4 -Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, January 3, 1990 At the Mayor's Levee A winter bird outing at Lynde Shore C.A. Whiere have t lh irds gonle for the winter? Weil, they're flot ail bask- ing in southern climates. In fact, many, of our feathered friends are spenidinig these frigid months righit here ini Durham Region. Foï an initro(duction to these wintér residenIts, joinCL .O.CA. talff or a tour of the bird feeders in, the Lynide ýShores Cnevto Area. (From H\\\,. 12, take Victoria Street wýest 2.5 km t oithe parkiniglot on1 the south sidc of thle road.> einigat 2:00) p.m. on Sun- day, January* 7, 1990, youi'l1 hav\e a FREI- opportunity to learni about their survival techniques as weIl as There was a good attendance Aiways with an interest in the Mayor Hubbard and Counc. at the Mayor's Levee on Mon- Town's affairs former Mayor Arnot Wotten. day at the Bowmanville Arena Garnet Rickard is welcomed by Complex. Ontario Hydro granulted licence to increase capacity of reactor No doubt high on the Christmnas gift list for Ontario Hydro was the further firing up o f their first opera- tional reactor at the Darlington Nuclear Station. Although ap- proval did not corne pior to or on Christmas day it did corne on December 28 when four members of the Atomic Energy Control Board granted approval to take Unit 2 to 20 percent of capacity. With this rating Ontario Hydro will be able to produce enough elec- tricity to meet the peak demands of somne 100,000 people. Thse board agreed with its staff to In December the Town of Newcastle council gave approval to a recommendation frorn the Town Planning departmnent that puts on hold a numnber of residential pro- posais that are outside the uirban areas of Bownanvilte, Courtice and Newcastle Village. The hold is a tenporary hold uni- tii such timie as tire Region of Durham comipletes their reviewv of thse Durharn Regional OfficiaI Plan which will include tire expansion of urban boundaries in the three Town of Newcastle areas. Council agreed to the recommiendation but includ- ed a period of no miore than six rnonths. Frank Wu, planning direc- tor, said it was doubtfui that the Region would have comipleted the review within the six rnonth period. In his report to council Wu pointed tu the time involved in now considering residential development just outside the urban areas. Hie said it would take some 50 hours to ýbrî.ng each application of a number of application just to the public meeting stage. The Planning Departmient also called for -the Region to consider a policy to require alI applications to extend the urban bournidaries to be accornpanied by acopensv planning stud y. Wut also stated that mrany of the meet Hydro's request to increase thle unit 1 s power produiction. Earlier in thie nmorth the AECB turned down a simiilar application by Hydro because of concerns over the reactor's safety shutdown system. The AECB ignored the concerns of the Town of Newcastle which ,was also represented.at the meeting in Ottawa to argue that an approv- ed fire safety plant in place for the $12.5 billion plant. In a release following the meeting the Board said it was satisfied that the safety measures were in place to run the reactor at the 20 percent applications now introduced had been so introduced due to developers wanting to inforrn the Region of their properties while the Region was reviewing the Officiai Plan. Developmnent proposai now before the Town and outside the urban enivelope of Cour tice invoives sorne 273 acres of land. Those out- side the Bowmariville urban envelope invoives 727 acres of land. The planning report also spoke of an additional two applications that may corne forth expanding the Newcastle Village boundaries and a furtiser one each for Courtice and Bowmanville. Wu's report said the ten applica- tions now before the Town for ur- ban expansions when at the public meceting stae ould most likely be tabled pending the re iew of denied as premrature. He said there were many pressing issues to be considered by the plan- ning departm ent other than these applications. Two applications that have ad- vanced tio the public meeting stage anrd hav ebeen referred back to saff will he puit on hold until either the compehenivestudy is undertaken byý the devýeloper or the Regional review is completed. capacity. It was also stated by tie Board that they had been told by the Oni- tario Ministry of the Solicitor General, which oversees emergency plans, that Hydro "is in fact com- plying with the laws of Ontario." Since the earlier meeting in December when the board denied the application Hydro has added another temporary method to shut- down the reactor if there is an acci- dent. This system is to be replaced with a fully cornputerized shutdown system earlier in laite January. Under federal guidelines, a nuclear shutdown systemt should have two ways to inÉdicaIte a Pro- blemn. -"t is elearly ant increased i isk for a, short period of time," stated Zigmnîd Domaratzki, a spokesman for the AECB. The Unit 2 reactor should be up to the tMent-' percent capacity this week. At thiis point, Sue Stickley, said it will be provîding sortie power for. the electrical systemt in Ontario. Lt has been- reported that the Town's fire chief, Michael Creighton, poin ts out that Ontario Hydro does flot have the equiprnent or manpower to tîght a major tire at the plant and that if the Town's, department answered such a caîl there would be a shortage of equip- ment and rnan power available to, fight a fire elsewhere in the municipalitv. Ross Stevenson M.P. holding Levee at Uxbridge Ross Stevenson, M.P. for Durhiam, is hiaving his annual New Yeai's Levee in Uxbridge on Sun- day, January 7th. Accomipaniied by his wýife Elainie, Ross wil be greetinig his Duirhamn conistituents in the Uxbridge Music Hall ble,eni 2 p.mi. and 4 p..ut the Januiary 7th L-evee. The Mlusicý Hall is in downtoiwni Uxbrïidge, on the wst ideý of Main Street just south of Brock Street. There is a large mnunicipal parking lot necarby on the north side of Brock Street. Aliresidenits of the federal Duriii constituenicy are invited to the Levee. Light refreshments will be served. pick uip sone of the ins and outs of att racet inig wi illi fe to 'your backyard. Staff will discuss bird feed, fleeders and locationsý, and lead a tour math many opportuntifes to see different species of birds. One of the highlights will be a chance to ,'feed the chiek'adees. (We'il prov ide the seed.) Brinig your camnera along to take advantage of these close encounters and other photographlic opportunlities. So grab your binioculars, bunidie up and corne out to enjioy some winter fun in your local conserva- tion areas. KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO 983-5310' EAT IN or TAKE OUT DOUBLE BURG ERS JUST $1,00 Extra Mon. - Wed. - 6:30 a.m.1 to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 arn. Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. to 5:00Op.m. Sunday, Closed Town holds back on development outside urban'envelopes Cilux Natural Whites with C-I-L Pre Lirt ntd uwite avaiable an thrcee uxuraous tanshes to match your needs ad youir dezor: Fat, Pearl Low Lustre and Sema OIoss. N uD ILUK * j«LIbX<eli CILI ýFiat ; 5 9 SCILUX*- A homne's best f riend., Orb'LPH MHardwaire Downtown Orono Phone 983-5207