Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 31, 1990-9 Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West What is faith? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things flot seen. (Heb. 11:1) Websters describes faith as "ýunquestioning belief especially in God, complete trust or reliance." Ini other words we have to have faith (unquestionîng belief iri God) to believe we have what we hope for, even tbough we don't see what we hope for now. God wantsus to trust in Him 1000/. To be able to do that we must renew our minds. Eph. 4:23, "And be renewed in the spirit of your minds." The only way we can renew our miinds, is by reading the word of God and understanding it. (Rom. 10:17) "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by Word of God" In the above scripture Heb. 11: 1, it's talking about faith to believe NOW not romorrow or some other time. NOW. We have to believe when we pray we receive NOW. God honours faith. "But without faitb it is impossible to please Him 0 0 0 (God)." Heb. 11:6 Faith is trusting God when we have prayed for finances and the bank book is ini the red. We don't look at the bank book if we have prayed and we believe, we trust God. If we have faith, God honours faith. The answer has got to corne because God's word is true. Number 23:19 tells us that "God is flot a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent had he said, and shal flot do it, or bath He spoken, and shail He flot make good." Promises, the- world is full of great and beautiful promises. We must have faith to believe for themn and we must have a personal rela- tionship with Jesus to obtain them. Jesus is Lord if you will trust Him to be. Bible Study- Tuesday 7:30, phone 983-5962. Questions or Comments? Write Box 179, Orono. throughout the area. The above roof was lîfted off the Ken Henderson barn north of Orono United Church news report I Loe M Coutrying small, easy to handle steps, to Fourveeksyfrountodywei change ourselves. And wben even a Fourwees frm tday e wll bandful of God's people live a begin the Spiritual Adventure study decidely Christian life, dramatic "50 Days to Bring Christ's Hope to reusafcngtseaunu, Our Nation." We will be joining reutafciitoeaon s witb literally bundreds of tbousands wilfolw of other believers in Canada and the ofch participant will need a copy Unitd~ tate tobeter epereoc the Official Adventure journal to Unitd Satesto ettr exerince lead us through a brief daily Bible the dramatic presence of Jesus Study (10-15 minutes). Youth and Christ and to share his love and Cide' orasaeas concen wib oters.available to help us grow as This "Adventure" involves five failes "disciplines" or assignments that aies we wil be working on together This Spiritual Adventure was from February 25 to April 15 - created by Chapel 0f The Air in co- Easter Sunday. We won't be at- operation with many different chur- temtin tochageour entire na- ches. It can be beard Monday temping o chngethrough Friday at 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. tion overnight. But we will be tak- over WDCX 99.5. Board of Ed. sponsors playwrighti Arts For Life Canadian playwright and per- former Robert Morgan will deliver the keynote address at the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Profes- sional Development Day to be beld 23 February at Bowmanvilîe Higb Scbool. Morgan, wbo bas received inter- national recognition for bis one per- son performance of Morgan's Journey will perform the play as part of bis address. The bumourous and magical play follows Morgan, a clown, on bis journey of discovery. The address launches a profes- sional development day devoted to thei arts called "Arts for Life." Margarete King, Chairperson of the' Elementary Teachers' Profes- sional Development Day Commit- tee, and Vice principal of S.T. Worden Public School, explains the focus of the day is to igblight the importance of arts in an adult's life. "Through the arts, teachers and students can experience enrîchment, stress release. personal growth, and pure enjoyment." "By integrating the arts into the curriculum, we expand a student's understanding of the full range of subjects such as science, literature, & perfolrmer even drafting."1 1Besides the keynote address, the day includes a number of worksbops. One, of them is Use Your Brain, presented by Val Wright, a Principal with the Ottawa Board of Education. In her activîty based presentation, she will discuss recent braîn research and its im- plications for education. For exçam- pIe, with computers possibly in- creasing the so-called 'left brain' skills, an increased emphasis may be needed on 'right brain' develop- ment. Bill Usher. a professional musi- Dcian who bas recorded witb -Sharon, Lois and Bram, presents a rworkshop called Drumming Up Dreams, exploring music and storytelling, and showing that they are witbin everyone's reach. Other sessions examine ways of bringing the mass media int the classroom, preparing mini-video productions in the classroom, and methods of heightening creativity in lwritiflg poetry and prose. The luncheon speaker- write Helen Carmichael Porter- will discuss "Ontario Gothic - Lîfe in r t he Small Towns of Ontario." The day is sponsored by the Nor- Orono and placed some 200 feet from the barn up against their garage. Job Printing at the Orono Times 983-5301 thumberland Newcastle Women Teachers' Association, the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federa- tion, and the Northumberland and Newcastle Board- of Education. About 900 elementary teachers from the Board are expected to at- tend the sessions which begin at 9.15 a.m. and finish at 3:30 p.m. at the high school., MERVYN B. KELLY Barri ster and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville TÇOMPLETE CAR & TRUCK.REPAIRS, DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT I RADIO DISPATCHED TO' 'TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANlCAL SERVICE TRUCK And the winds blew Strong winds one evening last week caused considerable damage none the least being barn roofs THE NORTHU MBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE J~JBOARD 0F EDUCATION7 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 1990191 School Year' Junior and Senior Kindergarten registration for the Clarke A.S.G. area sohools wIll be heîd as in- dicated in the foilowing scheduie. (Children currently enrolled ln Junior Kindergarten need flot reapply for Kindergarteri.) School Telephone Date Time Klrby Public Scho 983.5802 Thurs. 8 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 Orono/lockhart- P.S. 983-500 Tues. 6 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 4:00 Newcastle Public Sohool 987-4262 Thurs. 8 Feb. 9:00 - 11:30 1:30 - 3:30 Newtonviiie Public School, 786-2550 Thurs. 15 Feb. 9:00 - 12:00 1. Children four years of age on or before 31 December 1990 may be registered. Proof of age (birth certificate, officiai birth registration notice, etc.> is required. 2. Please bring written proot of heaith records indicating immunization dates. 3. Proof of public school, support should be produced at the time of registration (tax bill, property tax, or property tax notice). 4. Precise inÏfformation regarding location of residence and postal code is important'."Rural residents require lot and concession numbers. 5. Parents are requested to telephone the school for an appointment time. Charles W. Kennedy Superintendent of Instruction (Personnel)