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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1940, p. 7

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Plays Stinring Role SUSAN GOULDING, AmHebr aift-be John Rolteta piayels, Cania'-s oiypoa ilion a ntutra issitydur- t-in.Cnda as- -1fRifle or Shagun Atter That Date Genralut ]ilia, announcleti regisiasu t ail ffsuarma lu tise emeirnling u Ji 2 ts Attorneys-Gunieral af tiseprss- e mreakedt ta1taseavn is rugstraïýtians, sht usanti rifles muai ha ceg- istieti by Sept. 15 andti iuia diate it mii bu unlamini ta buy a fioinmuat a permsit- TOURISTS MAYBIGTEIS Tise MiisLeu si tis anewrcg pistiqons milnot- marisansad irismis0 tabring2: ei i Iling qipntt-Caaa "Apemi ii b-isattay proper ossin îias uuniingeqnipesnt- Whe)n StOP s1ig PHts A M trs Automobiles thisai Su stopais are juai routine t-oit-apolice ti- parluient, but- uhen a stop asigu) guïes ont- tus mayta it s m io- toc car-tisat's nuira-,sasys astai y- ia lise Otctamýa Jounal. A milS -wagon broise off a stap igun East Cornwall, (Ont-.). Tisa driver propputi tiesa igun againsi a post. Douglas Tisompî- sou, ou ttOais, parket iis car beside tise puai. Whus bu came bacis, t-Se stop igu isut fallun oývrrlanti put a nice big tdent lu s siiuy tender. Tisompaun b ii11 e d Corumahi toinship cauncl for $5. Tisa to-wnsisip insuraucue ouspany ru- jeciedthtie caim, "dt'f.ii-ly de- oIiisg hability." Has Leading Roteý In Exhibition Play ALAN KING -Sincu a'ttundiiug sehool lu Tient- sr, Nonsi China, turing tisa rev- ol[utiosihce isen public exact'- tions muretakinig plceaiiy anti t-aetie Ciinas city masuri bas bes a"Lloi t dra-LlIn ii tis periencu's have beejnl tise Bi- liais Empire anti su his -ýluaturst -tisi e siouit piay a ieatiug s-ie lu -e stirr'inmgphay "We Fig-ht InuiiCic-eiatsy 1!uin, tl a CANADA PACKERS LI ITED Augusileur oWiset icuso uee undur s, achesSudag ei t ise sugat' n ie BUn"Boardla dvis-oninue puncisas-fs etimoercn pro- duc[. Suc ct utdate, impors ta tAeia rduihv ai Jeclneti. TiSe2S-emabeau qte wiecmment iilatCe preas ntiasewbere regtAr g Imotau nsrcn ao, niilla ý1weiliw 'bile ta s iate ieacts, bici ae as posiws- (1 Ding tise tise TiAi uniesuitti quaLintiie eCnadiB- bpr-glit Wmb Cantadafor damnestic requireme.Oews siipusens tu Engiauti wuld ave isad tan bu ct down, (2) ius imp lof utAarcn aon it ot affýct tIisa pr ice chicistise Uieailn l-'oucrecaivoti fer iis Hog. TIaimwa basetiupun thcisepeurceý_ive-t1i lng11'iantiforcadiu s cu.(IluApril ise prneuofut RugaluCanadabralabut ibis was 7sweeks BTerAmwuianimpiotaiOans hati eau heoketi, ant vas due ta tise guin ppeeuin tai tise urccises etf use Bîltsis Minsty wauid not bu suficieut ta Ucmear ta ()A rica"n Bacon waa natsuLl i1un Cand sCnaunBcn - ueaitise C1aut;ilsBcnpis (4) Aneicain Baculs was noil -,[ prtji a ngiaýnieentatis 1,) Tisonvgsouttise dispariy lucui ad bte s Canadin ant Am1erican BUacon l ed t cmfi)aiasanticd iitNyr theloas, su long uns importacontinetail Pukes wer fe reti tas haude Amerian prtinuci. Oterwse tbey caultI ot havel