertord, Outario NOE IYO (519) 443-5191, --------------------- - --- STEEL BUILDINGS. Buy direct and save. Building facîory direri discount 20 to 30 to 40%. Must clear invenîory. No reasonable oflfer efused.-ODrder now, take sprng deiivery. No storage charges. Cal 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. I-ELP WANIED TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training witb plarement help is available. Complete detaîls can bu mailed to fou. Phone Rodgers Scbooi ai (416) 769-3546 wiih Postal Code. 11 FOR SALEI smîuc 7.C'ail Wariiiii i Iisuilaiin. (613> 267 -6711 , li,\4601,Pc i,(i taKo1711-3I (. 'PENNY RCtLLER- radernark. Paiuiiied. Vsrap pcinîeý, ii,.kcls, dîmnes and quariers quickly and esl! One wraps all. Uses free bank, rapr.OuIy $8.95 posipaid. (laeadd 63 cents Laxý) Chriias Special 2tor 1P. (Please add 11 ax.S]d hqcrM (),to Pcnny Roller Producîs, PO. Box 405, 1 ort Ente, Oîîîarîo1L2A 5N. CAREER TRAINING You .an make inoney preparing TAX RETURNS. Learn by cor- respondence. For free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2B6. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ontario Polled HEREZFORD CLUB SALE, I pin. Saturday. December 14, 1985. Markham Fairgrounds. Noie new location. Contact Craig Lymburner, R.R. 1, Caistor Centre, Ont. L0R IEO (416) 957-3695. FOR SALE Free STAMP & COIN Supply Catalogue, Free Toil phone service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Service froin long esîabiished famiiy business Cal 1-800-265-0720. $ BUILDING CLEARANCE $ Final clearance of sîraight wail buildings. For example 20 x 30 wîb 12 high sdewali for $4995; 28 x 30 x 12 for $5975; 30 x 40 x 14 (or $6995. Other sîzes available. Serlous oniy call (416) 221-7353. --- - - - - - - - - - - ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE Ail Steel Straighî Siant, Quonsets, Cladding. Free brochures on requesi. For ac- tion value and answers (alil WaIly (416) 626-1794. Leave message or coi- lcci evenîngs and weekends. FEE METAL HALIDE 1000W grow ighî wîîh every 2Isî Century Garden. Limîîed ime special. Cali or write for detaîls. Western Waîer Farins, 1244 Seymour Sreet, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604) 682-6636. THE FANTASTIC WOOD ELECTRIC FURNACE. Calil or Write us about the Celsius Wood Elecîrîr Furnace. We are 5 years on the market and expanding. We have 1,800 cusîomners who say we have the best pur- forming furnace in Canada. Easy on wood and you can ronîrol the temperature in ibe house wiîhin 2 to 3 degreus. We are selling direi.î front our facîory to you, the customer. Ladies, are you afraîd of wood-fîred furnaces? Ask about our Fanîasîic Wood Pellet Furnai.e. Fuii up îwice a week. Also conîrols lemperature wîîbin 2 degrees. Bonnechere Metal Producîs Lîd.. R R. 2, Eganville, Ont. KOJI TO (613) 628-2839. GREAT GIFT! A subsiption îo the Fun Facîory Chidren's- Magazine. Jokes, fan actîvîties, puzzles, riddies. Seud $15 for 12 issues: The Fan Fartory, Box 1268, Sation T. Toronto, M6B 4A4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIF-S DISSATIS[F)!11D?? Two and a haif vears ago I was broke and dissaîîsfied. I now earn over $15,000 per noutb commission. Il you hiave iie desire îo earîî ibis type of income ACT NOW Contact beîween 9-S (416) 