For i 936, 19,37 ( nti 8- Ontario Average Drops inr Rast Three Vears Qaebec led i ail provinces of canada in the ceatb rate frocrs tubweulesishin 1936, 1937 anm! 1928. 11u 1926, Montrea'l bad d Ceaýt[ rate of 85.,3 petr0,00 vieTo- rente reported onfly 42.6. Tlhe al Canadiaru rate wa s 61,4. Inu tue fellowing year, Moutreul led widh 82 and Toronito reportet on ly 36.9 deatbs pet 100,000 wbîl the Dominien rate was 5,9.9. lit 198,ý I~~entral's"rte bat t] roppetit 74.8wile Torontos ebwet a slight increasze te 37-4. The o million rtebat eased down't M4. WhIile tbe Montrýeal figure,ý droppedt te71for the pas year, T or ont c's; showed a greatef-r de- di,'ne witb ,oufly 27.9 dah pet 1fG000.The averagýe for th 193A3738 peimodws76.7 for M11ontir1-îeaul, "9 for Teronto nti 58.6 for ailCnaa A compar titale for the 3 ces fdolws rovice 1936 19ý)37 138Ave p. E. Iîu Britisb Col. ...k....... 8ý2.1 87. 76689 .36. 35.4l33.2 34.8 .29.8 3 1,5 28.8 29I. 9 The BitshGovernmenti HoosHerHubn ':SavingOtai' R.ewurces (NO. 12) SMALL MOUTH BASS More anglets seek the staI muot blak bss than are ufîtr , ,tpyther fisb. 1iu th'is Ponc Our nerthernl akes make an ideý ai hoefor thjese fisý h were they fiat suitable coditins and pleny of foot. Se, yeur after yeur' Uthe tosnsof tJhesefib fo Muskea, Hlibuton dnti ther 1 egion11S. Iufn 1t Iweuld sa.Y th-at bluck bass are e umalistay of. considerable of the reenue we receive from ouiss The small moUtb aMsrequts clear, cool streams or lakes, net tee dee and preuferabily wt shnouls Iithaaimost rahtesr prtc.daguiinst i ýnd and wv action, are necessary for spawn- ing". The baSss reqýuires pienty "of foot. Thiere mubi bLe plenty of minowýs ai crawfisil, the cren- taefhat ýlook like mnaue.lo- stors. A latck in euoe or oth!er etý yid of bass The spawing hAbiS e th,- smali mouth are quite titesn te meieict otheýr gam-e fish!es.Trt. etikec'Ilbe strippet, the ~g removed hy the Lhzuce-y imei, iLrilizet ntdte yeung fis laà s ed in tanks until tey ' eucb ah sie uiabefor pauPu. ut this cannot ble douec it -csi e tbcy 1must beC..allowet te pair at the Ie must remain MItS the egsanti youg bassfor a vcon- siderabe petriot.di When the waters warm 'Iinte sprilng the- maie bass -'clea-rs a pr- tected spot over gave orc ma, roc, li-ý,'He then fideafeae drives ber ento the uest wheee she ilberates a nmber of eggs which bhe fertilizes. This is te- peated until severai thousand eggs are uintèer bis care. AfLer sun ing the maie staPtionis bmefover- theunetsiowiy fanning a streat of water auoss the egs. H e reu nans on guard pntil tue yeung are ready te take their firt foot. T'his nmay tk evrlweekS Fan( turing this toue the maie Wiin 5fik t auything that conies peux bishme The law igbty says that we musttouf isbfoet bass before July lîst forifwed e CD C w ill" cÉtch the mules that arse guaroîg the ness. If these areta, ba1-ngly enemies ill soon euat up the eggs or Young. Se, the but conserv-ation wev eau pnractise ýis not te go near the bass waters earlSinAthe snnundte see Uta ethes do likee For 10 iii V re anti ucle by tzi dip- n f nr- So v i," j(lma ts E lizabe th.h'e joke with Air Ril rier inlteiatour of WstLentoiý) W A R -W K--Cime U1. rtiC-prt Inr EsenSiuto new e vidence thut ' were, tesan GratBrit- Ou ebip; ict act l cin r ane pas cf erma thle Net] ,u ferwort-dm- Ce; cl by ksten tbev coui Jaa - appat «t I was un needed 't TnC~s tam Sueo teL )tüu etged u be terl eplie s Thlings bap of goiug t( httts ha dhinle. Nev thut the ta: ever-presen-pmt past80 rtireru F ships te "t enlte tesali ain) -ori 4 dIssets ~ov~ptber5, will adjouru mmd latily until a ateeri in îtan- uar.N usineýs llbetrn. acted at tON assembiy and oniy sufficient inembers te censtiut a quorum are requiret to be Pre- sent, Disctssinon f the wheatst- naton ithi USCcadan de- fort,.wllhae t atfor the Newv' Year. ln Ontarlo, Premier0 Hepburnl nametýi Rober - t Larieii r, ilnup hc(wvcf thie late Sýir i rdLaurOirils M1iisterof AMines; anWpromised thet unonew pnrona! icoeor cmr- poraiontaxs, r icresesI', lax Cyoar beogiigApil !1, C 1941.ýd tuigthe first haf of 194 amu teti e 82:27,401tos om paet'wt 681,29tons i h frtsix rmontlhs of19. TarughtGema er's are busy techciing thle Ger- mian language te hernssle- un"iitionet from Holl"Ia'nd, racPlant auild Belgiur.. The itiaisof Gra grammar ha eienma ii difficuit for the Germians te handie the herses. TflecBerflin lZeitung has rg ed divers te use "utrtactcu tienl-l bndlinghese wiih- don't undetstad Germun, an the osas Soety for Prentin iýf Cruelty te Animiais is dvs iing drivers te spare the ted and apply patience. By Fred b4Nhr II~2~ Sxyixpountds is the wýeigbt Supoet by the average awoma's foo,.-ucordngte a'lbok .-pub- lish-,et ou)nfoot alments,anif ý,tbic the bg tee takes twen-Itwo ponds of Uthesotaurton. Usu- aIlly tibe secondtoctee s lonige-r thunl the resýt;- but igb hiýees haveý placet an excessive burden on ibis; dligit. Like the et4her tees, it is, meunt tLýencrr y onily elevenpots or one(-sixfb of thetoabue but notn, eing te wrougly de- signlet hsth1is is almee,,t debld.Bcaiuse ,cf this uneq(ual tisrbuen eof igtcoros frthe feet bcm isue antinervus dseuss 1my (te- veIop. In 1939 rmion picture bosel in aaaw arnztb 138,47,043perseswo pit el tota,,l of $40O15fori eeu admisson, exclusive of amuse- mnt taes. Nuvy l no l eua lu te acifie, "anl eýau ble depcedi cure et the AtiantIt' be hetter prepa 'reti down ith upn! sbegddown ir we wývIl be six years wheui the twelý-OceaePi pltet." tivties sole]y te t5e attle of Britainl. Eveeyboty Was wvaitingý, te see where Hitier would strike- next, follewing bihin-fâeet witb MussoIili'I'utlte PBiienlPas The war--seieue wac expecteti te sblift nu. anyIOmeme-t te thieMdi terraucan Bain bgianming, pe- bats witb a Germmn drivetougb the Baîkansýte meet the Itulianis The, groniwr fer tis typieef pueb as bîng repaeti atwek Geran toos waretakýiug ,over tbeRt.auin olfildswile pBrit- ish otfcllsanti natiale pet read fie, leae te cuty; Iugra anti Bugariantreeýpsweebn p r s saiti1; six i vi: ",o 1s 0ef ' I t 1a of Greece. A blockade cf Greec was repidly beig put infto effc't byý tbe Nzito ]pre',iift the l3ri- ticli navy frea ting Gree,,kbae foi. euligpross Onit ei tbe qetoapaaty RG'LAR FELLERS Wht Bby!- By GEN,4E BYRNES TE!L ME AýIE, - OkD lZlA El=AEBV '-RI :1//I et ire-- bereýes T'BO-,ýy i I I n inov