maet cmpetliion l tis luw pneu fildt. il, Exprtisg Packers receiveti a Drawback utrtSe Duty aviicis tbay baud pa)iioniinaportetiAmarlianpret. This ais-o bas beuasbjc e ouadeab comment. But 'tise tacts,,,are vey impIe. Tise Drawback was imatie uxnd'ar.aClause lutisa Canadian CustmaraickR atus, kiinwas itise "'qul- valnt'Clasecovereti by Otr(%,-in-Ceunci, out 251h Marais, 1920, anti subsequeutasdets. isis Clause isall been a parýt ai tise Custue eglaios o 20 yeaýra. Canladian ak er s ati batino part ln baving tise 'quivaen' princpl eoai- ilîsuI t applies not aiy ha respct et îMeut expeorts, but ut laus-o, ACaaiaPakars waec leanlyenilt t a Draw-bck IL tise Duty paii: Amibca acon wsimiparteti, -equl- ow2eera s cmplicatuan arase lu respect et non-expai'tng Un"adtýiinPalora.Insmui-as they titi inut experýlt Canadiais Baoiey were nul entitio-dtoa Daaa ttf ise Duly paiti anl AmericnBacon. Nan-expetig Parkea prutsteti, antieb- vau-saoa!iis tise Draw-back privilega was caucolieti. Cancelia- tban asmatie retroactive. Tise retroactive teature nus clear- .iy ustair, as tise Cu-IstOmaDe»partML-nt badi cuiet tat tis D'ratwiack aplai nan si Tif tise praduc' a bati eady bLeau aulti upon tiaitI eratauihng.Iuniser r espects expiortilug Pukers agreotiwitstie ruiin. (7) Muaisof tise cdiscuission (anlth isesujaci etf Amlerican importaU' overlookedth ie tact that tise Caunadan-Amorcan Tradle Agree- ment was hinveilunitiscls-e.This -Agrametlautbgl valille ta Cajnadlisu Farinera, luasmulclisas il t pravides tise oiy ouitfer C aila urlsCate Muouver, tie discusion1"a s oftet isfact tiai, aveu lu resect o! Pre Prou-ct, tie iovemeut iiLa -tqueutly lu tise uther directiontisaiisàtran Canada ta UnitetiStaie. lla rèedeut quie possible iliat wWtbinDtineit e-w nmuntis Uhet Sttunay bu a vary nsa-ai o tatefor eiue a aad's m-in-log proine.LtRbusgb saau nany tinias in tse asi Silce iseMinstr tFo-n arnieti tie CamansaBacon Huad(PuFais- uary)tiai sIiipnt's muai bu restrictet ta 50,000 cwts. -vekly, aueerai av ents havo e ecans-r i-acis vitaly affect Bruin's Bacon supplies. Ou April Stlthtie cG means invarleti Neway anti Demur, tns utting off imwsortfu ScadiavsuBacon. Ouimay lielRuilant1was avurun, -buLs Cautjisg offtishe Dutcia suspplie.roua tisai- date tes-iard Canada becama thse sole estrai sourlce oa, cGretiWiltshire Sîdus. Fmutarbecause ut tise necessity e ercifiprtto ut teets, Bn'- tiala Pig preducers have be ni e auntI t-haicbrs ta une-t-ird. But notwitstandiug ailhs"e tauts, tise Bitisli Miniistry stilhi irmýe s Canaian Bacon-BOor tbey do nul wisb iseaier !,sifipenis f-ouisCanada. if heaviar shipinents are unit aken, Canadian !log roduLcara-wiliis Fal tint isarna hlvasino muainbarrasssng position. Baiinýig *lu Suptuber or Octobur, 1940, hi iscertain tisai Rog rmarket- ings wHiilheaavMy exceeti ail previaus cacarda. Tise Canadian Fariner saIwpo- ducati tese Noga in tise boliefthtiiby sa tiing bau wasplayig bis partlu[tise unrtr ai areffort. ecanse o-t tise xpa-nencuet Êtise lautwar, overyoue (lu- clutihg tise Brh t isty ut oo(f) iook