1l>owuo W.&ly flue, W"duuiy, iMUuuy 10, 159 SERVCE IRECORYPhone Sbe""V"1L'*E DRECIORY983-5301 The shop APPLE BLOSSDM "W Don't Just Specia/ize" WeèMake Every Onde Special Main Street, OronoZ 983-91 55 YVONNE MAITLAND W. De/ver Newbonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places ln-Belween Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono, 983-5333 Oroeno Electric Ud. E LECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVa - Hi-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - WhirlPool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 Corne o.. MQOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat ln or Take Out Main Street, Orono) 983-5310 "The Iatest in fashions for ail times and ait need- FOR-NIK Auto Body and .Collision, Quality Body Work and Refinishing INSURANCE CLANMS FREE ESTIMATES RAR 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFT S and CRAFTS 29 Klng Street East Newcastie, Ontâal 987-1500 Betty Lycett 9835908 Wlda Mddleton 983-9819 Cou ntry U pholstory Studio Quality Work ln Upholstery R.A. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Advertise in the Orono Times 983-5301 JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST, ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC office and Residence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. sc. Chiropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL, ONTARIO LOA 1lEO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTI M.A.ý COUNSELLING Specialîzing ii MARRIAGE COIJNSELLING PARENT-CHILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1iMO Appointments and inquies 983-9792 "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE COME FIRS T" WENDY B's DEPARIMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN STREEI ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 Wendy Partnrer, Prop. (41) 23-8161 Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers of Teams, Sohools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queen St., Bowmanviile, Ontario LIC 1M6 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario WINDVIEW FEEDS ic i eatuning a Specialized LUne of Martins Comnplets Extruded Horse Rations and Supplements Double Cleaned Oats, Blended Sweet Feed a nd Pet Food l'aur Matin Feed Mfls Deaer in Durham Region 5 Mi. East of Orono/Hwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 Classified Ads DEATH NOTICE TENNANT Glenn William (Nip) Suddenly at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville onf Wednesday, January 3, 1990, Glenn (Nip) Tennant in his 6Ist year. Beloved husband of Dorothy Gînn. Dear father of Glenda and her hus- band Lyle Reid of Surrey, B.C., Robert Douglas Ten- nant and Jody and her hus- band Jim Hayward, both of Oshawa. Loving grandfather of Jennifer, Jessica, Danielle and Katie. Dear brother of Roy, Marjorie (Mrs. Horace Iiest>, Uarman, Bruce, Don, Lorley, Lionel, Joan (Mrs. Ken Gimblett), June (Mrs. Russel Merrill), Ross and the late Keith. Resting at the NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT Funeral Home, 53 Division Street North, Bowmanville. Funeral Service in the Chapel 1:30 p.m. Friday. Spring in- terment Orono Cemetery.' 10,ac STAFFORD' MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phiono 623-8150 OUT 0F TOWN GALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granite Monuments, Mar kers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or showroom appointments availabte Serving ail faiths References avaliabie 1on request After Hours Caîl Oshawa 1-579-11,16 Our Motta: The outomer is always right From, A roun ldd Reion School bus service being elixninated As of January 8th, Howard Jon- dan students living in Highland Heights in Port Hope will no longer be able to ride the schooi bus to school. The bus is strictIy for kindergarten chiidren putting an end 10 the _previous existtng "space availabie basis". Subsidized housing turned down by Province The 40, rents-geared-to-income, housing units appiied for in Port Hope and for local seniors has been turned down by Port Hope., Provin- cial monies for such projects has been aliocated elsewhere where need was greater. IThe governiment provides funding for 600 units of rent geared to income. A final attempt to apprehend rapist A final attemrpt is