4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 14, 199 SP-"kO RT Orono Novice have a tghweek On February 7th the Orono reversed in Orono's favour. Playing Novice hit the road to Coîborne to. a good game in net was Oronio's play the number two team in the Ryan Schoep. Also deserving credit league. Orono being in fourth place fromthe Orono team were Kyle knew they would have their work Beacock, Jamie Ritcher, Clint eut out for them and this proved to Hawkshaw, Kevin Copping 'and be true. AIl players put in a good ef- Murphy Irvine and also to our goal fort and the game was decîded by scorers and assisters. one goal. On Friday, February 9th Orono At 13:26 of the first period, hosted Grafton #2 in a U.C.H.L. Orono's Alan Robb scored assisted gamne. The Grafton #2 team is the by Bobby Witheridge and Mike team everyone is trying to catch in Morrison, Orono started off on the this league as they are on top. right foot. At 7:55 the home teamt Orono's Jarnie Richter wasted no came back to tie the score. Orono tirne in putting one between the rounded out the scoring in the first pipes as he scored within the first 31 period with a goal by Alan Robb seconds. Halfway through the first from Steve Foster and Jonas Bon- Grafton #2 got on the scoreboard netta. with a goal. Second period showed just how Orono started the second period close the two teamns were. There was off like they did the first as Andrew good end to end action and many Rei d scored unassisted. Grafton #2 saves by both goalies. The only goal fought back and in doing so scored scored in the second at 6:51 was by two unanswered goals at the end of Coîborne. the second period to take a 3-2 lead. Going into the third with the Going into the third period there score tied 2-2, the tearns traded was a lot of end to end action with goals with four being scored. The both goaltenders making some first two goals were from Coîborne good saves. The Orono coach shuffl- and the fo lowing two from Orono. ed the lines trying to find' a coin- Scoring for Orono was Steve Foster bination that would score. Unfor- from Jonas Bonnetta and Andrew tunately time ran out and Orono Reid. Second one was Andrew Reid was beaten by 3-2. Thanks to Ryan fromn Steve Foster. With the game Schoep for playing a strong garne in tied 4-4 and a minute left with net and to aIl the other Orono Orono playing shorthanded the, players. draw was broken with Coîborne Néxt gaine Baltimore #1 is at. scoring. Orono Friday, February l6th at It was a very competitive game 8:15 p.mn. and the score could have heen Tyke 'B' Finalists. at Bowmanv*ile tournMie This past week has been a busy one for our Orono Tykes. To s tant the week on Monday, February 5th it was another grudge -match bei- ween our Roughley Insurance teant and J & M Customt Frami ng. The Roughley Insurance squad finished o n top, by a 5-I score. Bobby Witheridge gave Roughley In- surance the lead in the first period as he scored îwo unassisted goals. In the'second period Greg Shetler scored,ï unassisted for Roughley In- surance. J & M Custom Framing's Jamie Parry, came right back' to score what turned oui to be his team's lone goal, assisîed by Jeff Thompson. Bobby closed oui ihe second period with an unassisied goal and scored once in the third, unassisted. Special mention 10 goalienders Brandon HuIs for J & M and Michael Gibson for Roughley Insurance, boîh playing some fine hockey for their teant. This past weekend our Tykes combined forces to play in a Bowmanville tournameni. The boys really played somne excelle nt hockey 10 corne home as 'B' Finalisîs. In playing four gamnes over ihie weekend ihey hiad ihree wvins and a heart breaker 3-2 loss in the final game. Thei firsi gamne piiied our boys againsi Bowmanvriille's A & R Flooring iearn. Orono's Bobby Witheridge scored firsi assisted hy Jonathan Black and Brandon Hilî.s. Bowmanville came back to scorc iwo in a row and take an earîy lead. Bobby closcd the period with anoiher f'or Orono and tic ihings, up. From hlere on it was aIl Orono. In the second peiod icîfthompiýiii son scored from Andrew Beacock and Brandon Caruana; Jonathan Black from Tyler Robinson; and Jcff Thompson unassisted. In the third il was- Jamie Parry scoring from Andrew Beacock and Brad Copping; Andrew Beacock from Tyler Robinson and Justin Standeven; and finally Tyler Robin- son with an unassisted marker. The final score an 8-2 victory for Orono. 