6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 7, 1990 "cThe -Wind in the Willows" Orono United. Church Recyclîng cost news report *It was a treat for the kids at ing performance. Some of the Orono Public Scho and many of students played bit parts in the per- their parents wvith the presentation formance. last week af the "Wind in the The event was spansared by the willows". Orano PTA group and aIl students It was a sala perfarming effort a fromt Orono and Lockharts were with masks, mime and dialogue in attendance. coming into play for the entertain- Oroeno, Public School News Repmort We at Orano PuIblic Schôol wvere happy to have the play "Wind in the Willaws." 1 interviewecd the sala perfarmner Miss Kathryni Pophami who playcd ail 5 characters. For fif- teen years Miss Paphamn has put on plays. Kathirnlhas performied this play onîy once. Other plays she hias performed are Alice in Wonderl and, Dinosaurs, Charlottes Web and The Lion The Witch and the Wardroble. She bias pierformned in Ottaw\a, Windsor and Toronto. She had ta go ta college in Victoria. It taok her One Week ta 1memor01iLe her lines. She wýas in acting schaol for 10 years. WVe liked the play -Wind in the by Lee Nowak U.C.W. Presbyterial holding WC "Weaving Gad's C ommunity" was the themne of a one day warkshap held Januiary 17 at Kredon United Church. Each ofi the 66 wamen in attendanice were given a small woven mat attached ta their name tag and any membhers brought personal examples of weav- ing, such as mats, purses, scarves, and wall hangings.- Elsie Werry expressed greetings an behialf of Kedron U.C.W. and Jaqulin Guthrie, President af' Oshawa Presbyter-ial U.C.W. welcamed those present and thank- ed the members of' the execuitive who were respansible for planning the day. Jaqulin remnindedl everyone of samne upcamling events: 1) February 13 at 12 noon, an op- portunity for ail U.C.W. mnembers ta meet the Moderatar of the United Church, The Righit Reverend Sang-Chul Lee. Newcas- tle church will be hosting the Moderator at 2 p.mi. for ail other members of Presbytery. 2) Oshawa Presbyterial U.C-.W. Annual Meeting an March 7 at Trinity Utéited in Bowmanville with guest speaker Judith Snow. 3) Bay of Quinte U.C.W. Con- ference at Campbelîîford on April 3, 4. Gloria Jackson outlined the ac- tivities for the day and then in- troduced Peggy Milliken wh o pro- ided santie back graund on the ter- inology ot w,%eaving and how aur lîves can be comnpared ta, the warp vwe ft. \When aur trands bccomce ba0sCe we epend on God's guidancc ta epuonat A dlevotionazl ipcriod was con- 3rkshop ducted by Kathy Grundy, Joyce Taylor, and Joan Lane in whiich they shared readings about the wov0en clothes waorn by Chrisýt dur- ing His lifetimie. The ladies wýere then div ided into twa groups and then divided inta, smalîer groups each one represen- ting a continent - Asia, Atrica, Europe, and North Amnerica. Each group was ta prepare a three minute presentatian - sang, skit, poemn, choral recitatian - abouti weaving, and the wamoien in the counryr represented. Follawing these presentatians Vice-President Betty Turcott led in the singing of We'll Weave a Lave. She gave a repart af events and the importance of the Ecumienical Decade of Womren of the World Caunicil of Chuirches. After lunch Margaret-Ann Lamb introduced the afternaan speaker, Rev. David Spivey ot Camp- belîfard, wha was a former -minister at St. Andrew's United in Oshawa and at Newcastle United, Ris infor- mative talk whichstimulated think- ing and discussion was about "Ex- cîuding and lncluding People in aur- Churches". H-e stressed the imipor- tance of listening because "hnwe don't listen wýe increase the speaker's pain" and -people wNilI turm away tram aour-church if they, are not being- litced ta (". Re\. Spivey went on Itavaythat if'we listen ta the signais ot people wýc can stop 95 per cent af the drop-outs tram our church'. A persan's anger c:an folIaw anc a w dircct ions, as Rev,. Spivcy calîs thcmn Turtles or Skunks. The Vurtle rctires inta goesover budget For the year January 1 ta December 31, 1989, the cost ta recy-' cle arnd process recyclable materials by Durham Recycling Centre tnc. is $79,873 over the budget approved by Durham Regional Council in May 1989. This is due ta a number ot tactors including:, -a 14 percent increase in'tannage over the 14,105 tannes budgetted the delay by the Region in buy- ing out eqiuipment leases as planned -the nlecessity ta rent additional vans pending