2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 7, 1990 1'SKcod CIâas .Mai Regtrtion NUM ber OW368i Pub hed EveryWedneday.a the offoeýof Publi-tmo Rùy C Faerter Editor Yearly Subscription $1200a Phone 983-5301 Wages and Class size Wages and class size has kept Separate School secon- dary teachers and their bcard apart for now well over a week in the Durham area. The dispute has the teachers out on the picket lines and for a time both parties fighting through the press even xith paid ads. This latter is flot somnething that happens too often especially in the educationial systemn. There certainly is a determination on the part of both parties as to their final objectives in the wage-class size battle. The board is holding out with little intention of sen- ding the dispute to arbitration, or so it appears. IVhey state they have to protect their taxpayers and their 6.1 percent in- crease is well in line. In fact the elementary teachers in the system settled for the 6.1 percent. But then the secondary teachers have found a reason they should not, something caîl- ed catch-up. It has been stated that the difference fromn the board's offer.to that of the teachers' demand is some $300.00 when al points are considered. This is always a mute point when con- sidering hard salaries and the fringe benefits. Providing the differenceis $300.00 it is a high price to pay for those kids who have already been denied over three weeks of their education and the example that bas been set over the squabble. Certainly the teachers have lost more than they wîll gain now even with their objective of 8 percent._ Where is the responsibility to the system? It certainly seemns a great waste of time and effort on the part of aIl parties in negotiations that go on for months and mnonths with very lttle progress. If this timne was spent on upgrading the educational system îthrough co-operation and desire much more would be achîeved for the future generations. Mediator has been appointed The Education Relations Com- mission bas appointed Professor Gene Swimmer of Ottawa to act as Mediator in the negotiations bet- ween the Elementary Teachers and the Trustees of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. Dr. Swimmer received his Ph.D. from the School of Industrial and Labour Relations at Cornell, New York (1972), and a Master's Degree in Economnics fromn the University of Chicago (1968). Presently, he is Associate Pro- fessor of Public Adminstration at Carleton University in Ottawa, where he teaches a course in Co tive Bargaining in the Public Se' Dr. Swimmer hias atte, numerous workshops designed sponsored by the Educationf tions Commission on techniqi dispute resolution. He has previ ly been appointed as Mediatc Brant County Elementary, Rei RCSS and CAAT Academic Support Staff Negotiations. This appointment is made u Section 13 of the School Boards Teachers Collective Negotil Act, Revised Statutes of Ont 1980. Kendal News Sunday daw\ned on another ler crisp, beautiful day. The attendance at, Chlur-ch was a little smnaller, [hlan' usual. The older membners of' the Sunday School, along wvith thleir- teachers, Chfiad Swýitzer, Glen Foster, and Hope Kirksey, attended the Service at Newtonville and then went on to Toronto, to the Science C'entre. Prior to, the Service, thec hymin sing was led by April Swýitzer, following the opening of the Ser- vice, ni the absence of the choir, Aprîl Switzer sang a lovelyý solo, called "Pass it on." The children's story w"as based on1 the story of lsaiah. Rev. Ransomn, told howN the people were angry because God was not answering- their prayers, Jsaiah told thremt that unless they were prepared to help others and not just think of themselves, God could help them. The hymn, -I Heard the Voice of Jesus,', was sung, Rev. Ransomi based his sermon on "Through the darkness a light shines.- He spoke on how we aIl get the wvinter bluies and of the inven- tions and experiments with lights, and how aufier Lbeîng surr-ýundedI with these lights, we allI ee brighltev, suinîy days cvcîîl in the w intr ake you feel less depressed and more energ2etic. The Disciples were the lighit of the worid, throughl their wý,ordis. Pious worship, mneans nothing unrless, you demronstrate God's Lov e, God challenges us, 10 mnake our faith a living thing. Rememnber, next Sunday, \will be Appreciation Sunday and ,vill follow thre regular service. This wl be a timie for A to show their ap- preciation to others fo r their dedication and service to the Kendal United Church. Lunch will follow in the Sunday School roomn, corne out and join us. The annual Bean Supper will take place on Saturday, February îth. Serving 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.mi. The Officiai Board meeting will be held in the Newton- ville Church, on Thursday,' February 15th at 7:.00 p.m.' Remember... A compliment given, is verbal sunshine. by Phyllis Lowery Kendal Hall News Report The muembers ot Brooks Memnorial Junior Lodge met in the hall on Thursday, February lst. Plans are going ahead for a sleigh riding party on Sunday, February 1 lth. Hope there will be lots of snow, for them. The ladies of' Ken- dal HuIs L.O.B.A. held a degree practice in the hall on Sunday after- noon, along with somre of the ,oec- mnembers of Tyrone Unity ctor. L.O.B.A. This is for thec Scarlet nded Degiee, which will be given to 3 of i and Kenidal'.s members on ThuLrsday, Rela- February 8th. The men of Kendal ues in -L-.1-L. 405 ýwîll be meeting on ious- Wednesday, February 7th. Take Lor in nfrew -and under s and ations ttario, Hlappenings. