7 Q i, S M:M .- w7#: 77M 'lm MM -- M1 14-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 7, 1990 SERICEDIECTRYPhone S%"'RVICt DjwN«PAEC ORY983-5301 Thé Shop APPLE BLOSSOM, 'We Dont fus t Speciahze- We Make Every Order Spncial &j Main Street, Orono W983-9155 YVONNE MAtT LAND We Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool/. Oshawa and Paces ln Bel ween "flair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Eloctric M.d ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpont - R.C.A- Whte Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Corne ta.. MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat In or Take Out Main Street, Orono 983.5310 "The latest in fashions for ail fîmes and ail needs 983-9341 FOR-N 1K Auto Body andi collision Quality Body WNork and Retinishiflg INSUFlANCE ÇLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 GRUJNDY'S Cou ntry U pholstery Studio Quality Work ln Uphoîstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grud Advertise in the Orono Times 983-5301 JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST, ORONO 983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Besidence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B, Sc. Chropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL, ONTAI3IO LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT MA COU NSELLI MG Specializing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT-CHILO and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medlical Centre Oroýno, Ontario LBO 1iMo Appaînitmens and inquries 983-9792 "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE COME FIRST" WENDY B's ODEPARTMENT STORE BOX 430, MAIN STREET ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9816 WVendy Partner, Prop. (416 6238161 Sportswear & Gifts Suppliers of Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1M6 J. Wayne'Asen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS Featuring a Specialîzed Lie ot Martns Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplements Double Ceanied Oats, Bluiede Sweet Fend and Pet Food 5 Mi. East of O)rono/Hwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 Classifîied Ads 1979 Pontiac Parisienne, automatic, 'power steering, power brakes, asking $1,200 as is, in driving condition, pbone 983-9375. 31,7 ap SQUARE BALES 0F HAY First cut, pick-up only, Alfa]lfa/Timiotby, phone 983-545. ,ap HORSES FOR SALE 5 quiet pleasure riding horses; 1 large pony 13.2, very quiet; 1 Perspective Hunter/Show 4 year old Thorougbbred 16.2 bands. Phone 983-5745. 1 7,apl Western red cedar tongue and groove v-bevel panelling, barn boards. cedar shingles, Macrae 50"' sawmill on bus frame with Leroi gas engine, phone 1-983-5185. 7,14 ap BABY FURNITURE Natural calour maple crib, 4 drawer dresser, mattress, white padded change table, playpen, cail 983-98,15. 31,7 ap 1979 Pontiac Parisienne, atamiratic, power steering-, powver brakes, asking $1,500, tin good condition, phone 983-9375. 31,7 ap 1989 Corsica, am/fm radio, air conditioning, miust seI,' driven only 5 monIths, phone 983-9447 after 5:00 p3.m1. [Ili/aq 1983 Jeep CJ8 Scramibler, 6 cyclinder, 4 wheel drive, am/fm cassette, 82,000 miles, certified, firm $4,000, phone- I 983-733. 31,lap 1981 International Tandem Dump Truck with rebuilt Detroit Diesel V8 engine. Vebicle bas been well miaintained. Contact Laidlawý Waste Systemis Ltd., R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario, (416) 786-2070. 3,a HAY FOR SALE $2.00 per Bale' Phone 983-9670 7,14 ap PROPERTY FOR SALE Plontypool corner counItry lot, 200' \ 200', beautiful view, ex\cellent road, sch1ool bus at door, onec mile fr -ont Hwy ý. 1 15. Buy niow%, alîper- is ýavailable $82,000.(X) cal 1-70-277I-2770. 7,14 ap FOR REN T ()îono stores for lcase, \arions i1e. ,5414 Main SI icui, CI Zone, ,caIil ve ot Marg Wesaiw983-9341 Res. Advertise in the Times 983-51301 FREF Frce puppie s, good, natured mother, cute as a button, 983-9670. 31,7 ap HORSES M T STABLES Horses bougbt, sold, trad- ed, leased, boarded, Gianaraska Region area, phone 983-9736. Jan. i0 Mar. 14 ap BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT GALLANT- Don and Valerie (nee White) are very proud to announce the birtb of their daughter Kathleen Annette, born February 1, 1990, weighîng 7 lbs. 15 ozs. Proud grandiparents are Car- man and Bertha White, Orona. Great grandcbild of Victoria Pleasance,' Brookville. Many tbanks ta Dr. Whittaker and maternity staff of Osbawa Cenieral Hospital. 