-~ -~ -I Or<no Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 17, 1990-5 Christian Corner . . the raiingby Rev. Marg West Itsriigtuday Sunday te31s thIast Sunday of 1989. The waves are rolling real good probably about 3 feet high. The pelicans and other birds are flot the Ieast bit mindful of how rough the waters are1 as they sit there and sceem to en- joy it. The roaring of the waves and their roughness as they hit the beach remind me of the trials and uipsets that we encounter in our lives. When you look at the situations it doesn' t look good, we see the waves roliiîný and it looks like they are go- ing- to overtake us. When we remembher who is in control of the wvind and the waves and who is in control of every situation in our lives then we can be ike the pelicans and the other birds who are on top of the situation . If God is in control then wve are able by -His grace to overcome every wave that rolis our way. Some wav es are not as high as others and these waves do flot seem as frightening to us. But when we have gigantic waves (problems) that almost overcome us that's when we need to get our minds on Jesus and flot on the waves. 1 had a situation happen since we've been here we received word that a friend we'd been praying for had passed away. 1 believe God's word is true. I believe that as it says in Mark 16:18 last part, "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." But he didn't, so 1 could look at this gigantic situation and be ail discouraged and flot want to pray for anymore again, but it's flot my job to heal it's God's. Al 1 have to do is be obedient to the word and annoint. with oit and lay hands on the'sick. 1 really feel that people need to be filled with the word of God. Know wha t (od's word means. Then and only then can we expect more and more people to be healed when we pray. His Name (Jesus) is above every name. God Bless you as this New Year unfolds around us. Questions or Comments? Write Box 179, Orono. FOR FULL TRAVEL INSURANCE Phone Wakefield Insurance ""Planning For An Emergency" Handbook Have You Received. Your Copy? A booklet, " Pla nn ing For An Emergency: A Personal Handbook For Residents Around the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station", has beený delivered by Canada Post to al residents within 10 kilometres of the nuclear station. If you are unsure whether you live within 10 kilometres,j please see the map. The bookiet provides information on provincial, regional and Ontario Hydro plans to ensure your safety in the event of an emergency at the nuclear generating station. If you haven't received the booklet, please caîl the Darlington Generating Station Information Centre (623-7122) and" icy: we'll send you one. If you have any >ok forquestions on the nuclear emergency plan, please drop by or phone and lets discuss them. We will also host information centres at the following locations: 1. Dnipro Hall, Bloor St. East, Oshawa, on Tuesday, -January 30 from 2:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 2. Darlington Information Centre, Darlington Generating Station, on Wednesday. January 31 from 2:30 p.m. to 8:.30 p.m. 3. Baseline Community Centre, Baseline Road, Bowmanville, on Thursday, February 1 from 2:.30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General 416-965-6708 623-7122 Darlington Information Centre Ontario Hydro YES! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cail the Ontario.Ministry of HealthiÀIDS Hottine 1 -80CP-668-AIDS