i tus- graiot2i tiiaýi aitie 1Raga whiasCandacoulti prodlu-cu ondbuneadti. PresentarcataareItisailahi Se comlng year (ociabar li, 1940 lu ep- taisrt0h, 1941) Rlog markethings wiii bu 6,000.00 as campaliadta 4,827000 su tisa praeut year (Octoier lai, 1139 tu Soptembur 31%., 1940 - Auguat Sep tomaber oaimated), if ibis fur-ecsti is rea-lieti tie sus-pus maaabe for expor will bu sppruximaiel-y 75,000 cwýts. weekly. Foc ibis surpus G-ruai Britahu a is e logical bnyur, ant if i aureiyh A et ieBrithis Mnistru-tFo-otiWHiiliay es plainata takeil utofi. This, it ha beiieved, tise MIIstsy eau asily du.For, uts siIpinanirain Canada ut 75,000 cwts. woki, totalsuppieý,s wilii bu barely or isa une- hait normai cunsumpîlun, andati li nut eceitise taai invlvet i lutisa rtion -4 ounaues par persan purweek.*ý- t~NOE.~Sncethis Report was set up ini typa, exporis of Ba)con have been stepped up for a period. It la hopeti thils step-up mnay be the fareruinner af an increaseti scale of shipmaents.t h muai aiwaya bu Skept in mmnd IsaiCanada bas nu dams ounIse Britsis market unies,un aditioîln taquanlity, aisel1iso piodhuce es uaityut oga Durlng tetisa r, ibis tact ma's iisîis u et Asti«, saur pregraý_sut, Caniada pruýducet i incrassing numnbisrstNoa but tise quality dtairiorateti. Ater tise ire, ns sous as Danisis Baronsas agauin vahlbi, CasadianBacan was pjasisat off tise Britishs markset, Pig production lu Canada is nom muis miot-e himportant tisas erer bufrm If, ai the asti ut tise prasnt war, (ii canadiu Baýcan irere agahispusied i oftise British matket, thse disaser ta prudjicors iroltibu osa o-titiimagnitude. Tisa only sate-guarti h, trig ie ar lapruduice au H ise type ut Balcon the Br'itis-h consumer isdas.S-aI-bat, ait fise cuti f tise war, tisa Bný,- tils-hconsumer ii dlemand Canïadian Bacon instuati Atretusisg Ita estil. Ia tise lut tes yuars, subsiaunil pragruas bas beau matiehin improvig tise quality ut Canadian Noga. Thia bas been dose iageiy ticugis tbe oais- liment ot testiûg stations in whichtie Sea t airains are giiven R.O).P. (Record aIiPraductiais) raing. Ast i ibimpraraent ha buisgmiiaîned. Onu ast step stili r-mains ta bu tais, hIbs aIo mtbt isi e 'si;zPaIjIity' o! Canadian Bacon. The Bitiss niet dmnaWisieSidua ut iean type weighhng 55 ta 65 Iba. AtImpesunt oly about 55 Puîrwcenfth! ie Bacon ahiPPet tram Canada talla mhtiin ibis range, as comvipairut mitlis95 pu ne C o tn entai Bacon (wiile Continental supp)lies ware stili caming). Tise presuntisl Cannýda's OPPortublhy. Sbisl nom almositishe sole extemual source of aupply bar Beihis Bacon, sud ibis may continue for a parioti ut ose 1'Eývide-Uce)tisai fram tIs e Axis Polit vi-w tiseBattie etonf i isa1tJ Lenten-eti upon a crhtiilphase, n'als a-cen hast -yeeu lu tise St! ng antiunas efforts spasat by-7Ba-lin sund Ram-o lun keuping sosUtiSteni Europ01e Ipeaco. Sco delleatu tise baatPbetwu.een GimaysvictOryv ada,ýc jrtaove-e Engiand 9 upa-ret ta -bu, thit a eouflici s-s Iglulis Ba11Ians caiti dpst - Tise RAF. nsantiatssu tise Bnithais sky, andthie dfuu 0f~ ~ ~ ~~~u Enlnihie 'est-ina- atui tai oe-sixtlis aitise untiru Gmairiforce w-as baing issitt lu; tis l ofnsv uan f ile RA.F. iantinlatiseattemapit-p breaký (lhe apisit ut t-be Brillis peupfle .