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Euchre resuits for the Orono Town Hall for January 3 1 st with 16 tables in play are as follows: High scores Carl Todd with 90; Marg Linton with 88; Wally Boughen with 82; Walter Murphy with 80 and Marian Staples with 76. Low score Mary Thompsoin. Winners of the draws were Clare Meuleman, Reg Elliott, Jack Moffat, Lita MeAllister, Marion Sears and Grace~ Coathamn. Euchre is held every Wednesday e',ening at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch,~ Trailier Park (Continued from page 1) ing and report upon receipt of al outsranding comments. The planning report did submit that the site plan submitted was considerably substandard in terms of spacing between units, open space areas, parking and landscao- ing. But it was also reported that the reduction to. 18 units could eliminate some of the diff[-culties. Mayor's committee (Continued fromn page 1) see a committee formed to assist her in meetuing with these interested par- ties. "I need some participation from counicil imembers," shesad *At this poinit Counic. Wotteni presenited motion seconded by ('ou nc. H ailna i liiaI ('oit cs. Pal Deegan and Coune. Ken Hopper be a committee with the Mayor to deal with commercial and industrial in- terests. Conce. Hamresaid sh~e had no trouble with the resolution but as chairman of planning and develop- ment, "Are you looking at realine- ment?"- Counc. Hamire said she had done everything she could to help. -1 have no difficulty with this commit- tee but I would have appreciated to have known about this" she saîd. 1Mayor Hubbard again said she would like some help. "This does not point a finger - 'd like somne direction and assistan-ce". The Mayor said she had set aside Friday miorning to talk about this with her Counicil. Counc. Harme said she couldn't be preseinton Fiday. Thle new Committee k 10 report 10 councýil from tiiime 10 ime and the resolution was given the 'support of the committee. Master Plan (Continued from page 1) Region of Durham comnpletes th eir Officiai Plan review and passes a new plan. The Town of Newcastle would then revise their official plan and undertake a Master Plan as it would relate to commercial development within the area. The Master Plan would also include the historie core of the Village. Mayor Hubbard asked that the Strategie Planning division expedite the Master Plan in 1990. Councillor Hamnre said the com- pletion of the, work- would be dependent on the completion of the Regional OfficiaI Plan. As a resuit of this move on Mon- day two larger proposaIs in the east and in the west of the Village are now on hold. However, a smaller convenient ,,commercial area will continue to be processed for the western end in part of a triangle of land due to the fact that it is under 5500 square feet. A larger development given approval for futher processing last week will now be on hold until the Master Plan is completed. According to Frank Wu, director of planning the smaller unit is allowable within the existing Regional plani for residential areas. Counc. Stapleton did not v ote lor the proposal and questioned why the smaller unit was still being allowed » A proposai for a 53281 square foot commiercial proposai in the eastern end of the Village is also niow on hold as being pr emature uni- tiI the Master Plan is completed. note of these meetings and it you are a member,' plan to attend. Any organization is only as strong as its members. On Friday, February 2nd, there were Il1,/2 tables of euchre players out. High score went to... Lawrence Farrowý, 2nd high Jean Allun, 3rd high Normia Moffat, 4th high Dean Polley. The 50/50 draw was won by Dean PIolley. At lunch, Happy Bir- thday wý,ishes wr sung by Diane LowNery and to Pearl Clark. Next card party Friday, February l6th. See you there! by P. Lowery YES! Get the facts. Let's TaIk. Cail the Ontario-Miniistry of Health AXIDS Hottine" 1-soO'I668-AIDS St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. OR ONO GA TES 0F PRA ISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00l A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev,~Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 CounsellinR ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Secretary: Marlene Risebrough Organist: Kirby Martha Farrow Organist: Orono Stella Morton Kirby Oronio February il, 1990ý 9:30 a. m 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, February 7th 6:30 p.m. BIBLE STUDIES Wednesday, Fehruary 7, 1990 Ladies Fellowship 10:00 a.mn. At the home of Frances Sutton Joint Fellowship 8:00 p.m. - At the Manse ANNUAL MEETING ORONO - February Sth, 1990, Pot-Luck at 6:15 p.m. Meeting Commences - 7:30 p.m. BOARD 0F STEWARDS Meet on Monday, February 121h 7:30 p.m. Upper C. E. AIl new and old members welcomed. Cards, Confectionary Novelties 'lié -U~iL*IdiiI*I~~~A 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO