8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 21, 1990 "Sailing on thé Age Wave" The Blackhorse Vllage 1-'ayers The play explores the myths and The production is made possible came to-town a week ago Saturday realities of aging and its relationship through a grant from Theatre On- with their presentation of "Sailing to recreation and leisure. tario funded by the Ministry of on the Age Wave".- They were It was billed as family entertain- Tourism and Recreation and pro- greeted by a good attendance at the ment but certainly was not geared moted locally by the Orono Town Orono Town Hall, almost one hun- to the many youngsters wo were in Hall Board. dred for- the afternioont presenta- attendance. Pictured above Barbara Sinclair, tion. David Gîerak and MaRgie King. Clarke Museum 'and Archives Update The following slate of officers for the Clarke Museum and Archives Board of Directors were elected at the Board's regular monthly meeting, 08 Januiary, 1990. The posi- tions are for a one-year term ,ending Decemiber 31, 1990: Chairnian - Mrs. Hlelen Mac- Donald; Vice-chairmian - Mrs. Don- na Robins; Treasurer - Ms Kathryn. Dennis; Executive Secretary - Mrs. Nancy Scott; Honourary Past Chair- man - Mr. Derek Barnett. One residential building permit for January In a report to the General Pur- pose committee on Monday 'the planning department outlined Il building permits issued during the month of January with one of the elev en being for a single family resi- dent. The miajority of the 11, 5 were for demiolition while 3 Aere for ad- ditions and alterdttions. During 1989 181- new residential units were constructed in Bowman- ville with 262 in Newcastle Village and 697Âin Courtice area. In the rural areas 77 units were constructed in Darlington with 49 in Clarke and 44 in Ridge Pine Park. Enniskillen saw the most activity in residential construction with 21 follpwed by Burketon Station with Il units. Solina was the next on the list with 4. Teachers and. board agre Last Friday thec negotiating teamis for the Nort humb erland and Newcastle Board of Educat ion and their 800) elemientary teachiers camec to terms on contract negotiations. They reached a tentative agree- ment after two days of talk with)a mediator. Details of the contract have not been made public Ibut mai;jor jies included comnpensajtji, hclts1 and wvorkinig coniditionsý. Th-e teachiers and thec board hav'e been wýithout a contraci ilice August of 1989. Thle board hias, 13,000) elentiai sehool students of which 5,000 are in the Town of Newcastle. In addition, the following have been appointed to serve as Commit- tee Chairs for the Museum inpoicy standing committees: Collections Committee - Mrs. Helen Schmid; Finance/Fuindraising Committee - Mrs. Donna Robins; Personnel Committee - Mrs. Donna Robins; Publicity/Promo- tion/Special Events Commîttee - Mrs. Nancy Scott; Building Com- mittee/Stee.ring Committee for Capital Expansion - Mr, Derek Barnett; Ad-Hoc Oral History Pro- ject - Mr. Der ek Barnett; Ad-Hoc By-Law Steering Committee - Mr. Derek Barnett; Volunteer Commit- tee - Mrs. Norma Lee. sally staples sales'represenitative 3 ACRES - WOODS & STREAM Spacious raised bungalow, dining room walkout to deck, finished rec. room with fireplace. Lots of potential for livestock with small barn and fences. Orono area. ... . . . . .... . .1. . . .$191,000 BRIGHT, AIRY and OPEN 1 ½, storey with lots of natural pine, master bedroom loft, new roof, new windows, new vinyl siding, insulation, wiring, on large Village lot.- $159,000 From A round the Region (C'ontinuled frrom page 7) Lat earl the project was in- strumnental in, gaining information to solve eighteen crimes in the court- ty involving, 27 offenders and the return of $56,900 in stolen proper- ty. Region set to miove on housing plan The Planning department of the Regfion of Durham is now prepared to undertake thle impflemientation of a new provincial housing policy, in- OUAUITY P14ODUCTS BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Du rharn Farmers' County TAUNTON RD. & HWY 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 TOLL FREE (Area Code 416) 1-800-263-7805 SALLY STAPLES cluingii a cal lor more affordable housing. A proposed wýork program ait planning catIsý for the departmient to. develop interim guidelines and to review aIl inew residential applica- tions as to housing mix and affor- dability. This> will continue until such time as a housing strategy is developed. How to break into European markets The Region's economic develop- ment departrâent held a breakfast meeting for industries and other jin- terested in breaking into the Furo- pean market. The meeting was held last Mon- day. Il'il Work Hard For You 623-6000 A "CENTURY GEM" - $149,900 Absolutely unique! Mellowed pine floors, antique stairway, high ceilings, restoration perfected with period details, on a large fenced lot in pictures- que Village of Bethany. Excellent North-East Oshawa Location 3 bedroom semi with finished rec. room near toschools and shopping $1 50,900 9.5% Mortgage , Elegant curving Oak staircase leading to library nook and den, complete spa room - sauna and whirlpool. Large kitchen wit-h walkout. famîly room with fîreplace, garage. $239,000 STEEVES' AUTO SUPPLY A complet. line ai AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR end SUPPLY PARTS for Domestlc & Import CMr 216 King St. E. N EWCASTLE 987-1657, 987-1658 Monday.- Friday 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 1:00