-. Darngt-be weak tise Gurniaun plan at nisa ombigat-tacisaseeme-,d ta baebeau ii bandonet1iiha fanas- ut "nuisane" bomtbiafgtssoutone ortia :1 -hi11-eu plaines; an ilLngisi Britonls waa pinsctitated byaiort "A Nasty Slsock" R-opus utof as-ly aic traintise Unit- etned u s graw sranger uintais h.s w .-it . -Tise Landen Daiby iliai ai ti&tonily: 'Tfoieiiy tient RuesevetIt iwlibe a very nasiýy s-beck for u 1il-ar mieni t la affiiahiy unisounceti" , . . Dittise inmpper muas desinor? Goit? US.panes? GASolisa? Anir Iwtatlizw offensýive iii NatsArica n'as tisouisi ta bujý sis ingp but biaoro tisa ýsouibu a;i-nias uoMf sisicoul-t bece piuiforiciotieB-ntisýhLImure aic ing isein lu tise ruai-, ban-b inig L-sp ponts anlti radinlg air 1,5 sa s - - u Rnie hwas ue-i !y blvu ibttaysoffensive mises Iit cme woul itiebrbutr eclti gaus forsbtacesatsi- et iin Egyp (i Mnicis ccas;eEgp outbu tltbraia ia tise irn)1a bisai tisa btog puisimligbt bu poinlte(t agaisitise AnimagplanSutan, iritIs tlti a(ofutjoiing Libysanti 1atA i c i'a.1 Ja-pan Consolidiates Il isle FacE, -t11sie Ja aiaith ie "go'-iga touKur- oetu step abeiU ir itl i ocr tutie pr ofrna xpninin îtisa Sa,,uts biisy revsmpinig tise diploinatia sur- rhcufoiiwingrucaofatire aiîibas- saaaatiff i ncnel-ninisýteira (in- thtig lee jta aaa ---at ieuwothris a.i alne-wunirtn- ing uts bise ,Soviý et Union, ftoIlawisg- tise signing i seNew ais Mon olrader areiela an1 ef- fort taono ildt ise Japaniiile seý nart!lisuaïaS.Coincltiuntatlly cvitIlisrwai Jsptroop i-r Nuris China came nuir o! etnompeti The We At Homec oif'i tsatt-be nairs IaCaad tu1rinig t-b mai: apur wo ir Gaussa isaoainitemnietinlutise Doiniion anti escpe utiv mra Ontrioirie-r 50pur cent.,et Ise anti etmigantwurkors mare ,i-n ineyoun"g 1mais for iLIitary soi-- beru s etrai ns1s-atle i la t- fonce -sasrtl. i,ùw a Çi 1e1SPtise.armIet seriesoi tisetira co ui 1eCs ex - tuai- - -s toigr 10 ta rîime Mis hng rem'r -t ibosr si, - tisa tie iisct stuat -slu iseivot! suard tase omer ths Yenus croep sudn issue negotjiable grain t ickets toaiu.ý amesaasiteaegrain -1glirp It" For Very Gocod Taste The hast methond of gettiug thce most taste from tea, cuffe or sýoup is ta "lup t," says Deivini W. Dean, Boston's uew officiai1 fond tester. A "w.halesonie sup"Dean re- ports, is the aci of spr-ayiu-g the liquidi around lun the mouth sud ever tihe tangue, brinigiig into play lil the glands respansible fGr the sue aiofaste, S SUN DA Y SCHOOLl iNVITING OTHERS -T0 W-ORSHIP tGOD Psains 6A, 96,98 PrWned Texi, Psacm 96 Goldeni Text: "0 magnify Jehovah withý me, And Iet us exait his name together,' Ps. 34:3. TUE LESON,î IN ITSSTT G Tiurne - Itla,,goerailtlycoser e(l thsatail n. et hso psulims are lut- Pr tita'n thitne of vd but foir 1eterainig ex.actly wheu tise woewrittea we stmpiy don lot bave sumtcent data Place - Inausucisas these psaume w-re for