Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March, 28, 1990-3 Kirby Burger adds bakery and deli Kirby Burger is now open seven the introduction of a i-iternal In speaking with Randy Reid the days a week with a new look and Bakery and Deli providing the ser- officiaI opening wilI be held on added services. Over the past vices of these two products to the Easter week-end, Saturday, April number of months a new addition general public. l4th. He notes that Kirby Burger to the Kirby operation has been In the near future a patio deck is still provides home-made beef completed by almost doubling the expected to be completed at the burgers and home-made fries. floor space.exnsoha front of Kirby Burgers allowing for Pictured above are Barb Shetler, This newexeso a allowed sheltered tables and umbrellas. Tanya Hyland and Randy Reid. Council Briefs Karen Martin of the Bowmanville Concern For Life1 organization ad- dressed council asking that the week of May 21st to 271th be declared Respect For Life Week in the Town of Newcastle. She outlined the aims of the Non- Profit organization as being educa- tional and that they suipplied books and information as to the value of human life. She said the organiza- tibn held a public mecetings as well as providing books for the schools as well as speakers and help. Council passed a resolution declaring the week, "Respect For Life Week". Council supported Cordon White, president of the Port DarI- ington Community Association, in calling for the Ministry of the En- vironment to order an. En- vironmental Assessment Hearing for the proposed expansion of St. Mary's Cernent. White said the group did not want to stop the expansion plans but did want to be assured that the quality of life would be maintained in the area as a result of the expan- sion. He also said they had written to St. Mary's on nine occasions and only had one of their letters replied to. He also said the group has flot been able to get a reply from the Ministry as to their-request for an Environmental hearing. Mayor Hubbard said counicîl had also asked for a hearing and that in somne cases it take up to two and a haîf years to gain a reply from the Ministry. White was assured his group had the support of counicil in the re- quest for a hearing. Bill Robertson of Canada Post spoke to council outlining the aims of Canada Post in making their ser- vice moreaccessible through an in- crease in postal outlets by one third. He also spoke of the reliability of the service ana that in generai peo- pie were satisfied with the postal service. ftvmrrtson saîutfInzrê s [wy opposition to change. He assured counicil members that there were no plans in the works at this time for the closing of any post office within the Town's boundaries including Newtonville. Kendal, Orono and Newcastle. He informed council that Canada Post charges were the se- cond Iowest in the world. Council tabi'?d a plan to have a chain-link fence erected along the Foster Creek in Newcastle Village. John Thorne, a resident of the sub- division, armed with a petition, said he and his neigh bours did not want to be fenced in. (Continued page 5) My first dollar bill For a change Bill Bunting and 1 decided we would change our venue for birdwatching last Sunday and the choice wasn't too difficult.,, For some time we had felt we should take sorte time to visit the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto where anl exhibition' of bird photographs were on display and of which Jim Richards of Orono was included as one of the exhibitors. The GO Train seemed the easiest approach to get into downtown Toronto and it did eliminate any problem o f finding a parking space somnewhere near the Royal Ontario Museum. With the Royal Ontario Museum opening at ten we were in Whitby at nine only to find we had almost a two houfr wait for the first train. Il was an opportunity to visit the marsh at Lynde Shores south in Wh itby and we found the marsh pond to be filed with Canada Geese in *the majority along with some ducks. Other than two Snow Geese in the bitue stage there was nothing new for our listing for this year oth er than sparrows fliting through the long grasses and bushes. For us it was an early viewing of a swamp sparrow and hosis of song sparrows and American Tree Sparrows. Finally arriving at the Royal On- tario Museum and with neither in any greai rush we first took in the, Planetarium show and ail the wonders of the universe up to this point and time. Bill has a good insight into photography being somewhat of anl amateur photographer and statedi after viewing the forty some cex- hibits thàt Jimi Richards hadi possîbly the best scîeccion of photographs in the showiiîg. Cer- t ainly il was cvicîiit liai [maiiyof Ilis piclures wee oihirds ihla arc ,lot i liai casily phol ograplhcd, I lie tsi Blieru aîd soi.a. Aitligi ît~wo birds arc couîîîoiiihcy are secretive in their marsh habitat and Richards had to spend a lot of time, effort and employ ingenuity to gain the excellent outcome. 