7,ap CARD 0F THANKS I'M FINALLY HOME Thank -you friends, neighbours and business col- leagues; for al your kinidness and support through your prayers, cýard.s, flowers, gifts, visýits and phone calîsý during My stay in hosýpital. Sincerely Betty Ann Wood AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Friday, February 9th 7:00 p. Selling sýeveral antiques in- cluding 9 pres.sback and cap- tains armcbairs, old board room barvest table, drop front desk, occasional tables, 7 pc. wood dinettesuite with, round table, oak office desk, 3 pressb ack chairs, set 4 bar stoals, large wall unit, por- table color televisions, set of attractive coffee tables, Beta VCR, Inglis washer' and dryer (gaad), 2 ,fridges, freezer, ingLle bed, cbest af drawe i ' rsad numnerous ather itemsý of interest. Terms,: Cash or Giood Che- que Auctione2er: Frank Staplletonl 786-2244 7,ac STAFFORD' MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granite Monuments, Markers, and Cemetery Letterîng Prîvate homne or showroom appoînt/nents avaîlable Serving ail faiths Reterences avalable on request After H-ours Cali Oshawa î »11-416-579-1116 Our Molo The cuslroer s lVays rqht DEATH NOTICES FIARMER, Llo)yd Suiddlenly1v in Thie Third Grenadines,, West Indies on Thursday* , February 1, 1990 in his 7211d year. Dear father of John Stanley,' David LloydI, James Ernest and Kathleenl Elizabeth. Loving grandfather of Stephen and Anne. Brother of Mary, Alan, Sybil, Ron, Lois and the late Ken and Ruth. Friend.s were able to caîl at thle Morris Fuineral Chapel, 4 Di visioni St., Bowmiianiville on Monday fi-rm 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.mi. Funeral service wajs eld complete in the chapel on Tuesday at 11 ar[n. Cremna- tn.Donations to the chari- ty Of your choice in his memory1 would be ap- preciated. 11- 7,ac- TAYLOR, Charles Edgar At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanviile on Monday, February 5, 1990 in his 96tb year. Charles, belov- ed husband of Editb Sherwin and the late Edna McGill. Loved father of Lloyd and his wife Minnie, Earl and bis wife Edna. Ross and bis wife Isobel, Anna Marie and ber busband Erié Thomson and Laurence and bis wife Glen- da Sberwin. Also survived by bis loving grandchildren and great-cbildren. Friends may caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Wednesday fromn 2 - 4 and,7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service on Tbursday at Il a.m. complete in the chapel. Spring interment Orono Cemetery. Donations ta tbe cbarity of your choice in bis memnory would'be ap- preciated. 7,ac (Continued Page 13) THANK YOU Even in times of sorrow, we can find much to be thankful for. We are comnforted knowing our dear son Kirk Thomas Joseph Martin (stillborn January 18, 1990) will dwell in the bouse of the Lord forever. The- peace of God which transcends al un rderstanding is also our strength as ýwe approach each new day. We thankdear friends for their prayers, cards,, flowers, meals and other acts of kindniess'. 'We extenid a special thank you to our laving famiilies, to the maternity nurses at Memnorial Hos-)pital, Bowmianville for their tender care, to Dr. Ron VanHoof and Dr. Westgarth for their compassion and fine medical care, and to our cburcbi famnily at Trull's Road Free Methodist Cburcb. By sbaring in our pain and sorrow, each of you have been an encouragement to us. May God Bless you. Tom, Karen, Kevin and Rachel Martin In miemory of our laving grandson Kirk Thomias Joseph Martin. Dear Kirk, You ne ver saw the bright morning Sun As aour Falher in Heavenwantedlyou to be with him. We'Il miss seeing you play, in the sand And going for walks withlus lhand in hand. Wle knowivyoui would have growtiv o be a strong, fine lad/ And good ties with your Io ving fiamily yvou wvould have had. Butl Kirk dear, this was not Io be ,4s God hiad other plans for- you, see. NowtYou aire in Heaven, in God's loving care A nd sonieday we shahl meet, go for our waltks ard p laiv w ih you here.Ou lo e Grandpa and Grandma Atkins TV -VCR -STEREO Service Calis $1 9.95 ESTIMATES GIVEN 983«5082 JOHaN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experience