Told Metro, could, be ksued Hf garbage flot taken From a news report in a recent issue of the Toronto Star Metro Toronto is calling a meeting for May l6th to discuss the impending crisis with their garbage disposai. The' meeting is to, include representatives froin businesses and industries as wellas other interested parties.ý Metros legal department has told the politicians they have a legal obligation to provide waste disposai for residents of the Metro area. They also said there is no legal obligation for other waste, that cornes from commercial, industrial operations. The politicians were told that a private citizen could sue Metro if commercial, industrial waste was filling up landfill site so. that residents had no place to put their Looking for Logo des ig n Students of grades 7 to 12 in the Town of Newcastle have an oppor- tunity in putting their artistic skills to work. The Port Granby- Newcastle Environmient Coniîttee is sponisoring a Logo comrpetition which continues until March 31Ist. The winining logo w;ill be used on T-Shirts and tetterheads. Entries should be simple, black on white and make reference to the Port Granby-Newcastle Environment Committee. ! The committee continues to monitor the Port Granby low-level nuclear waste si te and in general in- creases awarençss of environmental issues. Bush for profit (Continued from page 8) Association, c/o Mr. Peter Ken- nedy, R.R.l, Millbrook, Ontario, LOA IGO. lt's almost sugaring time again and most of the local Conservation Authorities provide opportunities for observing maple syrup opera- tions. Times and places of maple syrup demonstrations are available by contacting: the Conservation Authority in yo ur area. Durham Regional CRIME. STOPPERS Support Them Beat the Spring Rush Renew! Refinish! Revamp! NOW! T&R Renovations Phone: TED ROBINSON Pontypool i1-705-277-3344 waste. Paul Christie, chairman of public works committee said sooner or later the private sector would have to be cut off and this would put a great damper on the Toronto economy. The Metro Keele Valley and Brock West dumps are to close in the beginning of 1993 and they are fast filling. In-the -meantime Gary Herrema has had to postpone a Region of Durham meeting to study an agree- ment betweein Metro and Durham ion a temnporary dump in the Whîtevale area. Herremha expects that the meeting could be called by the end of the month when lawyers for both sides would have the agree- ment ready for council's perusal. Entries should be sent to Jean Payne, R.R. 1 Newtonville, LOA I O by March 3lst. Don't forget to attach namne, address and phone niumber and school on the back., ýWinners are to be announced on April l6th. Orono Wçekly Times, Wednesday, March 14, 1990-9 of WaIIs and Trim - Wall Papering Complète -Basement Renovations -Bathroom Reno vations Ceramie Tile, Tub Installation 1-416-983-9557 Fennardo Vizza FOR FULL TRAVEL INSURANCE Phone Wakefield Insurance Home is where the heart is, a gracious and charming O-rono home. Must to see! Cali Carol Gilbank, Sales Rep., (41 6) 579-310-3 Res. or (416) 723-5281, Century 21 Guide Realty Limited, REALTOR. VIEWERS CHOIC'OE VIDEO & T.V.. INC. MAIN STREET, ORONO VIDEO AND FA MIL Y EN TER TA INMEN T CEN TRE VIDEO (1500 in stock) POOL TABLES ARCADE MACHINES 983-M9 8 90 0 Let me take some of the work and worry out of your next move. GRACE PEACOCK Sales Representative Bus. 436-8727 Res. 983-5194 PC eput eEi -xceIIeUre Are you thinking of buying, selling or are ln need of Real Estate adlvice? Feel f ree to contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE GAGNON. The CATERING %ýX ýY CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING'. Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred& Patricîa Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R i1 ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1iMO ON HWY, 115 &35, PHONE (416) 983-9151 e - -- em ~ X~,S_4td*M ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST., 623-5480 < 13OWMANVILLE OFF STREET PARKING AREA« PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE mmmm