6.Or.» We@My Thm, WedMay, Jummvy 31, 1M9 Newtonville Alive y bvPeggy M ullan Stili time. to register breathing information There is stili time to register for the Lung Association - Durbam Region's "Ail About Breathing Problems" series at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Colborne St. W., in Oshawa- This four ses- sion program will commence at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 15, 1990, and. conclude Thursday, March 8th. Speakers wilI include a chest specialist, a pharmacist, a public health nurse and a physiotherapist. They will cover topics including the physical causes of asthma, bronchitîs and em- physema, the use of medications- (including inhalers) a discussion on allergens in the environment, and varîous coping techniques. Registration is $10.00 (individual or family). For more details, or to register, please cali the Durhamn Region Lung Association (the Christmas Seal People) at 436-1046. FOR R.S.P. & TERM DEPOSIT INVESTMENTS Phone Wakefield Insurance Ron Phillips poses with art en- thusiasts at first art class. (centre) Parn Towler and Jeremy Arm- strong; 1-r Scott Mullan, Brenda Towler of Newtonville, Jeanette Woodruff, Lisa Mlîson and Stephanie Milîson of Welcome and Kevin Mullan, Newtonville. "To enjoy, to express from the heart and to, translate on to paper how things "appear" to be, not as they actually are..." This is how ar- tist Ron Phillips of Newtonville, summarized his personal objectives ôf the art classes he wîll be giving over the next few weeks. Classes are two hours long and began last Tbursday evening. Ron bas been drawing and pain- ting about fifteen years, specializing in watercolours. To, satisfy creative desires back then, Ron took an art course at college to get him started, becoming familiar with basic, techniques. Now, many have brought new life to their own homes from the purchase of one of Ron's painting at an art show and sale. Ron explains, "So many people neyer realize their artistic abilities. The give up before they start. . .thînking that if they don't have an obvious knack for drawing. it is hopeless. There is no right or wrong way to express oneself. That is why there is such a tremendous range in the arts." Classes are being held in the church Sunday School every Tues- day evening fromn 7-9 p.m. for a total of eight weeks. Everyone is still welcome. For more informa- Little Scoops.. Nearly one haif of the Mclnnes', bird feeders and shingles blown wood and metal barn roof on Reid about. Road was ripped front its holdings ... .Another testimonial to the as forceful winds swept through our mixed bag of weird weather tricks area last Friday, lasting ail night Old Man Winter has pulled out of long. There were also'reports of tree his hat so far this season... branches. garbaRe cans. part-e 0f - Jack Elliott of Newtonville passed away January 24, after a lengthy il- Iness. He had been a resident-of the Communit-y Nursing Home in Port Hope.-,Deepest sympathies are ex- tended to wife. Margaret. daughter Doruthy lrnlach and faniily. - In our area, the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinie is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.-lÈbruary 7th at the Lions Centre in BIowntinville. Please give ilf you can. - This Friday, February 2 is (Jrouind Hog Day. With the past weekend being so spring-like, it wasn't dif- ficult to let our imaginations stray a litîle: if the ground hog sees bis shado w, we'Il have six more weeks of winter .. .as legend goes. - Cuming:up ini iiid-February. Big Brothers Association is holding its annual Bowl ýfor Millions. Representatives from the Newton- ville and Orono communities are needed! Ail you have to do is pick up a sponsor sheet and get ready for tion contact Ron Phillips at 786-2099. Ron smiled and added, "If, at the end of this course, each in- dividual can look at their personal portfolio and be pleased with their creations, 1 will be completely satisfied." some good fun. Whether it be strike, spare or miss! Anyone ac- cumulating sponsors totalling more than $50.00 will be eligible to win a weekend for two at a Holiday Inn in Toronto. Big Brothers really needs you .. .what a wonderful way to show your kindness and support. For more information, please cal Big Brothers at 623-6646, or caîl me and 1 will connect you with a spon- sor sheet. Thank you! - Congratulations to multi-talented Bernie Martin! "Dark Passage" played at Newtonville Hall, January 27 to a sold out crowd. - Fuchre scores from the last game January 26 were: 82 for Dorothy Currier and George Buckley;,80 for Art Compton and E. Robinson and a 76 each for Jean Allen and Ed- ward Skinner., Draw winners were Ernie Buckingham, Myrtle Alldred, Dora McDonald, Florence Keeler and Madeline Buckley. Please be very careful when walk- ing. ..ice patches are easily hidden. i found this out the othe day the "hard" way and can still feel the ouch... Thank you for your input each week. Have a safe one. 'PROPERTY ASSESSMENT and your 1990 Municipal and School Taxes Regional Assessment Offices located throughout Ontario are responsible for assessing ail real property for the purposes of municipal and school taxation. Assessment Rolis are prepared and delivered to municipalities which use them to set miii rates and caiculate property tax bis. Theamount of property tax you will pay on your home or business in 1990 is determined by multiplying the assessed. value of your property by the miii -rate., If you want to learn more about your property assessment, the Regionai Assessment Office invites you to attend its Open House Session. Open House Sessions Open Houses are held in every municipality at convenient times and locations to provide you with the opportunity to discuss your assessment with the staff of the Regional Office. An assessor will be pleased to explain the basis of your property assessment and is authorized to amend any .Inaccurate infor- mation prior to the delivery of the Assess- ment Roll to your municipality. If you have any questions, but are unable to attend the Openi House, please contact your Regional Assessment Office at the address or telephone number shown below. Notice of Property Valuation Property owners and tenants wl/i receive a Notice of Property Valuation if information relating to their property assessment was, changed during the past year, -if the assess- ment was appealed last year, or if there has been a general reassessment ini the munici- pality. If you receive a Notice of Property Valuation, it may reflect changes you bave requested in your scbool support designa- tion, in the amount of your assessed value, or other recorded information on Iast year's Notice. Appeal procedure If, after attending your local Open House, you -are stili dissatisfied with your assess-ý ment, you have the right to appeal it to the Assessment Review Board. This Board is responsible for determining whether the assessment under appeal is fair and equitable with the assessments of similar properties in the vicinity. The Assessment Review Board is more informai and relaked than a regular court of law. Appeal Deadline The final date for appealing your assessment is Marc/s 20, 1990. If you wish to appeal your assessment, you cani use the form provided on the back of your Notice of Property Valuation, write a letter, or use a Notice of Appeal form. You need to include your property address, roll number, and the reason for the appeal. Your appeal must be filed on or before March 20, 1990. To assist you, Notice of Appeal forms and the address of the'Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board are available at Open Houses, your Regional Assessment Office, or your municipal office. Sehedule of Open Houses Newcastle Town...Tue. Feb. 13 to Thu. Feb. 15, 1 pm. to 8 p.n. Court and Fire Building, Court Room 1, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville Ministry of Revenue Ontario Durham Regional Assessment Office 605 Rossland Road East, Box 270 Whitby, Ontario LUN 5S1 (416) 668-9351 Toronto LUne 686-1422, Zenith 67140