Orono Weekly Times,- Wednesday, January 24, 1990-5 Got a t.eenager at your house? Most of us who do, will agree that the word, "boring" is not one of the adjectives we would use to describe li fe and times wit h this uni- que species... Furthermore, 1 arn very reluctant to believe those who say that they would love to be a teenager again. Sure - if we knew then what we know now, perhaps... More so thanever before, peer pressure on teens is tough. Pressure so severe, it can really hurt a kid. Depression and stress - two fac- tors tremendously heavy for those SO young, to have to deal with, are aIl too common. Before we are to quick to criticize, we should stop and wonder just how we would have handled it. As the next semester approaches, hundreds of grade 12 high schooî students in our area will graduate. Many have deliberate plans for their immediate futures. Many do flot. Many have had their special dreams for quite some time. Now, with their diploma in hand, they can take the next giant step towards their goal by enrolling in coilege. This is their wish. This is where their energies will be put into high gear. However, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen is still a tender age to make such, an important decision; especially if the young person just does not know wbat they want to study, or what they want to do with the rest of their life, right now. The decision will comne maybe in a month, a year or even longer. Al kids have dream. Some want to spread their wîngs; to work at several different jobs or to visit new places, meet new people and even to feel a tiny bit of independence - even just for awhile, and that's okay. For us, it is probably good ,Medicine to make frequent recoliec- tion of our own teenage years. To remnember that we certainly did flot want to become miniature clones of our parents. We wanted to groove to our own music, speak our own language and dress as rebelliously as we could. Most of aIl, we wished our parents would listen more, and give us less of their'many words of wisdom... Yes - we will suddenly look up, after years of frustration, aggrava- tion and going gray, to discover this wild and crazy kid bas grown up. They are happy and well-mannered individuals with a sense of humour, and wiil without knowing it, echo many of our own words. Before us they wilI stand making us very pro- ud. These young years are to be cherished. . .in wbatever way that really matters to that one certain special individuai. Little Scoops.. "«Is it real ... or is it FUJJI Color??" A litie bit of both, you might say. ..At the homneof Mr. and Mrs. M. Sel ers of Hwy. 2 here in town, a concrete and stone wel-like fixture - Keep in mmd that February is Heart and Stroke month. Can- vassers will be in your area. - The first Wednesday, every third month is the schedule set up by the Red Cross for 1990 Blood Donor Clinics. Thus, February 7 is the date in our area. Please give the gift of life if you are able. - 1990 marks the 2th Anniversary of the Clarke Museum. If you haven't visited the museum as yet, A sthm a Update Does your child have asthmna? On February I5th ai 7:00 p.m., the Lung Association - Durham Region will host a special presentation on emost current mehods used in e management of' asthniatic children. (iuest speaker, IDr. Sunfil Mehra stands in the centre of the lawn, as the home to an equally-make believe dog. Rather confusing for the husky on the rigt... this will be the year to do so. Watch for a special anniversary celebra- tion, auctions, fundraisers, and open house announcements to come. - Winter's Back! The kids are happy and it certainly is alot prettier. Make sure you'redressed for it. Let's keep in touch, 786-2964 or drop me a line aI Box 104 in Newtonville. Have a safe week. is a pcdiatric spccialist located in Oshawa. He is currently ehairper- son of fihe deparinment of' pediat ries at Oshawa ('iclerl Hospital, anmd Medical l)irector of' the i ung Associat ion in l)urhain Region. T[bis special presentation willbe field atilt e Kinsn C omniunity (entrec, 109 Coîbornle St., Oshawa. 'Vo ritrCal thelic ung Association at 436-10t46 as soon as possible. Orono Public Sehool News Report j Newtonville AI-ive I by Peggy Mullan A LITTIE EFFORT CAN TAKEý YOu A LONG WAY. I ~* Transport Transports Canada Canada We were surprised January 8th when Mrs. Clark was in the office as our secretary. Mrs. Woods our secretary for this year is in Oshawa hospital. We interviewed Mrs. Clark as she bas been on many trips this year on her year off. Christine: How long have you been a secretary? Mrs. Clark: Tbirty years, 1 have worked at Kirby,' Lockhart, Newtonville and Brownsdale. Christine: Wbat did you do during your year off? Mrs. Clark: 1 have not had a year off yet! At the end of September and October we went to the east coast. In November we flew to the Barbados. Now I'm back until Mrs. Woods is better. When we hope to fly to England. volleyball is a popular sport at Orono Public. On Monday, January l5th the girls played Kirby at Kirby School. The score was tied 2 games each. The boys played Kir- by at Orono on Wednesday, January IOth, the score was tied 2 games each. The boys played Kirby at Kirby and the boys won 1 out of 4 games. The girls played Kirby at Orono on Mo 'nday, January 22nd, and Wednesday they played Central at Bowmanville High School, un- fortunately because of the paper go- ing to print the scores for these games are unknown. The boys will have, also played Newtonville at Newtonville and Lord Elgin at Lord Elgin on Tuesday, ianuary 23rd. The boys sure are improving. On Thursday the 18tb and Friday the i9th Orono Public School went skating, from kindergarten to grade six along with Lockhart. Everyone had a very good time at least 1 did and we noticed many parents enjoy- ing themselves too. On Thursday, grades 1-3 went and on Friday grades 4-6, kindergarten and Lockhart school went. Remember your skates on February l5th and February I6th. The grade sixes of Orono Public Scbool are.starting the V.I.P. pro- gram. V.I.P. is the values, in- fluences, peers. The students are shown slides and discussions are held on laws and rules etc. This Wednesday they will discuss drugs, vandalism, laws. Every Wednesday this group will be taking place. This will be the second meeting for the V.I.P. program. Written by Amanda Haines, Belinda DenHollander, Michelle Faulkner and Christine Johnson. You're looking for a four-wheel drive with top performance. You want- a diesel power-plant that gobbles up the least possible fuel. Well, with just a little effort, the fol.lowing information guide can be yours. The "1990 Fuel Consumption Guide" can answer all your questions: you'll get reliable data established through extensive tests and calculations carried out by the manufacturers of all the 1990 vehicles available on the Canadian marketplace. Thanks to this information, you can make an intelligent choice . ..a vehicle that uses less fuel, helps you save money, reduces pollution and conserves our natural resources. And that'll take you a long way! The guide is available free of charge by simply filling out the following coupon and sending it to us: FFree 19 Fuel Consumption Gui de I Ottawa, Ont.I I KIA-ON5 As soon as possible, send me a copy of 'thel1990 Fuel Consumption GuideI NameI AddressI CityI lj Province _____ Postal CodeI - - - - - - - - - - Christian Corner.. by Rev. Mar; West "If thou canst believe, ail things are possible to him that believeth." lsn't that a wonderful promise! Jesus said ail things are possible if we could believe. Believe what? Believe what e's teiiing us in His Word the Bible. What kind of things could or shouid we believe for Jesus said ail things are possible if we couid believe. Are you able to believe for ail things you need, or your family needs? Jesus said they are ail possible if we could believe. What is beiieving, we think we believe but do we? Webster defines, "believe, as having confidence in a statement or promise, to take as true, real. "> Do you have confidence in the world system today. Everyday the newspapers report fighting here and fighting there. People are being shot ieft and right because someone. doesn't agree with them. Jobs are not secure, what is? The only secure thing in this, worid is not something or someone you can see, yet we do see the resuits of being secure in it. I'm talking about Christianity and. a personai relationship with Jesus. Jesus said in John 14:27, "Peace (Continued-page 6) ----------- =