1O-Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednes day, March 21, 1990 Public Notice To Its. Citi zens SECONDARY PLAN FOR THE HAMIET 0F ORONO AMIENDMENTS TO THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE'S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 NOTICE le hereby given of a Public Meeting ta be held on Mon- day, April .23, 1990 in respect of the following: 1> a proposed Secondary Plan for the Hamiet of Orana; and 2) pursuant ta Section 34(12) of the Planning Act and in accordance with Regulation 404183, propased amend- ments ta By-law 84-63, the Town of Newcastle's Com- prehensive Zoning By-law. The 8econdary Plan for the Hamiet of Orano and the related palicies, once approved by the Town &fNewcastle, the Regian of Durham and the Ministry of Municipal Affaîrs, wilI form part of the Town of Newcastle Officiai Plan. The effect of the proposed amendments ta the Town of Newcas- tle's Camprehensive Zoning By-law, which wauld implement the Orono Secondary Plan, wauld be as follows: 1> in the Urban Residential Exception (R1-2) zone (as shawn), ta increas e the minimum' lot area requirement tram 695 square metres ta 2000 square metres, and ta i ncrease the minimum lot f rontage requirement from 20 metres ta 25 metres; 2> in the Urban Residential Exception (R1-13> zone (as shawn), ta increase the minimum lot area requirement tram 695 square metres ta 4000 square metres, and ta increase the minimum lot frantage requirement from 20 metres ta 30 metres; 3) ta rezone lands in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke (as shown) tram 'Urban Residential Exception (RI-2> Zone' ta 'Agricultural (A) Zone'; 4) to rezane lands in Part Lot 29, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke (as shown) from 'Agricultural (A)' ta 'Urban Residential Exception (R1-13) Zone'; 5> ta rezone lands in Part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke (as shown) from 'Urban Residential Excepti on (Rl-13) Zone' ta'Agricultural Exception (A-1) Zone'. Please note that the amended frontage and area requirements for the 'R1-2' and the 'Rl-13' zones anly apply ta the creation of new lots. It does not affect the use of any existing lots in these zones which may have a lesser lot area andior frontage. Copies of the proposed Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Orono and the proposed zoning by-law amendiments, and explanations and details of the properties affected, may be abtained during normal office hours from, the offices of the Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Further information may aIea be obtained by calling Janice Szwarz of the Planning Department at 623-3379 or The Public Meeting for the Orono Secondary Plan and for the zoning by-law amendments, as required pursuant ta Section 34(12) of the Planning Act, will be held as follows: DATE- TIME: PLACE: Monday, April 23, 1990 9-30 a.m. Council Chambers, Municipal Adm inistration Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville The mieeting shali be open ta, the public a nd any persan who at- tends shaI I be afforded an opportunity-to make representation in respect of the proppeed Orono Secondary Plan and Zoning- By- law Amendments. Pattie Barrie, Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 PLANNING FILE: OP 3.11 DEV 90-29 ZONINO BY-LAW SCHEDULE - ORONO ZONING CHANGE FROM 'R1-2' TO 'A ZONING CHANGE FROM 'A' TO 'R1-13' ZONING CHANGE FROM 'R1 -13' TO 'A-1' Date of Publication: Wednesday, March 21, 1990 LOT> 2 8 LOT 'fi Ai A A LOT 29 Il Z Il O Il Il C/> il LAJ 'I "C> A' LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 P.O. A2368