8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 14. 1990 SAGA joins forces with STORM Coalition The Save the Ganaraska Again (SAGA) organization which has had considerable success in publicizing environmental concerns of the Ganaraska watershed area and in seeking protective legislation for the headwaters area, has joined a coalition organization known as STORM (Save the Oak Ridges Moraine). SÂCGA came to life in the local area following indications of un- controlled residential development in the Oak Ridges Moraine' in the Kirby to Kendal area in the seventh and eighth concessions of Clarke. Through 'their effort and with support from the Town of Newcas- tle the Ministry of the Environment is now considering some 14 recom- mendations outlined by an En- vironmental Advisory committee. The committee has undertaken a study of the planning process for developmenit in such areas as the Ganaraska. SAGA in joining with STO RM is grouped-.with a coalition of established citizen groups and en- vironmental organizations as well as with acaclemics. Their main pur- pose is to protect-the integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine that runs north of Lake Ontario from Tren- ton to Niagara Falls. These groups have been active on local fronts, but in face of the in- creasing developmental pressures, have united to briTlg a stronger citizen's voice to land use planning issues. They point out that the Moraine is an important geological forma- tion which was built up during the last ice age. t is important as a recharge area for our drinking water for a large portion of the heavily populated area of southern Ontario. The mandate of the STORM Coalition is to seek legislation that will ensure the environmental pro- tection of the Oajç Ridges Moraine. The group has established a strategic plan to achieve its goals. Over the next few months, details of that plan will be released. Kathy Guselle and Niva Rowan has been representing SAGA at the STORM meetings. A strong message came fromn representatives of the Ministry of the Environment recently to members of the Northumiberland Recyclinig committee. Joe Petoria said local mnic*ipalities have no other choice than to carry out recycling as part of a plan to reduce waste going to landfill sites by fifty percent. He said the goverrnment will help with capital costs but that operation costs are the responsibility of the local mun icipalities. Petoria said,"You have got to do it, we hold you responsible". We will help where we can with the pro- grams now in place but its up to you to make a success of recycling. The Northumberland group were told that the overwhelming response to recycIing has created a Semester Two has begun and students are enrolled in their four new classes. Report cards for Semester> One were distributed last week. For many students this will be their last semester at Clarke High School. We wish themn well in their college and university applications. Winter Carnival w ill be held this Thursday. Students will be par- ticipating in downhill skiing, cross country skiing (weather permitting), in-school events as well as cheering the Clarke High School Hockey Teain in a tournament at Newcastle Arena. Career Choices Deciding on the career that will shape your child's- future is -o of the most important choices that they will ever make. The Ontario governiment recently introduced special initiatives to in- terest more people, both men and women, in trades and technology. Tralning in new occupations is being offered in response to market dlerands. In conjuniction, ,Aith the Ministry of Skills and Development, and the backlog in ministry work and it is taking six to eight weeks to get ac- counts paid. North uniberland Recycling is in debt to the tunie of $82.000._ The Ministry representative were asked why the province wasn't do- ing mor e to legislation waste at the source rather than allowing the municipalities handling more and more \waste. The Ministry reps said regula- tions were niot the answer and the industry-generated bodies such' as Ontario Multi-Material Recycling Industry group are the best solu- tion. This organization with membership in the bottling industry and soft drink industry do supply some funding for recycling pro- grams throughout the province. Ministry of Education, the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education is sponsoring an an- nual Trades and Technology Career Week. The target groups are Grades 9 and 10. Durîng the week of Fe bruary 26 to March 2 over 100 Clarke High School students will visit Communi- ty Colleges, will hear specialists in trades speak at the school and will see a series of videos on trades and technology. Dance-a-thon The Clarke Senior Band will be holding a dance-a-thon from 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, 'February 22 through to 8:00 a.m. on Friday, February 23. Since Friday is a P.A. day students will have the day to recover from twelve hours of dancing. Food and drink wîll be provided and the dance will be chaperoned. Last year's event turned out to bc a big success and we are looking for- ward to1 this year's event. Ail students are invited to participate. Sports News Clarke High School midget boys basketball team has had a very suc- cessful year so far in league play., Their record to date is 6 wins and 3 losses and they are in a tough battie for a playoff spot. Clarke is led by its two captgins Mark Tranter and Todd Jones, the leaders in offense and defense. Kevin Louws and Trevor Lomax are two of the better f irst year players in the league and as well are consistently among the game high scoring leaders. Mike Gunter and Scott Hall are two strong post players who dominate the backboards on many games. Kristian Dart and Chris Yeo lead the teamn with steals. Dan Winters, Phil Plath and Todd Graves are three first year players with potential to help make Clarke a team to contend with in the future. Clarke still has important games to play aganst Cobourg East and Cobourg West which will decide whether Clarke qualifies for the playoffs or not. So far'a very suc- cessful season and one of the better midget teams Clarke has had for a number of years. COMING EVENTS February 15, 1990 Winter Carnival February 22, 1990 Dance-a-thon February 23, 1990 P.A. Day February 28, 1990 Studenrt Council Elections Town.of Newcastle Fire C alis for week The following fîre calîs were received by the Town of Newcastle Pire Departments_ during the week of February 5 to February 11, 1990. Monday, February 5 at 3:56 p.m. a motor vehicle accident at 3rd Line Clarke and Golf Course road, at 5:58 p.m. a heater on fire in culvert at Nash Road west of Courtice Road. Wednesday, February 7 at 4:01 p.m. at 32 John Scott Avenue a house full of smoke; at 9:04 p.m. a rubbish fire at southwest corner of Newtonville Road and #2 Highway. Friday, February 9 at 2:53 p.m. a vehicle accident Hwy. .401 west- bound east of Liberty Street, Bowmanville. ATTENTION, SUPPORTERS 0F THE ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY On May 12th ail registered members of the Progressive Conservative Par- ty will have, for the first tîme, the opportunity -of voting directly to elect the new leader of the party. HAVE YOUR VOTE COUNT ON MAY 12TH, 1990 TO VOTE - You MUST have a 1990 membership ($3.00) and MUST be registered with the local PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIA- TION $1000 registration fee) ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18TH, 1990. If you live in the Town of Newcastle east of Regional Road 42 then your local association is the Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association. To become a member and register to vote, please co mplete the coupon below and enclose a cheque or money order for $13.00 payable to: Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association. For further information contact: David Noble,, Membership Secretary, 987-5594 Brian Caswell, President, 786-2465 Sam Cureatz MPP Durham East Clarke-Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association To: Mr. David Noble, R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1 HO Yes, 1 would like to become a member of the Clarke-Newcastle Pro- gressive Conservative Association and register to vote for-the new leader on May 12th, 1990. NAME ................................. ......... ADDRESS .......................................... POSTAL CODE........ ....... PHONE ý............ Cheque or money order for $13.00 enclosed. Recycling -1resp onsibility of municipalities Clarke xHigh, Sehool Report /IIPCIÇZý1-7