Orono Weekly Times,,Wednesday, January 10, 1990-5 Christian Corner ., à. by Rev. Marg West Happy New Year from Panama City Beach Florida. I pray you al had a happy holiday season. I also pray you have a safe, happy and prosperous 1990. We are so blessed to live in Canada, and I1 hope we al realize it. As 'we look at situations the world over Romania, Panama City, Panama for examples, we should be thanking God we don't live there and we should also be praying for the people who do live there. At one time Nicholae Ceausescu and Manuel Noriega were Heros in their countries and now they are hated by their own people. Who is your hero? If youlare addicted to the soaps I suppose someone on the show is your hero. If you play hockey I suppose Wayne Gretsky is your hero. Maybe some movie star, T.V star or whoever. Turbine expected to turn thîs week According to Sue Stickley of On- tario Hydro, Darlington, the tur- bine of Unit 2 at the Darlington Generating Station is expected to turn this week. On January 2nd the nuclear reac- tor was pushed up to 5 percent of capacity. This, said Stickley, is not enough power to operate the generator. The steam generated at this point was being released into the atmosphere. She commented, however, that within three weeks they would be producing electricity that would be entered into the transmission system for use in the province. Ontario Hydro, said Stickley, will be asking the Atomic Eniergy Con- trol Board later this mionth or in February to boost the reactors up to 100 percent of capacity at the end of February. Spring is on its way (Continued fromn page 3) to but many birds also spend the winter along the lakeshore and back in some of the wooded areas that still remain. Soon to follow on the list are the soaring hawks at Cayuga, Brad- dock Bay and an area near Grimsby from the end of February well into March. The ist certainly goes on and on with April and May being most ac- tive ini ail parts of the province wvith the rèturn of the birds. But like, the gardener and the beautiful blooms from little seeds - you can dream on and catch a trip with Jim Richards, Orono, leading a group into the artic in the spring or perhaps into the Costa Rica tropics or again your fancy might be a week and a haif in the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada's Galapagos. There is no liait to choice for the nature lover and no doubt the pro- grami becomes their bible for the re- mainder of the year. YES! Get the facts. Let'sTalk. Cati the OntarioaMinistry of HeathXI1DS Hottine 1 -8OÀ 18-MDS The lives of these people who are worshipped sometimes, if flot always has much to be desired con- cerning morals. But are morals really important today? Does it matter that you do flot fornicate before marriage, during marriage and after marriage? Yes it matters. It should matter to you first of aIl. Do you ever wonder why there is so much disease. Or do you ever stop to think about it at ail. You should. If our spirit is sick our whole outlook on life is sick.' Only when our spirits are reborn by the grace of Jesus Christ will our minds, wills, emotions and our bodies start to recover from the sin nature we were born with. Being born in Canada does not make you a Chris- tian, having Christian parents does not make you Christian. My children are flot going to receive eternal life unless ffhey do the same thing 1 had to do (actually wanted to do) and that is ask Jesus into our lives, and accept ail His promises and gifts that are waîting for us when we do. My Hero is Jesus Christ a man who loved me so much that he died on the cross that 1 may walk sinless and have eternal life. 'm flot perfect as you ail know but 1 have an adversary Jesus Christ the righteous who makes interression for me to the Father God. When 1 make a mistake I ask for forgiveness and receive it im- medTiatTey. What a neat way to start 1990. Why don't you ask Jesus to corne into your life s0 you can start the New Year Right. COMMUNICATIONS COURSE The COPE Programn of Durham Region Community Care Association is offering an eight week course in Communication Skills beginning on February 7, 1990. It is for anyone interested in volunteering to help people cope with changes in their lives. To register or for more information call Janice Kraft at 623-2261. Durham Central, Agricultural Soci!ety ANe*jNUAL MErmETINGe Saturday, January 27th, 1:30 p.m. ORONO ARENA ENTERTAINMENT'and REFRESHMENTS, Everyone Welcome As o? January 1,r1990 YOD ne longer pay OHIP premim And YOD are stili covered January 1, 1990. Ontario residents are responsible for paying their premiums until th.e end of December 1989, for the period through March 31, 1990. Yes. If you were covered you will continue to be covered under youqr present OHIP number. Paymnent of the final premium will ensure continuous coverage to Mardi 31, 1990. After April 1, 1990, coverage will automatically remain vaiid for ail eligible residents of Ontario. Ontario's health care system covers ail residents of the province including students, senior citizens, retired people, people on social assistance, people who are employed, unemployed or self-employed. Contact your local OHIP office. No. In the past, many companies paid ail or a percentage of OHIP for their employees. Other companies paid nothing. Many Ontarians paid OHIP premiums on their own. Unfortunately, many of the people who had to pay their own premiums were those who could least afford them. The new Employer Health 1hx and the elimidnation of OHIP premniums will make the system, fair for everyone. Mme l7zil iîa iiiït Yes. Last year nearly fourteen billion dollars, one third of the entire provincial budget, went towards providing health care for Ontario residents. The elimination of premiums in no way affects the amount of money the government has committed to health care. It simply changes one of the sourc es of the money. In the past OHIP premiums only paid for a very small part of the Ontario health care sys- tem. Most of the money for heaith care came from, general revenues collected througli the tax system. Do what you usually do. Use your OHIP number. It's still the same. Present your number to show that you are eligible for health care services. If you have further questions here are two ways we can help you: 1) Call your local OHIP office. You'Il find the number in the blue pages of your local telephone directory. or 2) Cail the Ontario Mînistry of Health toll-free number: 1-800-268-1154. TDD 1-800-387-5559. Ministry of Health' (5DOntario Ministére de la Santé --t r