being made by Port Hope and Cobourg police forces tu apprehend the raptst who attacked ter) eldenly women between Septemiber of 1984 and October of 1988. Police are looking for a white maie. 5.5 to 6 fet tl, 158 to 178 pounds, sandy hbrown hair with a receeding hairline and 25 to 37 years (f age". Whitby artist's work at Station Gallery, Whitby An exhibition of recent works by Miiibrook artist Jane Zednik con- tinues at the Station Gallery in Whitbcy until January 28th. Ail of the 23 works are of oul, on canvas and some on paper. The ar- tists displays three themes in her Just eorge. showing. And so, as it does every year, To form'an Industrial- Christmas has cone and gonte. I Commercial waste board trust you aIl had a happy (or at Afte a metin' hed inCoborg Ieast) a pleasant time, depending on after a mneeting heldurnCoburg lyour circunistances. For Lynine and over probiems with waste manage- daugiters anquiter amilies twr ment and the loss of the Town duhesadterfm'iiswr dumpby id ebrarysom efort speniding the day at thecir respective dumpby id Fbrury orti efort in-laws. (which is fair enough) and is to be mrade to form an industrial- then they, both decended on us on commercial board to assist with the Boxing Day, so wve celebrated a day Coug wa pldote prob-eslte, but that didn't detract front viciabinerg has app lie o he po- thie happîness of fhaving thse %whole vincialcabnet o xtndth lfeof c lant together, at this time of year. the agleon dmp.But as yout read this, wcu will be Threatened to close ont on the ihreshold of a new decade. blue box operation What I wýonder will it bring us? or Northumriberand Recycling perhaps I should say "what wl we Liitied hiad threatened to close out nmake of it? I read somewhere once their operation serving, Port Hope, that we are "miasters of our ownvi Cobourg, Brighton, Coîborne., destiny". I personally doubt the Campbellford, the Townships of truth of that remark, but I suppose Hope, Hamilton and Halidmand if it does have menit? At present that the users did not pay their pledges. statement ts a "Pipe Dreani" for as The company said there was a need long as we bask in the shadow of for $53,000 immediately. our neighbours to the south, we 1The money is on paper but there have little to say about our destiny has been delays in making it (or anything else for that matter). available to the company. The way our "present" government Newcastle Visual arts is taxing us, mîght be a good start, in our consideration for changing has courses for you things? However lets start off the There is a variety of courses and...ew eaonacerunte?- workshops available in a winter HewYaou oria? AIfl thoe!fok prograni at the Visual Arts Centre Hwot Fgodamoney 1 ejfyoth in Bowmanville. h pn odmnytejyte 1 Tey re valabe fr bthadùlts sunshine, and ran right into a deep and chiidren. Further information free7e, - they have my sympathy - by phoning 623-5831. even England is warmer than that Big drop in GM sales this year, my kmn tell me they can't for December 1989 believe their good luck (more With GM sales dropping some Poe tm) 23.7 percent in December 1989 Most of the South American compared to the saine period in cuiries are (apparently into fui 1988 some questions are being ask- al drug wars) ther' h d ed. Chrysler sales dropped 29.3 in assassination taking place, and even Deceber hil For fared uch Australia has had their first earth- better with only a 5.5 percent drop. is ame.Ine the dr aiwaysis. hyr 9000 employees at GM Oshawa i aie(hr lasi) h are laid off for the first tlsree don't îhey move to a more fertile weeks of 1990wth800) on in- area? Andi n the Balkans th.ey definte la-off.change Presidents like we change definite lay off. n,,rwr?... House p rices soared la the 1980s in Toronto House prices in Toronto, on average, increased by 282 percent in the past ten years. It is expected that similar in- creases took place in Oshawa and area. WiIl hire aduits to supervise students if the 1000 Catholic, teachers in the Durham Board systemt go on strike this month the Board states it will hire adults to cross the pieket lines and supervise students. Teachers within the systeni are 110w working-to-rule and could be out on strike as of January i6th. Armed police now patrol area'courts As of the first of the year security police will be on duty at Durham courts. Il is now a provincial regula- tion that municipalities provide such patrols in the courts. 