tise miort part usei ,n the choral sh3iug ( u is thelep, t-bey imay be Saýid ta elt tathe servWCe utwors'iip s catried on lu tails areý missing. lun1th1s lesson we flind saine u t'be muai be-autifiul epesosre- lating taotise soul's eiiiocel tise ui w of C t od that are te be teunlu it-hi erld'sfine(stregiu ilfeteruur, bu h Ro1(brew or Cisela- tiant. Let us satuvate ursules l ibesa wora.hiposs days with jusi sucis psaims as tssthaa r sul nay bav e e ust beauttitul ani lieaenlylaugage vailabie lfir snicb a sac-red act asuprahn Ccad iu praiseafdfaor'ation. Olti als thoepsalniss are, vwo snipey noeed fhen luib is particular uge Tia slittie psaimi, like Psalm 65.o- s-eus lnu iudanitbret a týype jsud( wineaetGo kiinesa. Aad Psaim 67 is oidninamch 1later than iithe ugeofot Daii, tisougl i inight hav, eben u camposod ev'ea lu t-eur ne aiore-Uzekiah, wben tis great hiopo bganta be enitertainti ot God1's besngtowards "the n1- tin, Thse psaisn la a fervent ex- resonfut1aweii1-grouinded hopeý, n-ut a prepheey; i is tuse joyul ou[- aur11iIgng eta hurt wisich longs ta see tise -d udKinga aa e ing aanw(d]dsu oshpo a1s Goti and ofg u0tie world. SIGUNTO THE 1LORD psalm 16 ila aeuh for altE e.al-1 i)tasmn-g plaises iunto tIslord.'A 1. oh sýiug lunto Jeis-ovah anilew v san r1îig unto Jehmahi, l1 tue eurtis.This ila taken t rom isa1. 1 10, Freshis mrvces densand treas ex- pressions ot thanksgiving, andi Y doveý-ran1ce out Israe i ram tiyo inauutàs & nesagelu tie na- tion' hîaory.2. 3ilg untoJeou, bles bis nm;show frhbis sal- vatt1ioniamduy a3 d(ay. *3. car bsgu-ansoaig tise naion!s, bis marvaleus Wrks aoug ail the, peuples. OnIy ,t-hase can doar ise g(ortGad sud h is wotieýrs wbo kow Gad. W'ORTILT 0F ADORATION, 4, Ica, greai is sJohaan sd bu Mleeting. Tho %ist person decd bY employoes ta thub affie Is Bu, Ger. J. A. Ayers, a würkmani on the Beef Cooer Staff ai tseTarautaPWlA itlew Directows have pleasuire in tepstifyinIg that . Ayers' serv ice's 1have beon iaî high vau" to cie Colmpan'y as e]>as ta ise inmllyeswu he ecuy re- Durinig t'ise CQIming ,yoar, bcueo a odtos ieproblein af Plat efficiencY wil]L bo one o adtly bInresg difcnty. Thoe lusofet xprienced mon due to onhsInents viJii be h1eavily f elt. To iimeuCt thse dfiute as tJhiey arise, the Diroctors hospeak on the part baW ail uspeyeSte same spir t a A capy aofth1 Repart wlll be ma.iled ta each einplyee. At t.le last Annuai Meing authority was aise ghivnbKth Shawehadors ta appin.aDirectroprepsyoig Luve Stock Producors, Noapp)olainont bas yot been nmde tunder ibis autherlty. Advie has beenui spt fnunlous por- sons pemineuat lu Agricuture, as ta a method cft speoin whil iil arr tCe approval o et i Stock Producrs generifly. As yet nu osucis plan has t,'eoin amrivd at. ThEb Director's anld SIsahIderar q inrp lyau iau tat such ia plan may b founci, alnd it èla bPed tbat w1itiu iise cem"îiwg yearthaponet nxay be nmde au a rec who wil s.pecéiy reposent lireStock Producors TORONTO, August 19th, 1940.