Kirby "C" Ch.Iltampions The Kirby Boys' Volleyball teamn Pictured above (front row) Devon Witheridge, Joshua Bonnet- were C champions at a Kinsmen Simon Weagant, Alan Lee, Kyle ta, Adam Colville, Steven Foster, VolleybalI tournamnent held in Colville, Shawn Synder, Greg Ham- Jimn Dupuis. Absent Jeff Parry. Bowmanville on February 2nd. mond, Corey Stapleton, (back row) Kendal Hall News Report On Thursday, February 8th the ladies of Kendal Hilis L.O.B.'A. #1420, Exemplified the Scarlet Degree, three members of Kendal and one member of Cobourg L.O.B.A. received this Degree- We were very pleased to have with us fine members from the Tyrone Lodge, who assisted us in the Degree. There were fourteen members of the host Lodge present and twenty memrbers fromn Cobourg. Honours were given to R.W. Sis. Berniece McAuley, -Gr. 2nd Lecturer, of the Gr. Lodge of Ontario E. R.W. Sis. Helen Mabee, R.W. Honorary Member of the Gr. Lodge of Ont. E. Sis. Norma Schwamn County Mistress of Peter- borough and Dist. 5, who is also Worthy Mistress of Brighton L.O.B.A. Sis. Greta Strain Past County Mistress of Peterborough and Dist. 5 ... Sis Gladys Hannah Worthy Mîstress of Cobourg Welfare costs on the increase Welfare costs in the Region of Durham have increased by 25 percent comparing figures of January 1990 with t hose of thée same'month in 1989. For Jan uary 1990 there were 5,346 welfare cases with 9,090 peo- ple on welfare. This compares with 4,390 and 7,100 in 1989. Wants to force waste management decision The Northumberland Wastle Management Commrit- tee wants to force counicil to a decision on a waste mnanage- ment study which bias been delayed repeaedly. When the counly council, late last ycar, finally decided to go ahead with the study the linancing company 110w wantsý, to renegotiate, the price due to the long lapse of timne. b~acktfo sables ~The duc ar fsoneoîie pe & fyou Uilink those You aia't seen nothing el! L.O.B.A. Sis. Pat Griffin Worthy Mistress of Tyrone L.O.B.A. Also present were R.W. Bro. Way ne Lowery Gr. Marshall of the Gr. Lodge of Ont. E. and from our own Lodge R. W. Sis. Brenda Lowery Gr. Dir. of Ceremonies of the Gr. Lodge of Ont. E. Following the meeting aIl enjoyed lunch, it was a pleasure to see so many present. It is too bad that it takes a special oc- casion to bring us ail together. On Saturday, February lth seven members from Kendal L.O. L. #405, went to Lindsay to at- tend the County Meeting of Vic- toria County, wbere Bro. Clarence Allin is County Master. Bro. Alin's home Lodge is Kendal, where he joined over 50 years ago. His pre- sent Lodge is Hartley. On Sunday, February I lth the Junior Lodge held their annual Winter party, but 1 am afraid the weat ber did flot co-operate very Chris' Valentine choice, by Chris Faulkner SEX IN A PAN I cup flour I cup cbhopped pecans 1/ cup margarine Press in 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350' for 10 minutes. 8 oz. cream cheese 112 Earge cool whip I cup icing sugar Cream and spreadi layer. over bottom Thien mix together: I sinall cliocolate instant pudding 1 Striait vanilla -ýinstant Pudding ltour over clicese laver. Cool. Put rcmlainling Cool Wliip(lon to. Shiave I chocolate b ar Ont well witb tbem and there was no snow for sleigh riding. I hope they had a good time whatever they did. Next card party Friday, February l6th. See you there! by P. Lowery Hamre Orotio Weekly Timeýs, Wednesday, Februarv 14, 1990-3 resîgns as deputy mayor (Continued from page 1) anything about the comnuïiteeuntil the last- meeting," said Counc. Stapleton. "I would like to see counicil band together." At this point in the debate Counc. Hopper presented armotion that the resignation not be accepted to which Counc. Hamre said sbe would flot accept the position. On a motion by Counc. Hamre and seconded by Counc. Wotten the Town is to revert to a previous plan wbere memnbers of council act as deputy Mayor for a two miontb period on a rotating basis determin- ed alphabetically. This now places Pat Deegan as deputy mayor for the' next two months. During the brief discussion Counce, Wotten had asked if tbe system had worked in the past. Counc. Hamre said that generally it bad worked welI and that it did give everyone an opportunity to become more involved in the affairs of the municipality. Kidney Founda tion Dance (Continued from page 1) nounced funding for a kidney unit at Oshawa General Hospital. The local unit wiII free kidney patients from having to travel to Toronto hospitals for'life sustaining treat- ment. The Ransberrys, in conjuction with the Durham unit of the Kidney Fouindation of Canada, encourages residenits to attend the dance and to support kidney mnonth. For more information cal Joan Ransberry at 434-7205 or Harold Ransberry at 983-9597. Kendal News (Continued from page 2), of Annie, she is sorely missed. Helen Woods ïntroduced Fern Foster. Fern, has been organist for 29 years. She bas a terrific sense of humour and is loved by the choir memrbers and the congregation cer- tainly appreciates ber music. We were told that wben Bryan is a hitle. slow, she tells hlm to corne on, let's, get the show on the road. Fern ex- pressed ber thanks for the Cer- tificate. Ron Pbîllips, then tbanked Dora Youngman and Brad Switzer for al their work and bis thanks to ail the presenters. He says he always likes< to corne to Kendall, there is such an air of friendliness, no matter what is asked to be done, it is, no problem. AIl present were then asked to go into the Sunday School room and enjoy a bountiful lunch, topped off witb a beautiful cake, which was cut by the members honoured. It was enjoyed by ahl. Many old friendships were renewed. It was wonderful toi see so many members of the families of 'these special people pre- sent to share it with them. Here is a little poemn that neyer grows old: Make new friends Keep iheold Sornie are si/ver, Some are gold. by phyll 1s. LOWC!Y