1 Nine new constables had to be hired to provide this duty at a cost of some $550,000. Whitby removes meters at town parking lots Whitby has removed ail their parking meters fromn thein municipal parking lots. Parking in the lots is now free. The move was made to avoid paying a provincial levy for such lots when charges are made. 55 imparied charges laid under RIDE program Fifîy-five charges were laid by Durham Regional Police through the Christmas RIDE program. This compares with the charges laid last year under the saine program. Sorte 14643 vehciles 'Aere stop- ped for the RIDE chec:k. Police also handed out 134 12-hour licence "suspenisions and charged 5 people who refused to take the roadside snhniety tests. I.A.P.A. certificate for Cobourg firm Hospital and Kitchens Holding Ltd. of Cobourg was awarded a cer- tificate of achievement by i.A.P.A. After that smail resume, l'm ,beginning to think that Canada's-a pretty good place to live, (you ail know that) so when you read your commenorating one acccident free year. Manager of H&K was so pleased he gave staff a haîf day off along with a $100.00 gift certificate. Local rapid growth Port Hope and Hope Township have seen construction values dou- ble in tbeir mnunicipalities during the past year. In 1989 533 building permit s were issued with a value of 540,386,703 compared to 1988's total of $18, 052,939. This trend is expected to 0 0 dailY ;newspaper and Iearn of the rapes, miuggîns, break ims, and murders etc., flot to mention the carnage on our highways, you will doubtlessly agree with me, that there jus( isn't any place in the wvorld to compare with C'anada!! But a word about the w&eather. 1 firmlyv believe that. the last month of '89 wvas the worst one - snow and cold, but the best was yet to come. The last day of the '80s was a dandy - snowý on the ground, freezing rain overnight, everywhere covered with ice, then to top it off, dense fog. We are the best country in the world - but our weather - forget it. Anr.d so my friends and neighbours, welcomne to 1990. Lets try in our own small way to make it an even better place to live. We have a great country, lets keep it that way (for us). lncidentally, my very -good friend and neighbour "Mary B" has been "under the weather" (that's a polite way of saying "fiu") and 1 extend my very sincere wishes for her speedy recovery. Get Well soon Mary, we miss flot secing you around and Christmas wasn'î the same without our annual get together. And so, as they say in skating circies "break a ieg". Just George CaIls for week The following fire calîs reported for the Town of Newcastle Fire Department for the week of January 3rd to January 7, 1990. Wednesday, January 3 at 10:43 a.mf. Crooked Creek, first aid cal;, at 3:22 p.m. Marnwood House, Bowmanville, Edwards' alarm-; at 4:48 p.m. Townline Road and Taunton Road structure fire. Thursday, Jarmuary 4 at 8:14 p.m. Brown Street, Bowmanville, check caîl; at 7:46 pjm. Taunton Road, west of Old Sbugog motor vehicle accident. Friday, January 5 at 8.16 a.m. Goodyear Main Plant, Bowman- ville, false alanm; 10:56 a.mý !54 John Scott, dryer smoking; 11:35 a.m. -Durham Housing, Bowman- ville, false alanm; at 1:42 p.m. Durhami Housing, Bowmanville, false alanm. Saturday, Jannary 6 at 12:38 a.m. Marnwood'House, Bowman- ville, Edwards' alarm. Sunday, .january 7 at 5:59 p.m. Concession 7, chimney fire; at 8:37 p.rn. Lord Duncan Court, unknown rire. HELP WANTED Durham' Central AgrIcultural Socl.ty sponsor of, the Durham Central Fair at Orono requires a Secreta ry-Treasu rer The position includes duties ranging f rom recording minutes of monthiy board meetings, compilation of yearly prize lst, processing entries and making payments of prize money for fair classes, iooking after general correspondence, bookkeeplng and ap- plying for grants with regards to the operation of the fair. Some background ln the use of a personal com-' puter would be an asset. Please apply in wrtIng to: Mr. Grant Yso, presîdent Durham Centrai Agricultural Society R.R. 1 Orene, Ontario LOS 1 Mo Betere January, 19, 190 PIeae Indlcate an intesnt by cellilng: Ren Lecke et 9874«0