0f course we took in other ex- hibits at the Royal Ontario Museum from the Bat Cave to the Dinosaur exhibit but I have neyer been too impressed with caged or stuffed animais and birds. The exception was that a comparision could be made to the wing span of a Nor- thern Goshawk to that of a Red Tailed Hawk and to see the monst :rous wing span of the Albatros. It is not that often that I have been at the Royal Ontario Museum but Sunday did recaîl the first visit at least some fîfty-five years ago. My dad and mother had given me a one dollar bill for the trip, the most money I had ever had. 1 remember continuously checking to make sure it was still in my pocket, What a disappointment when I stepped off on the sidewalk in front of the Royal Ontario Museum 'ànd the dollar bill had disappeared. It was as if if had happened yesterdayand the memory is still implanied somewhere in the back of my mind. I feiu sorry for my dad and moi her who possibly had made some kind of sacrifice so 1 could have the dollar. What a difference a dollar was then. Region saying "Don'( post signs on regional roads The Region of' Durhami has pass- cd a by-law niaking it illegal to post signs o n Regional Road houvievards. Firnes irange froin $2WX for the fi rsi o îclîce I o $ I(XX) lorI ille ihi rd alid Stibscqueni utffeccs. l'lite bv-laiw .lso allows foi- the i cnoval of, tlic siglîs by regional si a f aid police. Letter reveals no Iights for Orono under- pass The below, letter was receîved by Sam Cureatz from the Minister of Transportation concerning a re- quest for underpass lighting at Orono underpass. Dear Mr. Cureatz: Thi s is in response to your letter of January 23, 1990 regarding the need for illumination at the over- pass of Highway 35/115 and Main Street (formerly Mill Street). 1 'requested our central Region Traffic Office to review the in- tersection" of the l-ighway 35/l15 overpass road (Clarke 5th Conces- sio n) and Main Street (Durham Regional Road 17), south of Orono. 1 have been advised by my staff that illumination is not re- quired at this location. This deci- sion is based on an analysis of traf- fic volumes, pedestrian access, night time operations, and visibili- ty. Ail of the above conditions have been deemed to be satifactory wthout the installation of illu mina- tion. When Highway 35/115 was widened to a four lane cross-section the Ministry installed partial il- lumination at the on and off ramps of Highway 35/115 and Main Street. Illumination was not war- ranted ai the intersection of Clarke th Concessio n and Main Street and the recent review of this area has confirmed that there is neither a nighutlime accident problem, nor a visîbiliîy problem. With reference to your constituent's infquiry, the lighi by Harold Moffat's on post No. 2 was provided for the l-lihway 35/115 southbound ramp at Main Street as part of the above mientioncd wideîîing project. As the intersection of~ Main Street aind Clarke Sihi Concession is cur- rcilvy opcrating satisfactonilv, we, do*nul plan io instaîl illumination. 'Flic 'Town (if Newcastle has tlhc op- tion of providing illuminîation iii I hl is ai ca alilits owiî cxpciîse, aind lias becu cuiîiactcd iin îhe past regarding illis optioni. I trust this explaiîs Ihle Miîîisîry's position (oi1 this imalter. Silicerclv, William Wrye. S4eAround -o He- Doug Notion Benef it Hockey Game Durham Regional Police Ys. Newcastle Midgets Sunday, April isi, 1990 4:30 P. M. Newcastle Arena Admission $3.00 Dr., Mariene, Spruyt wishes to announce the relocation of her practice 1to her residence at' 87 Mili Street North Newcastle (2nd Floor) effective April 1, 1990 Phone 987-1896 Spring Special Bunk Beds $1 65.00 Limited Quantity Country Treasure Store H-wy. 115/35 North of Kifby at the 8th Concession 983-5412 . . .... . . ........