1I1n our second game we were up against a strong North Oshawa îearn. This game proved 10o be one of the mosi entertaining games of the tournament and Orono manag- ed 10 corne away wiîh a 7-5 victory. There was no scoring until laie in the firsi period when Orono's An- drew Beacock scored, unassisied Within a few seconds, Oshawa came righi back and tied things Up. Bobby scored once more for Orono, unassisied, 10 put us ahead jusi ai the close of the period. The second period was ail Orono as Bobby scored one unassisîed and anoiher assisied by Andrew Beacock. The ihird period was closely maîched as the two teanis îraded goal for goal. Oshawa scored firsi and weni on 10 score îhree more before the period and gante endied. Orono scored. îhlreec, ail of iheni coming ifroni Bobby, unassisicd. As the score would in- dicate, our boys ail played very wcell. Goaltender Michael Gibson, foiled several excellent scoring op- portunities f'or the opposition. I n gaine 3 Orono was tip against Bowmianville's Rotary teain. Because o f the round robin formai Orono figure. Skating Club news r eport by Lynne Lemejux Once again this year, a large group of Orono skaters will compete at the "Unicorn Fair", which is hosted by the Oshawa Skating Club on Satur- day, February 17th at the Oshawa Civic Arena. The Unicorn Fair gives the junior skaters in the Canskate and Canfigureskate programs, an opportunity to prepare a programn to music and compete against skaters from other clubs. of the tournarnent Orono was tied in points for first place with two other tearns but we were actually in third place due to our goals against record. This meant we w ould have to concentrate more on our defen- sive gamne and less on our offensive game. The boys did this quite nicely in coming up with 'a 6-1 victory. In the first period Bobby scored two unassisted goals and Greg Shetier scored an unassisted goal to endthe period. The second period as well was ail Orono. Scoring were Greg Bester from Bobby Witheridge and Paul Landers; and Andrew Beacock unassisted. Scoring in the third period for Orono was Jeff Thomp- son from Jonathan Black and Mat- thew Reid. Late in the third period, Bowmanville finally managed to get the puck past net minder Michael Gibson to spoil his shut out. Although the boys had put on afine defensive effort it was not going to make the difference. Despite our perfect record of three wins and no losses out goals against record put us in third position in the tourna- ment and thus into the 'B' Cham- pionship. As fate would have it our cham- pio-pship game put us up against the North Oshawa team we had defeated earlier. This time Oshawa was prepared for us. They keyed on our scoring machine, Bobby Wtheridge, and the result was a very close match up. Orono's Bob- by did score the first goal, unassisted, but Oshawa came back to score two and take a firsi perîod 2-1 lead. In the second period it was Oshawa scoring a lone goal. In the third periodJonathan lack scored a lone goal. In the third period Jonathan Black scored a nice unassisted goal to bring us back 10 within one goal. Both teams had several excellent scoring oppor- tunities in the final perîod and the game became a goaltender dual. Both goalies held their own and. refused to let anything past. Final- ly, wth just seconds lefi, everyone held their breath as Bobby managed to break away and corne in alone on the Oshawa net. There was one big sigh as we watched the shot just miss the corner of the net. The garne ended Oshawa winning by a 3-2 score. 1The Orono squad provided farni- ly and friends with some very enter- ,taining hockey over the wveekend. AIl the boys played well. I would like 10 point oui, that alîhough it might apîpear our 'B' Finalisis siatus would be a fourth place stan- ding, we may-very well have played, the best teams in the tournament. Congratulations boys on your fine effort. A special mention goes oui to Bobby Witheridlge who scored il goals in the tournameni and to goaliender Michael Gibson who kepi the fans on the edge of their chairs as lie continually miade spec- tacular saves. Don'î rmisthe big match ibis Saurdav ai 2:30 p.mi. Orono takes ou the tournamneni champs Bowmianvill's Skvlilith Donuf icini. (ood luck boys antd kccp up (ihe good work!. The Canskate skaters, attending are Larissa Grabowski, Michelle Moffat, Ashley Dwyer, Manley Gimblett, Ashley Roy, Brenda Burt, Sarah Dewsbury, Christopher Wilhelmn, Laura Hisson, Michael Murphy, and Erin Wilson. From the Canfigureskate program are: Rebec- ca Hisson, Amanda, Barchard, Alecia Staples, Tara Lee Clemens, an d Nicole Wilhelm. We-wish you al well! Lists have been posted on the arena bulletin board for helpers for the February 23rd banquet whîch we are catering to. Please sign and help where you can. Qv *YES! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cail the Ontatio Ministry of Health IDS Hottine 1-806-668-AIDS FOR DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE Phone Wakefleld Insurance a «CLU One of the best times to'paint, your home is right now! INTERIOR LATEX FLAT «i~CILUX*- A home's best triend. RLPH Hardw are Downtowfl Orono Phone 983-5207 25mê9