CfItel -ciai Te st s eonpanied Oy ais wîte,enra thie d'ining-r-oom -of Uthe hotelwic he used to fi-equent. 'lis order, nýcIluded lroast eiçkenl, bubt there "vas some d1elayý "Whier"e's Iml ehlicken? le de- imanded, someiwhat ùIriably. "lie wpteireplied nahusky uï-dcertone: "Sorry, but fyou ïmeina the littie girl witlib Me yes and lf r-. J'y liais, She d(oe ilt wQtk liire eAloc and bis monkey are Scon pmaed "'Yes"sidthe boastlul younug man, "y famrily Ucan trace its anecety ack to WMiamthe Con- querr" "Y suppose," remarked his friand, "yolll lie teliling us ta your an1cestors wer'e in the Ark "Cranynot,'" said tbe othier. 44MY peop)le lad ja bat Of theirý Gwn." She: "What sort cf boune "L t7ty abuglda- thea you won't always b9 about dwsar. A Mnreifinre ,c'ently liad oý-ccasion tu) cai'e their London of- fice to enqu(pire whetheroe f thei r êients was stili quite sfe as lie was înot aseigca-bles,' and they took advantage of the fopportun'ity to enquire howter LIl1o ndo agrsparrot 1waïs taig up to the bombing (the parýrot is quite a- personaiity ini the home). Tbe following cable was received in mnver: "...Parrot wellbut lbas fom-s eàd distuurbing habit of imcitLating ai rrad Imen" She: "How nrizch noney 'do you hapPen to0lhave oa yue dearr>7" Hes "Between 98 and 100 1ls n't that qiea bit cfj mon ey to be carryiag_ arcund?" "Otwo dollars isn't So ma-Âch" Canadian Î Nýat nal Railwvays ReOvenue& rheI gross r'evenlues of the ail-l inýc]lsve Canadian National Rail w'ays System fo'r the ,9-day period endng Sepemer 30Ù, 1940, wecre ------------------$ ,41,2 as coýmpared wvith - 750260 for the orepndn period of 1939,ade -rease of,-------------$ 1,029,238 or13% ly ereryb,,!ody whjo lires near this natural ikw i launaMeb)et write. Year's Exý,tension 0f ;rreaty Ann.ounýedj Trade1 Extension of tbe Canada-Now Zeaý'iaf raeagemetfora fÙr- thr rioof one Syear hlas beenl nnncdby Honl.G.,MaKn non, TAd Ministr. The greeontwas ocue ay24, 1932,forn y3-ea ýr b3utba been etended at varlous timnes mince tMen, the iast extension being ia 1939 Ao Septeinbcr 30, 1940, Tireagr.3eement 1Éprovides f lor fi'- Èd rates 0f duty on ce'rtain eniur- lte goois upre into New thc efio f Britisli1 lrfeet!a tar-Iffs.Corspninuonce"ssions a're granted onN1 Zalndspir- duet imprtedinto Canlada. FAiL-LING-OFF 0F lEXPOlqTS Since Dpeember 5,3, the Gor- fouand it ncessaïrytoips a port restrictions on goods i'mport. ed lut-o that country. This has been due ýto the genleral fin anii posi ioln laNew Zeaiand, wbuile sïine tMe outbreak of t-le var thle need for coïserving foreiga ex--ehange basumacle it ncoayto crtail m ort f goods frorn ther coun- tryies to nlevea greater degree tise. ,had beeli e., li eso mqth thec knots in speed~ ahe ,bvno-rln c ut. Thosee F;irSt Teeth Dir. T. L. Marsh iwiting in Heal, the officiai organ- of the Henth Leagii eto Canada, refutes the delusion that a chids firut teeth are of littie imlportanlce sinýe they wntlast 0lng. O the cotrary, Ilie assers' t iy ehnllu lioe d unon as 1the tele- f the naana shnfipuuu point to a1 hea!vy sok ~ ' on thFawinter sàqles in-tI esse stronger mar e cf itebigstcean es nround tecre w'ell for- their cnin 49Y ANNE AISHLEY H Iow Canli lreplaýe cstr in a piïece of furniture so they will Jlot continuýally f ail Out? A. - Rlmove tne ciis[tuI, . ouy t j 2. ShduHdn iman ue is righît hand or lef"t baud Iwhlen tipping bis hot'! - . Is it rude to begin a tWl- ~phone conversation by saying, "W"-lio -'S this"? 4ý. Slioublda-ma "talk shop"> at a diner ladty? vend vii andyoua--re not sure,- wlýýjIak]-,flohe't tk, wha shoud You do? 6.Siuda bieroigive a weddng i to isbride-,? 