Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 14, 1990-5 Newtonville Ali veép bv Peggy Mullari - Newtonville United Church wilI hold its first "Recognition Sunday" on February I 8th. Presentations will take place during service Sun- day miorning. Those being honoured have served on a commit- tee or board capacity for many years, unselfishly and with a great miany kindnesses. 1990 recipients are Melville and Mary Jones, Phyllis Peck, Jack Kimibail, Clinton Farrow,' Janet, Paedon, Violet Gilmer, Jessie Best, Margaret Elliott, Lena Clysdale and Mary Vinkle. Everyone is welcomie to this very special event, and a social following. - Happy Wedding Anniversary February l6th to Maurice and Jean O'Neill of Newtonville. We join their famnily and many friends in of- fering sincerest congratulations. - We are into February, and Heart and Stroke Month... Aniy contribu- tions offered toý your authorized canvasser are deeply appreciated. - February lSth marks the 25th An- . "Little Brothers" Jason Bagnel 17 (left) of Bowmanville and Mark Sausedo 10 (right) of Newcastle share a family moment with their Big Brother, 'Richard Horton and his son Christopher. When you talk about comnpas- sion, you are talking about Big Brothers. When you talk about car- îng, and precious time given in the most unselfish of ways, you are talking about Big Brothers, and the very essence of its being... 'Seing a Big Brother is one of ihe miost rewarding experiences in my life," said Richard Horton of Bowmanville, who has been a Big Brother for ten years. "Sharing in the lives of these- boys has enriched my own life,- Horton added. "Seeing Jason grow up over the past few years has been terrific. My own two children love having both little brothers around. 1 believe Jason and Mark have given me somethimg spectal, and 1 wii ne a better parent for it." Richard Horton is an Air Canada pilot and because of his unusual schedule, his littie brothers have to fit into his lifestyle. When together they enjoy skating, playing hockey, or just spending time at the Horton home. Jason's mnother has seen her son grow into a fine young man -even helping out around the hou se. The younger Mark, has been a little brother for about one year, and judging by his perpetual smiling face, is loving it! 11 Horton explains, -1 have always been interested in somehow-getting involved in the community or wvith youngsters. After looking into several fields, 1 know that being a Big Broth.er surpasses them ail. 1 recommend it - from the heart." Big Brothers is a United Way Agency, operating independently within the community. A Big Brother offers the friend- ship of a buddy or a big brother to a boy who has no permanent father figure in his lite... Someone perhaps who can share in sports, hobbies or simply spend time. Both the potential Big and Little Brothers are interviewed in depth, then eventually "matched" with the mosi appropriate partner. The ultimate decision in matching the Little Brother is left up to his mother. P lease cail your local Big Brothers' office for any informa- tion whatsoever. Remnber that this wcck is the annual Bowl for Millions, the Celebrity Grand Finale Bowl wvil held on Saturday, February 17. Sponsors and bowlers are still need- ed. Thank you Rîck Horton, Jason Bagneil and Mark Sausedo for shar- ing some Big Brother moments with US. Little Scoops.. (I-r) Marjorie Brown, Bert 1-ar- rison, tEd Laipeau and (iladys Dines enjoy a eucnre night out. Another euichre pief jre tiex page THE LUNG ASSOCIATION Durham Region WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE MEMORIAL DONATIONS RECEIVED -IN REMEMBRANCE 0F.- Tillie Acton Mrs. Mildred Askew Mildred Ashley Robert Arend George Azzopardi Marg Bailey Blanche Baird Rowena Barclay Mr. Fred Barr Mr. Orvel Bennett M rs. Mary Bernier Mrs. Margaret Bishop Ruth Breen' M rs. Renne Burton Don Christie Hazel Cochrane Jack Colbary H-ilda Constable Ross Cook Fred Cou ter Raymond Cowle James Cumming Mrs. Lola Davidson Mr. Jack Duncan Mrs. Dyke Jack Elliott Erik Erikson Mr. Frank Ferguson Reeve Flarity Mrs. Aima Forbes James Frost Mr. Glendinning Frank Gray Elsie Greentree Dorothy Gregor Jack Gutowski Mr. Kenneth Hartwell Mr. Wm. Hazelton Evelyn Heron- Tony Hickey Claude Hoffman Mr. John Kelly Mr. George Kirtley Wilma Kruithof Mr. Bill Landry Mrs. Noreen Larocque Gerald Law Mrs. A. Lewis Mrs. Annie Lewis Norm Maddock Howarçl Maigie Mr. McAnerin Peter McCormick Mr. Bill MoGuire Gàýdon R. Mcllwain Snr. CatNrifle cKeown Hugh -Miller Marg Miller Mrs. Muriel Morris Robert Newell Mr. John Noble Mrs. Joyce O'Reilly Mr. Lorne Page Mr. P.4rks Mr. Stanley Patterson Timothy Potter Dave Powell. Lester Rathbun Melinda Ross Camillia Samels Donald Schmidll Jim Shetler Mr. Itenry Short Herbert Shuerman Edgar Simotte Mrs. Delta Smith Gladys Smith, Jim Somerville Mr. Edward Spreglewski Margaret Squires Mr. John Szczypciak Mr. Bey Taylor G. Tennant Mrs. B. Thornburn Peter Tom linson Patsy Tuck William Wade Mary Ware Aubrey Weeks James Weldon Mr. Jim Mtite- K. Whyte Jack Wittstock - ('hatiing with cuchire fans Bernice Millugan and Wally lituglien lasi Friday nighî, iî was quite ainlaing thatl the euchre tradition in Newton- ville ha; becut going on ini excess of foty yearsý! We discov rect. tlveryv other week, friends and nieighibours cari gel together for an cujybeevening oui - and last FFn day was rio exce~pion, with sixteen tables. Winners on the draw were: Filcen Stapleton, Norina Moffiii, Marie ('ouroux, I cia McAllister and Helen Couiroux. Top scores came in t'romi Margaret Peacock with 83; Bernice Super 83; Olive Martyn 82; Ed Skinner 80; Hazel Pigoti 79 and Ernie Buckinghanm 79. Everyone always welcoine! THESE THOUGHTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS HELPED FUND PROGRAMS TO ASSIST LOCAL RESIDENTS SUFý:ERING FROM ASTHMA, LUNG CANCER AND EMPHYSEMA "IF ONE LIFE HAS BREA THED EASIER BECA USE YOU HA VE Li VED, YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED " Ralph Waldo Emerson niversary of our Canadian Flag .. .makes us think a littie of what has been happening lately with this French business and where our Country "as a whole" wilI be 25 years fromn now. .."O Canada, we mnust stand on guard for thee..." Feeling the February blahs? A sure quick cure cornes with planting those seeds now, indoors... When 1 felt the soil hýetween my fingers on the weekend, as my husband corn,- mented "Hmnmm Mother Nature at work" it felt absolutely terrific! I have noticed the stores have started putting out seed packages; 1 had saved marigold seed from our garden last season, so here's hoping they will be fooled into thinking spring has arrived, and do their stuff! Thank you, for keeping in touch. Have a safe week and bundie Up, Old Man Winter hasn't bidhis final farewell yet... - - - - - -- g - g-1 gý