From -Around the Region k ..urtice students practice evacuation Students at the North and South Courtice Public Schools have held their se- cond practice in school evacuation if an emergency was ever declared at the DarI- ington Nuclear plant. The practice plans are part of a plan set forth by the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education for schools within the 10 kilometer radius of the plant. House prices Up by $33,000 The average new bouse price in the Port Hope area bas increased by $33,000 over the past year. The average pricç bas risen to $146,000. Rentai units now rest at zero. Viceroy Homes now considering expansion Viceroy Homes who open-, ed a plant in Port Hope la st year and now are employiA1g 45 local people, are consider- ing furtber expansion of tbeir plant. Tbe expansion would include a kitchen, cabinet operation, along with a ther- mal glass factory. Thie plant is' now completing one home in two weeks but under the operation five a day coufld be completed. EmiploYmnent is expected to inicrease to 200 within the next couple of years. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 100TH ANN IVERSARY COMMEMORATIVIE COINS THESE YELLOW BRASS COINS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $2.00 AT THE FOLLOWING PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS: BOWMANVI LLE HOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. RIOKABYS IN TOWN GALLERY CATHY'S GOLD BANK 0F COMMERCE BANK 0F MONTREAL ROYAL BANK TORONTO DOMINION BANK NATIONAL TRUST THE VELVET BEAR BOWMAN VILLE MALL BANK 0F COMMERCE HOOKED ON VIDEO SHOPPERS DRUG MART COURTICE BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA (W ESTCASTL E) NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BANK 0F COMMERCE HOPE'S VIDEO ORONO STUTTS PHARMACY *ANTIQUE NICKEL SILVER COINS ($5.00) ARE STILL AVAILABLE FROM THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMVENT (40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMAN VILLE) WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. kIHiWNf, SPONSORED BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE ASSISTANT SUPERINTEN DENT, (Contract Position) GANARASKA FOREST CENTRE The Ganaraska Region Conversation Authority operates the Ganaraska Forest Centre, a residentiai outdoor educat ion facility located in the Ganaraska Forest, north of Port Hope, Ontario. We require a mature individual who enjoys serving and can communicate effectively with the public. Duties: - provide weekend security and supervision of com- munity groups (work Thursday - Monday, 24 hour coverage on weekends) - coordinate the public ski program including can- teen operations, dispersai of public information, ski trait grooming and maintenance - undertake building and site maintenance -assist with public special events Qualifications - excellent communication skills - ability to perform manual tasks - ability to operate light machinery and power equip- ment - First Aid certification - a knowledge of forest recreation management preferred but not necessary Duration and Salary: March 31, 1990 to July 31, 1990 (with 47 week contract possi- ble commencing August 1, 1990) - $402.15 -,$424.48 per week, dependent upon training and experience. Please submit an application or resume by February 23,1990 to: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.O. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario Li A 3W4 Patti L. Barrie,' A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of ,Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 Dates of Publication: january 31, Februaryl7and 14/90 P.O. No. 3543 fl le Oroito Weekly limes, , Wedneýday, February 14, 1990-11 Happvenings. TOI)DLER TIME AT'lTHU"LIBRARY Regitration for the spintg session of Todidler- Timie beginsa't the Bowmanville Br-anch of the Newcastle Public Libraryý on Tues- day, Februar-y 20 at 10:0X) a.m. Space is imited so register eariy and join us for a haîf houri of songs, fingerplays and storiesý for children aged 24 - 35 m-oniths. The fun begins on Fridays March 2 to Aýpril 6, 9:30 - 10:00) a.mi. For more information calI 623-7322. RAMÈÎTRON %F%0 PRE-ENTRY ALARM SYSTEMS JIM AMEY HOME SAFETY PRODUCTS 595 WENTWORTH ST. E. No.51 Res. (416) 987-1253 OSHAWA,,ONTARIQ LiH 3V8 Bus. (416),436-6231- Af fordable Dream Vacations!. " Free Vacation Planning Services " Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations " Airline Tickets e Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We re with you ail the way 3068 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE 'Iq 'o Over30 Agencies in North America 623-6600 Public Notice To ts Citizens Notice 0f The Passing 0f By-Iaws IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337 AND IN THE MATTER of the lands and premiseS at the following municipal addresses in the Town of Newcastle, in the Province of Ontario: Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle haspassed by-laws designating the following properties as being of architectural andlor historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337. By-Iaw 90-20 5085 Main Street, Hanning Plan, Block D, Lot 16, Former Township of Clarke. Reason for Designation - The Guy Gamsby House is designated for ar- chitectural and historical reasons. The house, built c. 1850, is a rare example of the late Georgian style with its symmnetrical facade and has flot undergone any 2th Century modifications which have drastically altered many of the surviving frame houses in the Township. Bylaw g90- Part Lot 27, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke. Reason for' Designation The John Cobbledick House is designated for ar- chitectural and historîcal reasons. Dating from 1865, the house is a fine representative example of a fieldstone farmhousqlypical of many of those builtin Clarke and Darllnigton Townships between 1850 and 1870. Dated at the Town of Newcastle this 3lst day of January 1990. ilji