1. No; tnis would ie rely toocrdd.Thieinimum sçýpzi(c luhsismuh ete.2Eilo handm,îb!ut it slild' be thie (om, farthest away fromthe perron to wi[omheis pekg.3, Yes. R is l ni te mplaýc f Ithe pr who 4,ou eyr or aany kinud of sceda bore.)5.Ask yîs los ý- 6Ye;ti5 is scustomîtry.' SEEK SHOC: Federal aut quested medjea at McGill Unir tiîeir inrestigat Coui', l. ,l îNE-W CNCRDISCO)VERY An exper'imenlt iC fic ay ma that t'he cause of cancer lias bQeen- founid wasepo ted last week. Dr. John Frederick Menke, rn- search surgeon, announced Yu Science that he had succeeded, apparentl for the fist Utie in any laboratory, in extracting a substance froc himan carcer tht ould prod'Lucecacesin ex LIVE WITHOUT VIT.ýAMINS Wh'ean adequ"ate supply of neesar fr 1ait ena-n Ce (of the lwranmI aeal'e to get ailng wtotcranvitamniins. Rs ~ vihcan lMvin lu te d can remrain ini a healtxy state wi'*thout v- %itamin D, the Csunsina.]( vitam'in. 7ýow itha b e deon- a1-, iso are un oder, onot manuactue viaminA latheir u e SEE YOUR DEALER c Èrieteus1 detisiL. iof i 0E1NLM m mLat Yes, wh-en- Pipe- Smokerst- 411< For Qgden's Cet A Ple~ f s uS n ,r t i. hiC a poss veags Han - etaïl dnirfor your jute Bakt 32 ah-ag Hoei lle s alleaither $,3,55, Team ar:,ess $3set--CompIete with beechig $51set.Wlt, o ouLr n ew ilustrat'cedà catal)ogue. 5aniuel Tree.s ComapanyLite 42 We!liagtca St., Tont a 9 e I un as long as pc age te adolescence. Ilegard(in_, t1he-generai ca,ýreoOf Mhe teeth, Dr.Mas urges thos- ou1gh miastica-tion of fibuous food's suchi as ýeIe-y -and raw appýes'. Gum tissues neced exer-cise noil less, tMan muscleslhe states, and na the chewing of fibsous fooda is about the best wvay possile to polihAtMose surfaces of the teeth thiat lie towaýrd the tongune. Diet lhias mclit do witl thet healtl of the teeth, Ëays Dr- Marli A leasýt a pint ofe m111ka day s-1lould le drunk, and eal slould iniclude one egg 'a day, somne fresh fruit and vegetabie, whiie sticky, starly caro- drates 5siould be )preduced to a iniimumi, Iii inermonItîs, when sýunbaths are imipossible, cod-lves oll should be taken bin order. to supply the necess'Y vtmnD. Plnt D tc e The present way of disc(over- ing inerais is Ao examine geo- logical formations and take saue- pi]es of the eartl's strata, but ýa niew imethiod l-,ý,ia now eenin itro- dulcedbytwo Swedisl scientist, Tpliev îanaly'ze the leaves and soots of. plants wiere îmineraI Iodes are sse'efor miinerais are- disSolved bIy san ixed wththe sýou in wb0icl piaiýts grow and sucked up into rhe rootsý, stemi and leaves. The scientists repduce the leaves to ash and photogap) them. When e Xamiýned 1un-der a powý,erfuil mnicrooýpec . e r ýt a i n Claacterýistieu nes àare always:z seen, and it is possible to tel] by stuidying the(se whletiler' a ertain element is present. This me-tliod has psoed sccessfl iin tsacing the rarer- minerais, sucli as~ nickel and molybdenumý, (t c a n 1Ido îif a cak e 1oe it is done? UiLe the leat, tliei caewith a piece of' r. The cake wil no more. c ýanl Iwhien hddkei- A. One excllent method is Ao put, the hankrhe into a bi in of eold wýater, to which aqu- ter of a teas'poon o of cream 1of tsatar hias been dsoleand ai- iow them to soak overMglit, Q. How can I easily punch a new hole inle ath-er wýhen short- ening the sewigngmachne beM, gr aysim-ilar job? A. Heat a large needle red hot- Hold thie nee-die wiLï thapr oif pliers and it will penietr-ate, t-lhe leather very rea-dily. -D --- - ----- - I lor common ,prdinary sore throat Q Nervous Resleqs