To compete in Uxbridge this week-end Orono Weekly 'Times, Wednesday, January 24, 199W-3 TALES TOLD TWICE Areal contingent ofsksaters from goou snuwing. Goboers, (Front row) Melissa Allun, the Orono Skating Club wiIl com- (Back row) Mary Murphy, Kaiti Colville, Jillian Lemieux, pete in the Uxbridge Invitational Michelle Rutherford, Briar Melonie Allun, Ailan McKenzie, meet this coming Friday, Saturday Ransberry, Vicki Baker, Tracey Melanie Lemieux. and Sunday. Are ail hopeful of a Eanies, Melissa Colville, Heather Engagement He proposed ... She accepted.. We consented. Alan and Marlene Risebrough and Robert and Gloria Wilson an- nounce the ýengagement of their children Julie Marlene and Michael James. Wedding to take place Saturday, April 21, at Kirby United Church. Council Briefs (Continued from page 1) ment. In 1989 1359 residential permits were issued down some from 1988 when thetotal was 1582 residential permits. The General Purpose Commitee on Monday gave their approval to terms of reference for a Recrea- tional/Leisure Services Master Plan study whichi it is the intent to carry out. The report on Monday calîs for a 75 percent funding by the province of which will be sought with passing of approval by council at their next meeting this coming Monday. The Town's share of the cost will be considered during budget debate which are to begin at the end of February and carry through into March.. It is considered that the province will assist with'funding exçot those portions of the final report referr- ing to museums, library. and cemeteries. With funiding in place the Town would move onto Proposai Calîs for the planning study. Why Mother-In,-Laws are so pop ular We are finding it rather difficult to write this Froqi Around Home trying to dfaw a picture with the written word. It just has not been going together. But the deadline has been reach- ed for putting thîs Orono Times to bed - in fact it has past. So we must stumble through the article and incident which at the time we thought was quite humorous. Mother-in-law. Donna and son- in-law Jim were putting the finishing touches to a revamping and redecorating of an! apartment over the printing office. Everything was completed with the exception of two electrical wall receptacles which had been the subject of debate for a week or so. They just didn't work when a, lîght was plugged in in the liv- ingroom or a -kitchen appliance plugged in in the kitchen. As is often the case the first thing to check is the last and sure enough it was only the matter of a burnt out fuse. With this replacement al receptacles were working. At this point 1 arrived on the scene and Donna, standing by the kit chen wall plug-in, was telling me aIl about the solved problem and questioned why 1 had neyer thought to check the fuses. "lt's a man job" , she said. Donna then proceeded to show me that everything was working and that in fact the wall plug-in was alive. But at the same time Jim, with his back to Donna and at the other end of the kitchen couniter, was splicing two wires together paying little at- tention to our conversation. 0f course everything was alive and sparks flew, Donna and Jim were on the same line. With the look coming on Jim's face if was apparent that everything was working and more'important Counc. Stapleton who heads Up the Community Services. depart- ment said a big step had been takent in giving approval at the meeting to- day. no one was seriously hurt. The incident was so innocent and so casual that we aIl got a good laugh. In passing we must say that there has been considerable interest in Chris' Choice of recipes that have been appearing weekly in the Times. Chris, who has received phone calîs over some of the recipes ad- mits that not every last one has been home tested so she keeps her fingers crossed. These-few do sound good however, she states. January 1943 Farm mechanic courses being of- fered including rope work and the long slice. Beer to be rationed throughout the province as of February lst. Helen Clarke presidenit of the Orono Mission Band. 'Other of- ficers included: Joyce Cornish, Jean Turner, - Kay Gamsby, Anna Staples, Jean Wilson, Lorna Clarke, Wilda Hooey, June Glan- vielle, Lois Dean. It was snowing s0 hard that Ar- chie Lunn reported he could not see the team he was driving on his way home from Orono. Euchre and Chinese Checkers event at Kirby. William Cornish and Orme Gamsby winners .of draw at 500 card night. Thirty shareholders of the Orono Telephone Co. attended an nual meeting. H. J, Souch, president; Anson Gilroy, vice; C.T. Miller, treasurer; John Morris, manager. January 1957 Mark Ken ny playing for dance in Orono Town Hall, admission $5.00. Orono Stores agree to stay open until 10 p.m. on Friday evenings. Clarke High School girls' basket- baIl team, Sue Foster, Carol Han- cock, June MadilI, Norah Wood, Leona Kestaloot, Jona Allin, Gail Cooper, Marlene Graham, Jane Knox, Cornie Glasbergen. John James, M.P. Durham reports federal government's intent to increase old age pensions. Marjorie Tyrrell and Jim Westheuser winners of a Spelling Bee contest. New classroom opened at Orono Public School in southwest base- ment room to accommodate 33 students taught by Fran Lunn. January 1969 Roy Foster elected Warden of United Counties. Frank Thom, director of Educa- tion, addresses 45 at Kirby School meeting. Orono Town Hall packed with residents from across the area to hear Russell C. Honey, M.P. Durham, explains the new federal Estate and Gift Tax proposai. Five from Bowmanville charged with robbery at Gerrow's> General Store in Leskard. Red Rose coffee, 1 lb. bag 69 cents. January 1979 Harold Ransberry elected presi- dent of Agricultural Society, taking over from retiring president Gord Barrie. (Continued page 4) n te Matter of Subsection 2 of Section 350of the Assessment Act Extension of Time for Returnof Annual Assessment Roils Pursuant ta section 35 or the Assessment Act, 1 hereby rurther extend ta the 27th day of February. 1990, the day upon which the assessmnent roils for the year 1989 are required ta be returned pursuant ta the provisions of the said Act in ail municipali- ties and localities in the Province or Ontario except the City of Welland and the municipalities Iocated in the Regional Municipal- ity of Sudbury, the County or Kent, the County of Prince Edward and the County of Renfrew. And notice is hereby given that the final date for lodging a complaint with the Assessment Review Board in respect or any assessment con- tained in the assessment rois that are reqtred ta be returned on thte 27th day of February. 1990 is fur- ther extended ta the 20th day of March, 1990. Remo Man9rcini Minister of Revenue Around - Home THEt NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 1990191 School Year Junior and Senior Kindergarten registration for the, Clarke A.S.G. area schools wlll be held as in- dicated in the following scfledule. (Children currently enrolled in Junior Kindergarten need flot reapply for Kndergarten.) Sohool Tjelephone Date Time Kirby Public School 983-5802 Thurs. 8 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 OronolL-ockhart, P.S. 983-500 Tues. 6 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 -4:00 Newcastle Public School 987-4262 Thurs. 8 Feb. 9:00 - 11:30 1:30 -3:30 Newtonville Public School 186-2560 Thurs. 15 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 1. Children four years of age on or before 31 December 1990 may be registered. Proof of age (birth certif icate, off iciai birth registration notice, etc.) is required. 2. Please bring written proof of health records indicating immunization dates. 3. Proof of public school support should be produced at the time of' registration tax bill, property tax, or property tax notice). 4. Precise information regarding location of residence and postal code is important. Rural residents require lot and concession numbers. 5. Parents are requested to telephone the school for an appointment time. Charles W. Kenn edy Superintendent of Instruction (Personnel>