lO-Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, February 14, 1990 A thletic play at Kirby Public would be used by the Greater Toronto Area for a period from 1992 ta 1996. Metro has tentatively given approval which will be ratified in the near future of- ficially. GO to extend inito Oshawa VIA site The Province has announc- ed that money is being set aside for the extension of the GO train system east from Whitby ta the VIA station site in Oshawa. There has been no time limit set for the exten- sion. It doespass through an industrial area while the next stage ta the eastern end of Oshawa would mainly pass through a residentialarea. (Continued page 11) The gym of the Kirby- Public gym equ ipment being great- rope They were having a great time in School was quite busy last week climbers as well as vaulters over the their individual groups and taking wth the younger students at the horse. their turn at the variaus activities. school exercising on most of the Saturday morning is a busy, day at the Newcastle Bowling alley and on Saturday last bath with a team competition and Bowling for Millions for the local Big Brothers Association all was in motion. SAbove Shaun Hentig of Orono lines-up for a strike. Shaun is a- member of the Newcastle team who were in competition Saturday with a team from Bowmanville. Prom Around the Region Ganaraska receives increase funding The Ganaraska Region Conservation has received an amounit of $ 519,570 in pro- vincial transfer payment for 1990. This amount is much greater than the $327,000 received for 1989. The Authority is considering some major capital prajects one be- îng the repair of Corbett dam in the north end of Port Hope. The final decision has yet to be made. The increased provincial funding will also mean a somnewhat similar increase from local municipalities. Cost of waste removal set at $2 to $5 million It has been esimated that a solution to the radioactive waste settled in the basin of the Port Hope harbour could cost fram $2 ,ta $5 'miilion depending on the course of action ta be followed. The radioactive waste could be totally removed or covered. Cobourg gains new parkland The Town of Cobourg through- an agreement wîth the province will receive a new 16 acre park in the north-east of Cobourg as well as a new 30,000 square foot industrial building in the west of the ex- isting industrial area. The deal has been worked aut with the Ontaria Develop- ment Corporation. Asks Hope-to consider archeological significance The Township of Hope is ta consider a request that a statement be placed in the new Officiai Plan that would protect archeologically signifi- canit lands before develop- ment would bie undertakeni. A. K. Scuthorpe, chairmani of the Advisory Committee said Hope was an area very rich ini Indian artifacts and the committee would like ta see such artifacts protected. Drivers pay Iess victims get Iess A recent provincial- study on the proposed Ontario Auto Insurance Law shows that drivers are expected ta pay less in annual premiums, while victims of 'accidents would receive about half of what has been the norm under the present system. Insurance companies paid out some $1 .8 billion in bodily injury dlaims aver the past year. Under the proposed new systemn this would have been cut by 47.7 percent.. Diane Hamre stands alone on split site Diane Hainre stands alone on a proposai that splits new Regianal offices between two locations. An Oshawa site will house a number of Regional departments at possibly William and Mary Streets area, while others would bie located on a site in north-end ýWhitby. The Oshawa building could be somne 3 years away and would hause a staff of 923. Counc. Hamre has appas- ed the separated sites from the very beginning. Wesleyville Training Centre for Hydro Ontario Hydro is ta use the math balled Wesleyville Generating Centre ta train future operators for the new Darilington plant over the next 27 months. 120 trainees are expected ta start in the course. Recent renovations at Wesleyville has provided eight classrooms with each have a capacity for 20 trainees. Durham puts forth Whitevale site The Region of Durham last week put in for the Pl (Whitevale site) as its propos- ed interim Iandfill site. fi Council Briefs (Continued from page 9) had been any changes i~n the BFI pick-up service. Walter Evans, Director of Public Works stated that there had been a staff change ana there had been some difficulties which he would be taking up with BFI. Two residents of Thistle Valley Park camp spake, ta council on Monday asking that the camp nat be closed as it provided them with hausing which atherwise would be difficult ta replace. It was stated that it had been heard that the Town was closing out the park north of Bowmanville. MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVIC - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville Authorized Dealer Lifetime Warranty- for as long as you own your car MmANGAR'SbO" AUTO CENTRE' ORONO MILL STREET NORTH USED CAR SALES Rad iators'- Air Conditioners - Muff lers - Brakes- Body Work, Tune.-Up Electronic Ignitions - Fuel Injection Systems Propane Conversion and Inspection- Rebuilt Engines and Cylinder Heads Safety Inspection Station - Guaranteed Service Lic. CI. A., B, H, 3P, S6A, S6B Call-Mike . .. 983.5130 or 983-5487 VIEFWERS COC VIDEO & T.V.. INC. MAIN STREET, ORONO VIDE Q AND FA MIL Y, ENTER TA 1NMENT CENTRE VIDEO (1500 in stock) POOL TABLES A RCA DE MACHINES