-J. S- MLEAPresidfeuý. Extra copias ioFthiis Report are available, and se lon a ins mt «Ri »b maiecl toanayonIe rquin hi.Adest aaaPceaLmtdDr T HFU E W A R - W E EK-onear on Curreni Events NEAREA ST' ODN Fmrm iNotes apliedtg atieacreýfori het. a a very imiportant beuving an eî- suiteubtaied, rite,5 Prut.Rur G, Bell af tise Ontario Agýricul- tarai College, Gueip1h. Whieatre mvsa iodgeulte amnount a plautfood tram the sou. A 3 buqs. crap remaves 50 11)s.nir- gec,20 i posphocrie acid undA 30 ur potsi. If the WheVlmbt gsalidaes not coui- tain ut least this amnounit of aaL able plantfouidurngthe go- ing perioti of thse crap, normal yielda swill not, be iabÎtainet,. Am-ount Andl Balan-ce Iu the addition aftriizr i la net the intentinonfu the glower to add ta thse sali ailaf the plant- food tisai a normcial cr'op won'd01 experieuce couim and eatabiih the fact that if nu other tactor suca shosrtage afi moîstre, puer seed or tis like limit thse grewtha ut Wheat, thse yield ladieci inufluencuti by thse uant sudni -balaine of plantfood added. Eighit tests as ta the etteat, aif rates ai fertilizers were con- Sgawing sections outItheprvne The feIIouwiug standard fertilizersý wes¶e U Se d:-0-2ciO, 0-12-6 0-166 - 12 - 6, 2-12-10,2166 These were applied on ar, plats ut 2;50 and 12ý5 Ibs, p)er acre, aud an equai area ihe tertiHizer wan grown as check, Resulls are as folIewý,s:- Rae A.Yieid Por Ac, Gai 1'25 Pis. 29.2 16.7 bs 250 Ilbs. 35.112. 6 b The difference iu coat rne tram apprximately $1,56 ant $2.00 for 125 labs per acre Di ferihhizers u.sod; nur Whleat t double tPese figures for 250 ibs.5 paar, ie -geslyt upraisoti: Ru la to bu) tearai aboyaailguti1s. 5.1For1' ail tisgd, a tsepeuoples aure id-ais; Ruonor 'andti mja'sty nare befure lm:l Steug nti baanty are a hi ;s' sacur.Suttichent 1rugi a tise consimtan tcar jfi !God'ae ewn naturle ta t-buse wb-instn ]y abide Mwit-hiu iesutay 7. %scibJe unto Je-buvais, ye kis-. drd.s ut tise peuoples, Aýscrabe untu oisvi fayat 8. sciblu'oJeuyhtie gler'y dulenua is nIe Dr1'ing an afferiug; anti "cone into biscourts. 9. Oh1 w.ofra.ip Jlisova,1in l ;bay a- ray: Tretable ,betarï, bini, ;al i th hi-are is a 'glus-loua appeil Ét tis nations ta acknuledge Jeisovah Men giv o tjtie Lord glorywi thfoy acku-uwlodge fisai G-ad la in snelf surnayglaons, ýý'andiwe tise'y desire tisai alilw1hicbiiey d lu tAmer awu lives may bu accos-i hig tisi glusy, nmay bu cflr) tîr ai GdTs gIory; tisey are aiisciingiï sirengt ii int obvaiswentie aoknowledg-u Ut C odiun tise une hant isl alune omnipotent, anti, o tise et-sur baud, is alaisewort ù£o 11c1(i', tse offering otts stiren1gtis t ou ný1. Me oug10Latitfby iný su. F a way tisai t-hlei1ve-s -are f a caa-an acknowvledgemeuntnu t andà G-OD R ULES TVI U fNIVERSE111 10. Suy aranig isentin, e Tise n;aid aisyostabilaiseti. tiAih 1cannot bu mved:ý RL- wil jutige tieî eule ilLuiAt-hhaveus bu glatian=i Iai tise ,carrjoice; Lutie sua ru1e, antitisefui- 12 Lut tise flu1li euli ani al - hast iserais; Tin sah alMise trusutmise Woad Sing tor joy c N n -t, a h 1- s'- n -t- et 55 s,-

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