purchase of collectionL vehicles, appravedi in the 1 989 budget material price draps, notably newspaper. Although ail recy\cling programs in Ontario have experienced unex- pected lasses, Durham Recycling has controîledi its expenses and maximized revenues under the'dif- ficult market conditions in an effort ta minimize lasses. Durham Recycling has achieved a 3.4 per- cent overbudget while handling 14 percentmore tannage during a year of extremely difficoît market condi- tions. aneself, impasing self-guilt, while the Skunk is the one wha reacts by a change in attendance, decrease in participation oftactivities, offers let- ter of resignatian, and finally will withdraw financial support. He IfPCV 50 Days to bring Christ's Hope to our nation Many of us are cancerned about aur C hurch in these days. We seem ta be at a Io\\ ebb morally, and spiritually. But there is hope that the tide of Go(-d's presence will once more flood into aur lives and Chur- ches bringingne lite. In the past widespread spiritual awakening bas alwaysbceen precceded by the intense pray- ers ot mall groupjs (of Chri- tiansl. Ini the 50 Day1 Spiritual Adven- ture, beg:-ining February 26, we'Il have an oppartunity ta pray for aur Church and aur land using prayers f.rom the Scriptures we can make aur-own. As we make a fresh cam- mittmnent to pray for our Church - on a. daily basis - God has promised ta "Hear From Heaven and Forgive Our Sin and Heal Our Land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) Already 60 persans in aur con- ~gregations have signed up ta par- tîcipate in thie, time of accelerated spiritual growth,. Extra journals have, been .ardered and wiIl be available an February j 8th. Tune into "Chapel of the Air" daily 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. over WDCX (99.5 FM). Back to the original for street nameI The caling of a street in the Village af Newcastle >"Manvers Street" hias appparently been a misnomner dating back over a cen- tury. The discavery of this misnamer came about when Iast year Mr. and Mrs. Yates, the anly residents an the street asked that Manvers Street be renamed Yates Street. summied (upiby)\encouraging each one ta listen tao the dlues given b'y unhappy church members -andau ministers, who also have needs and stresses. Rev. Spivey closed by say- ing wýe need ta "give others the gift of time". ATTENTION But through the process the Newcastle and District Histarical Sociery reached back in the past ta find that ariginally the street had been called Manner Street, named after one of the early settiers wha owned a black of land in the area. This cauld date-back ta 1837. The Historical Society daes admit the Beldon Histarical Atlas af Nar- thumnberland and Durham had the name printed as Manvers Street whiichi is thaught ta happened due ta a mnistake in spelling. As a result the Town hias naw r einmed the streer the George Man- ner Street denying the request for the Yates naine. 'jP-7 SUPPORTERS 0F THE ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY On May l2th.ail registered members of the Progressive Conservative Par- ty will have, for the first time, the opportunity of votirig directly to eleet the new leader of the party. HAVE YOUR VOTE COUNT ON MAY I2TH, 1990 TO VOTE - You MUST have a 1990 membership ($3.00) and MUJST be registered with the local PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA- TION ($10.00 registration fee) ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18TH, 1990. If you live in the Town of Newcastle east of Regional Road 42 then your local association is the Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association. To become a member and register to vote, please complete the coupon beîow and enclose a cheque or money order for $13.0 payable to: Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association. For further information contact: David Noble, Mem bersbip Se-cretary, 987-5594 Brian Caswel , President, 786-2465 Sam Cureatz MPP 1 Durham -ast Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association To: Mr. David Noble, R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1 HO Yes, 1 would like ta becorne a member of the Clarke-Newcastle Pro- gressive Conservative Association and, register ta vote for.the new leader on May 12th, 1990. NAME................................. ............ ADDRESS ..................... ................. . POSTAL CODE.......... ... PHONE............ Cheque or money order for $1300 enclosed.