O(rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 28,. 1990-13 Classifieds CARD'0F THANKS I would lke to extend a sincere thank you to friends' and relatives for their cais, cards, lowers, gifts and visits while 1 was a patient in Oshawa Generat Hospital. Alil were very much appreciated. Muricd Patton 28ap The faiiy of the late Fred Yeo wouid like to thank al the neighbours. especially Bruce and Ruth Yeo, friends and card party associates for ail your understanding and fellowship towards Fred over the years. It ail mneant a grea t deai to him. "Thank you". May Fred Rest in Peace. Annie Sharpe and Famiiy Roy and Ann Camneron and Daria Patricia Boundy's Family 28,ap The family of the late Cii- ford "Nip" Cooper wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of -à dear father and grandfather. A special thanks to Pastor Ronn Young for his kind words, Heather Rebekah Lodge for the iovely lunch, Dr. Spruyt, Ist Floor Nurses5 at Bowmanville Hospital and a special thanks to Morris Funeral Chapel for their kind- ness. Your kindness wili always be remtembered. The Cooper Family DEATH NOTICE YEO - Frederick G. At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Thursday, March 22nd, 1990, in his 82nd year. Fred betoved bus- band of the late Ellen Camneron, ioved step-father of Roy Camneron and bis wife Ann of Bowmanville. Dear brother of Annie Sharpe of Cavan. Dear uncle of Louise Whitney and lier husanbd Rick, Laura Cox and hier husband Larry, Bruce Sharpe, Bruce Boundy and his wife Mary. Loving grand- father of Darla Camneron. Great uncie of Mark and Scott Whitney. The brother of the late Marion Yeo and Patricia Boundy. Friends were able to cati at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville on Friday. Funerat Ser- vice wý,as heid in the chapel on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. 'Spring intermrent Orono Cemnetery. Donations to the Heart and Stroke, Foundation or Alzheimer Society would be gratefu[ly appreciated. 28,ac STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanviîle, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 GranritaMonuments, Markers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or showroom appoiniments available Serving ali faiths References availabie on request Afier Helurs Caîl Oshawa 1-416-579-1116 -à u, Moito. FREE TO GOOD HOME Free to good home Ger- man/Short H-aired Pointer mix, 21/ year old spayed female, very good guard dog, gentle, phone 983-5071. 28.ac CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1990 guide to study-at- home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping,_Business, Cos- metology, Electronics, Legal/- Medical Secretary, Psy- chology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-8W-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestemn Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: South- western Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR.#5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 53 7-2115. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265- 7173. YOIJR FUTURE starts with... Tri- County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265- 0400. Cambridge. HOME STUDY DIPLOMA, PROGRAMS. Prepare for a better career at home, in your spare time! Low tuition fees! Payment plan. Job search assistance Many courses available. FREE BROCHURE CCTS 1-800-668-1213. APARTMENT/CONDOMIN- UMManagers correspon- dence course. Government approved. Induslry «recogized. 400 graduates now workîng due to our free placement service. RMTI, 1120-789 W. Pender, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1112, (604) 681-5456. HELP WANTED START NOW! IF YOU ... want instant earnings, unlimited potential, job flexibility, independence, and love beautiful lingerie and clothing. Caîl collect (416) 632-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASHIONS. (Est. 1975). EARN $50,000 a year for assisting us in advertising log home living. No selling involved. Full or part-time positions. Information pack- age. PACIFIC WESTERN CUSTOM LOG BUILDINGS INC., Advertising Dept., Box 267, Atikokan, Ontario, POT ICO. FOR FULLTRAVEL INSURANCE FIGURE SKATING profess- ional coach required by northwestern Ontario club, September,1990; Recreational and test programs. Send resume, Sioux Lookout Figure Skating Club, Box 656, Sioux Lookout, POV 2TU or Fax c/o (807) 737-2614. HAIRDRESSERS. Part time technician with flexible schedule required. Tube colo ur experience essential. Traning provided. Will suit outgoing person with goodcommunic- ation ability. Cali Jackie 1- 800-268-2242. MATURE AND STUDENT applications being accepted for summer employment at Chatenu Woodland, Halibur- ton. Cook, baker, dining room manager, social director, waiter/waitresses, bartender, housekeepers, office and children's program. Accom- modation available. Write: 1 Suigrave Cres., Willowdale, Ont M2L 1W5. ATTENTION SCIENCE GRADS: On-Site places unemployed professionals in companies working on waste- management projects. Candi-, dates must be eligible to collect or bc collecting U.I. Benefits. on-Site increases benefits to '$384. weekly during the six month term position. Candidates should possess a degree or diploma in engineering, chemîstry, environmental studies or- related discipline. Good chances for permanent employment. Please forward resume to: 2652A Danforth Ave. Toronto, M4C IL7 or 500-251 Laurier Ave. Ottawa, KIF 5J6. BUSINESS OPPS. TAX REFORM OPPORTUN- ITIES! Learn Income Tax Preparation by correspond- ence. Tax deductible certif- icate courses. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembîna HiEghway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665- 5144. Also enquire about exclusive franchise territories across Canada. RAISE CHINCHILLAS for extra incomne. We offer graded breeding stock, cages, feed, delivery, instruction. Full tirne income potential. Guaranteed market. Guaranteed produc- tion. Canadian Chinchilla, Box 1684, St. Marys, Ontario, NOM 2V0, (519) 229-6117. HAIR LOSS! -As seen on national tv. The greatest Helsinki Formula ever, now >available in Ontario. S85 for nine month supply. Phone (416),631-4522. Distributor inquiries welcome! Beat the Spring Rush Renew! Refinish! Revamp NOW! T& R Renovations nhe CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Annîversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 COMPt.ETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESÊL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUJCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1 ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBi1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151. ~ Xd~N_4e4.ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST., 6a23-5480 BOWMANVILLE OFF STREET PARKING AREA PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Let me take ~'some of the work Sand worry out of your next move. ~GRACE PEACOCK Sales Representative Bus. 436-8727 Res. 983-519 ,B~c put thé n ýxr11ruce --- - oe ýý - Rýllý 1 1 ' - -- -