4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,, February 21, 1990 SPRT The Orono Tyke teams-, Paul Landers,,Jamie Parry, Bobby Standeven, Matthew Reid, Mike Roughley Insurance and J & M Witheridge, Greg Bester, Greg Gibson, Brandon His, Jeff Customing Framing combined their Shetier, Bradley Copping, Tyler Thompson anid Andrewv Beacock. efforts to becomie "B" finalists at a Robinson, Brandon Caruania, Art Absent - Jake Bonnetta, Kyle two day tournament in Bowman- Reid (coach for- Roughley In- Mloore, David Lammers, ville February lth and I lth. surance), Rob GCibson (ass't coach Chiristopher Bouley and Brodie Pictured above back row: (I-r) for Roughley Insurance). Front row Huttoni. Jerry Thompson (coach for J & M) (I-r) Jonathan Black,_ Justin AR Clarke High School Parènt Teacher Liaison Committee MEETING Wednes. February 28 7:00 p.m. at CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL "Helping Your Teenager Cope With Loss" Guesi Speaker: VER NA SHACKLETON, CRISIS INTERVENTION OFFICER Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education J&M Custom Tykes, skate to victory On, Saturday, February 17th the Orono Tykes with the support of 4 players from the Roughley, In- surance Tykes defeated Skylight Donuts teamn front Bowmaville. Bowmanville put up a strong effort although they were short 4 players who were at at tournament. The Custom Tykes came storming out of t he dressing room and opened up a 3-0 lead at the end of the first period.* Orono's first goal was* scored by Jeffrey Thomipson assisted by Greg Shetier and Brani- don His. Jeffrey Thompson scored again on a very nice set-up frcinm Tyler Robinson. The next Orono goal was scored by Brandon Caruana- assisted by Jonathan Council Briefs By-law enforcement report»t the ,General Purpose commiiittee outlined some 233 new occurances d uring January while 195 such cases were closed during the period. At the end of the month 273 occurances were still open, Occurances on the most part cen- tre arouind property standards and zoning violations. Skateboards and noise are also well up on the ist. Monies from parking meters and fines during january totaled $9.017.00. This compares with a figure of $6,118,10 in January of 1989. The basic remuneration' and ex- pense allowance for Mayor Hub- bard in 1989 was $26,772.00. With mileage and conventions the total came to $27,764.96. Counce. Hamre with a basic pay of $8,08 1.39 and expense allowance received $12,121.95. With the addi- tion of $1381.48 for mileage, con- vention costs and other the total reached $14,422.02. Couinc. Hannah with the basic of $12,121.95 and the highest cos)t for convenition at $1,194.55 reached a total of $13,683.64. Counce. 1Deegan reached a total.of Black and Paul Landers. In the se- cond period Orono struck for 2 more goals, the first by Bobby WVitheridge unassisted. The second goal was by Andrewý Beacock from Jamie Parry anid Brodie Hlutton. In the third period Orono completed the games scoring with 2 more goàls for a 7-0 victory. the first score of the third period was ant unassisted effort by Jonathan Black. The final goal of the game wNas an unassisted rush by Bobby Witheridge. Mike Gibsoni earnied the shut-out miaking sorte key stops, excellenit effort by ail the Oronio players. Ne.xt gamèé Friday, February 23 at 7:15 p.m. against Bowmianv\ille I. D.A. Drugs. $13,037.53 while Counc. Hooper, Stap leto n and Wotton were no more than a few hundred dollars above the basic $12,121.95. fi YES! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cati the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotine 1 -806-668-AIDS FOR DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE Phone Wakefield Insurance The Town has granted approval f'or Mr. D. E. Leach to open 1000 f'eet of road allowance on the eighth concession of Clarke between lots 12 and 13. The permission is granted on the condition that Leach satisfy aIl requiremnents of the Town, financial and otherwise. E E The War Amps is a Canadian organiza- tdon that offers specialized assistance - both social and financial - to amp utees of ail ages, like "Ambassador-At-Large" Chris Koch. By practising our philos- ophy of amputees helping amputees. Chris encourages, other . hamps to become part of the Winner's Circle. The War Amputations of Canada National ersîdreriv Nat7 ioleadqurter 1? Ottawa, Ontano KIV C (613) 731-3821 Chadta-bIe Regstraton No 0286831 09