863-0109). TIRED of the saineirai e o) pay. i maer how bardJ you work? Il you wish lie fruits of your lbou ,tobe retlecied inii ib amouni of money you earn,theu thîs mia, be the opportumy fou reqaîre. An expandîîîg bathîub refiishing- company wîshes tri esîablishn dealers in your area. Some business and markettig abîlîîy required. This is one of ihe highesî profit retura ser vice industries available iii Canada ioday. A cash invest- ment of $14.950 is requîred. For furîher information pieuse write Old Quaiker Coatings Limied, SA Ceasar Ave. Nepean, Oui. 12(1 0A9 (613) 226-3024. I.IVESTOCK/AUCTI(>N SI-IEP AUCTION Deremiber 7, 1985, 12 Nooîî, Markhaîn Faîrgrouîîds, Markharn, Otît. 250 bred ewes, Purebred Suffolk, Dorset, Leicester, plus commerniaf ewes. Details cail (416) 623-5817. FOR SALEF WESTEE[. BARN ROOFING and Sidirtg. 30 gauge galvanîzed & galvalurmed $42 square. 30 gauge prepainied $60. Minimum order S0 square. Customn Fari Maîcriai Sales. Laird McKeeîî (416) 779-3322. BUSINESS OPPORTUNI [lES DISSATISFIED Waeuî More? Our company in Canada is experîeîicing a massive expansion. Faro upo to $100,000 or more per year. I f fou have the desire phonec (416) 659-7337» HELP WANTI'D Full tîme BOOM TRUCK operator for ruinent block rouipany îîear Oshawa. Experiemîre eressars. Repiy Box 62, r/o Newcastle Reporter, Newcrastle, Oni,.LOA 1HO. 9 A9hý 0 0, b Ç-- (COvO PV Ororto WeekIy Times, Wednesday, November 27, 1985-13 F~ ~ ~~~i)' ARiSiSrydUrieeuulaion Qaîi ork at Western Oirio pirus. (riiîd appliralrs. [Lxpc'riencd In arcliutral reirofi since 1975. (i Warih Insulatirîn. (613)276 6711, B3ox 460, Perth, On- [ario K7H 3GI. MARK M. STAPLETON 0 Farrier a MOBILE UNIT*e R.R. 2, ORO NO, ONT. TELEPHONE LOB 1 MO (416) 983-5244 CAV STEVE'S Amercian Bosch Sîmms Rbr oc Roosa-Master DIESEL Rbr oc Ou mmims DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS COMMERÇIAL-INDUSTRIAL-AGRIÇULTUFIAL-MARINE AIRESEARCH TURBOCHARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD STEVE SAWYER BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (416)623-1411 Inaugural,,Meeting 0f Council. Residents of the Town of Newcastle are cordially invited to attend the Inaugural Meeting of Council held at 7:00 p.m., on Monday, December 2nd 1985, in Court Room No. 1, Police and Fire Building, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville. David W. Qakes, B.A.A.M.C.T., C.M.Q., Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Our Flie: 10.12.116. Date of Publication: November 27th 1985 P.O. No. A 1399 Join us for "KARATE" MARTIAL ARTS SATLJRDAYS at 10:00 a.m. -.11:30 a.m. at Pines Sr. Public School, Open toalal ages and both sexes. Give your child a chance to learn SELF-DEFENCE $3.00 Per Week Instructor: Charlie Kennish Black Beit Karate Instructor Ch ristma at the Co-op, SATURDAY, DECEM BER 7ý 9:00 arn. - 4:00 p.m. BRING THE KIDS TO SEE SANTA WATCH N EXT WEEK'S PAPER Cali Charlie at FOR OUR MANY SPECIALSI 623-9513 FRE~'CUT _____________________Taunton Road & Hwy. 115, Orono, Ontario for details DURUHAM FRES ONYCO-OP PHIONE 9839134 or 963.9135 TOLL FREE (in Area Code 416) 1I-MO-2637605 -Hamilton Township "FARMERS MUTUAL"5 Insurance Co. ROLPH BEV is now represented by Wakefield Insuranco Caiii983-9438 or Toit Free i1-800-263-3766 i